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Everything posted by TheRevanchist

  1. Just saw Ron Jeremy in Vegas at the Hard Rock. It is not the first time I have seen him in Vegas, though.

    1. Mal


      Teach me your ways Dark One.

    2. TheRevanchist


      And apparently the guys from the DICE summit are checking out this morning.

    3. Vecha


      Whenever I think of Ron Jeremy....the Butter Scene pops up.


      -shivers- ughhh....

  2. The Red Ranger is dangerous with the sword.

    1. Eleven
    2. TheRevanchist


      And each one of them will strike when we least suspect it.

  3. Wings, potato skins, little smokies with bacon and brown sugar, chips and dips, veggie tray, grapes, macaroni salad Ready for the nap
  4. My son beat his first console game today. The LEGO Movie game. He has played many games, but never completed them. Proud moments, guys. Proud moments.
  5. That first page, number 2, makes Han look like Cyclops in his off time Speaking of SW, the 501st had a booth at the Girl Scout Expo I took my daughter to. They had about 15 or so characters, plus some people running the booth. In all, it was a great thing to see. My son's not wanting to go (because he is all boy and wants nothing to do with girls quite yet) changed his tune when he spotted a storm trooper. There were some other things there, as well, but this was the highlight for me.
  6. TheRevanchist


    I thought it was: M-I-crooked letter-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-crooked letter-I-humpback-humpback-I
  7. FDS getting the powerline has inspired me. Picked up the kit to install tonight.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Let me know how it works. I'm interested in using it for Steam streaming.

    2. TheRevanchist
    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      My only issue so far is it seems to randomly disconnect once a week. Not sure if it's caused by the fact that it's connected via extension cable, proximity to the head device, shitty old house wiring or what.


      At least to fix it I just disconnect everything, pull the power on it, plug it back in and re-connect. Takes less than 10 seconds and it never occurs while I'm actually using it.

  8. Shit. That happened on my laptop today as Newegg was loading. Damn search bar moved 3 times on me. It looked like all of the banners were done loading, so I thought it was safe to proceed.
  9. Ethan, you speak to my heart in ways I cannot speak. I can't quit you!
  10. I think you hurt Cowboy's feelings, or he has cabin fever from being snowed in with his pet moose and case of Molson Golden. I like the blog. I noticed Kreia not being mentioned once in your listing of top 10 female characters in games. She is one of the most complex characters I have seen written. I could do a character study on her alone, as Obsidian's vision of her was not nearly as grand as she turned out to be. She really is the star of the game.
  11. Toilet issues at work. Nothing like hearing the panic of screaming as the flood of poo water is flowing out of the bathroom. Women's restroom, which makes it more fun to watch the mayhem.

    1. Vecha


      I worked at a place that had the women's restroom overflow all the time.


      It was because many women would flush down their "sanitary napkins."

  12. I'm more excited for Agent Carter. That shit is going to be fun
  13. Idk. I didn't think of "willies" in the British sense. I thought of it as a snack cake like Ding Dongs or Ho-Ho's or Cupcakes, which are probably things I should not google at work, either.
  14. I should not have googled "cream filled chocolate willies" at work.
  15. Some shirts and a nice sweater I'm going to wear to the New Year's party at my buddies place. Plus, I wrapped up my $3 phone case "from Santa". I also did that for my Blu Ray of Dune. I do it for the kids to see Santa likes everyone. And, to top it off, a new drill to replace the one I drove into the ground over the last 11 years. Lithium-ion batteries, 20 volt.
  16. 47 Ronin I had low expectations of this going in. Keanu Reeves as feudal samurai? Sounds preposterous. In ways, it was. But, after the film was done, it felt much better than my sensibilities predicted. Definitely okay movie.
  17. More than that, the basic premise that people worked together to get things done. No relying on a prince to save the day. Just people. A good step in the right direction for Disney.
  18. Oh, Cowboy, how you fail me. This movie has great elements all throughout. Great music. Exacting animation. Voiced to perfection. If anything, the cold of Canada has Frozen your heart. Here, take my hand and we can free Arendelle!
  19. Divergent. The wife would not turn the channel. It wouldn't stop. I was powerless as I did my best to read a book.
  20. The talk is all about the US, so this has been confusing me, as well. If anything, Sony should launch a cyber attack on NK from all countries it has offices. What are they going to do? Declare war on everyone? Why? Just to be a dick back to those mother fuckers.
  21. Last night my wife asked me if I had seen the news. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/12/17/pakistan-mourns-death-142-killed-in-taliban-attack/ I am sad for those who were murdered and for those who have to mourn their families.
  22. San Andreas by far. I had a huge adrenaline rush from that, and couldn't stop cussing and drinking Red Bulls. It was fucking amazing!
  23. I'd like to know if there is some phsychology behind a jury seeing you have a sack lunch. I'm not saying it would have an affect. However, as boring as sitting in a court room is for people who aren't working, they have time to notice little things and those register feelings and conditioned responses. I'd be interested in what kind of other things lawyers must consider when appearing in court that are tactical.
  24. A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead were in a car speeding down a quiet road when they saw cop lights coming up behind them in the mirror. Everyone in the car had bad driving records and didn't want another ticket. So, they sped around a bend and pulled over the car. There were three large sacks laying next to the barn at which they stopped. The brunette said, "Let's hide in those sacks. If he comes over, follow my lead." Sure enough, after the cop stopped next to their car, he saw the three sacks moving a slight. He walked up to the first one the brunette was in and poked it with his night stick. "Meow!" "Well, that's just a sack of kittens." He walks to the sack with the red head and pokes that one. "Woof!" "Well, that's just a sack of puppies." He walks to the sack with the blonde and pokes the last one. "Potato!"
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