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Everything posted by TheRevanchist

  1. Yes. And, for the most part, they both have emotional issues. That's why I quit using FB a long time ago. My email keeps tellling me I have messages on FB, too. I don't care. I'm avoiding the crazies and their daily affirmations.
  2. Two whole pages about pizza? Can we get a whole thread just for pizza?
  3. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dmobile-apps&field-keywords=Star%20Wars%3A%20Knights%20of%20the%20Old%20Republic Just got KoTOR for my Kindle. The app is on sale for $2.99 at Amazon.
  4. Bundles for everyone! http://slickdeals.net/f/7826473-gog-com-star-wars-sale-10-action-games-for-22-77-off-and-more
  5. Gerb's birthday today?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      Thanks guys. On holiday at the moment so having to ration the love on here. Hope you're coping.

    3. SomTervo


      Fappy Girthday, Hlying Berbil!

    4. SomTervo


      ... That's the first time my "spoonerise name for birthday wishes" gambit has ever created a full-blown sexual innuendo

  6. Is everyone in Baltimore an asshole?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      And, when all is done, someone is going to ask for help to get on their feet. Who is going to help? What help can they offer when they have nothing left to give?

    3. TheRevanchist


      I watch the news ONCE during the entire year so far, and I regret everything.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Everyone everywhere is an asshole, in one way or another.

  7. I'll trade you my Dell printer for the Russian chicks ad. I'll even throw in some NSFWallet ads, too.
  8. Chewie was about 200 years old at the time of ANH. So, he's about midlife.
  9. For me, trying to understand and learn it is half the fun. In college, we got to sample a bunch of old English. That was some of the hardest stuff to understand. The notes for one page of The Canterbury Tales took up most of the page. However, they were essential to be able to understand the writing or speak it. Then, we got introduced to some linguistics person who could speak and pronounce all of it properly. Thank God we all speak the Presidents English these days (and, yes, that is me having fun trolling).
  10. iLove iZombie. The show doesn't try to take itself too seriously, and that is where the magic is. The campy style without trying too hard works.
  11. You will love the next season. It's back to good form.
  12. Malicious, as much as I like you, I'm afraid I must negate your POV in this matter, as you would enjoy Rock Simulator way too much.
  13. If they don't want kids to play the game, only enable peaceful mode. That will bore them almost as badly as Rock Simulator.
  14. I could not sit through a full episode of it, even if it does have Terry Crews. Andy Samberg is the real problem with the show. He is not that good anymore.
  15. The wife needs a new phone, without complication. The iPhone seems to be the way to go in order to keep it simplistic, which I am not sold on completely. I am also curious if someone has some advice as to a carrier. I've had my ATT service since the dawn of time, but my contract is up in a few weeks and I think the cell market is more customer friendly now than it was a couple of years ago. Thoughts? Dissertations? Edit: Crap. Wrong place to post. TME, Dean, please move it to the appropriate home. Thanks.
  16. Small local SciFi convention next weekend. Think I might go.

    1. TCP


      What will you dress up as?

    2. TheRevanchist
  17. I normally don't care about celebrities dying. But, Spock was my hero. I used to lay for hours at night dividing the digits on the clocks to find LCDs for each hour and minute of time. I was depressed for days after watching ST2. I would documentaries that he voiced over, just because he did the work. LLAP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Oh man, that's a bummer. I heard about him being rushed to the hospital just a few days ago. :(

    3. Pojodin
    4. Vecha


      :/ So sad...I know this is a selfish thought but seeing several of my childhood stars makes me really think about my own mortality.


      I hope he is having a blast among the stars.

  18. A bunch of a-holes all sue each other so they can siphon money out of each other. Frankly, TME should be happy about this and the state of his profession. The only winners in this are the lawyers.
  19. Damn auto-correct must have changed 'orifice'.
  20. http://amzn.com/B006J97RSO Only $4.88 at Amazon, for PC download. SEGA 48-Game Mega Arcade Pack Includes 48 Games: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Alien Soldier Alien Storm Altered Beast Bio-Hazard Battle Bonanza Bros. Columns Columns III Comix Zone Crack Down Decap Attack Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Ecco Jr. Ecco the Dolphin Ecco: The Tides of Time ESWAT: City Under Siege Eternal Champions Fatal Labyrinth Flicky Gain Ground Galaxy Force II Golden Axe Golden Axe II. Gunstar Heroes Kid Chameleon Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole Light Crusader Ristar Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi Shining Force Shining Force II Shining in the Darkness Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sonic 3D Blast Sonic Spinball Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Space Harrier II Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Super Thunder Blade Sword of Vermilion ToeJam & Earl ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron VectorMan Virtua Fighter 2 Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
  21. That damn show keeps coming back, and so does New Girl. Holy crap, I can rant on about how bad New Girl is. And, one update to my viewing post from a few months back. Constantine has become one of my favorites. It took a while to find a groove. And I'm hooked. Though I am looking forward to seeing the season ending, this could also be the series finale. Rumor is that it may move to SyFy with a name change to Hellblazer (oh, yeah!). SyFy is NBC owned, so they seem to like the show enough to keep it around, despite the ratings.
  22. The new SpongeBob movie. It was worse than you think. I like the show. I liked the first SpongeBob movie. This was just a badly put together pile of remnants. Of course, my kids loved that shit.
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