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Everything posted by Chronixal

  1. Do the Pikmin really like moving shit or something? Not as fancy an animation sequence, granted, but much a similar one is used for transfering accounts/data for the 3DS. Odd way to make use of the IP... As for the Wii U, still very much unsold at present. The time I spent with it at the Eurogamer Expo was enjoyable but on the whole underwhelming.
  2. Looks pretty sweet. Reading the developer comments on Twitter suggests the tag mode is more in line with DOA4 than Dimensions which is no bad thing. Nice that it reveals Lisa as well, although again she was a given. All looking very very good so far.
  3. Remember seeing some while ago the demo code was hacked to reveal the whole roster. Unless they've made any last minute adjustments/changes, there are no roster cuts at all. Also, the powerblows have been tweaked so each character have a different input method and only under certain conditions so I think we'll see them a lot less than before. In the demo they were hugely spamable.
  4. Turns out me at paintball is much like me at CoD: A twitchy camper who hits bugger all and gets shot a lot.

  5. Nice to see some new characters appearing, outside of the VF crossovers. Especially since it's a Taekwondo fighter; I may now be able to get my mate involved in DOA instead of sticking to Tekken's Hwoarang forever. Also, Collectors Edition pre-ordered. Roll on September.
  6. Not entirely surprising as Dimensions had one too, though it was a bit gimped; having to earn statuettes or pre-set poses and backgrounds to take photos of. Hopefully this is something a bit more in-depth, like Most Wanted's photo mode.
  7. Have to say, I was slightly underwhelmed the way TK Europe announced our version of the collectors. Rather than giving the exclusive retailer, as you'd expect, they announced the exclusive distributor. Cue lots of people suddenly wondering how to order from a distribution warehouse before they clarified today it'll be available at a load of outlets, yet to be confirmed. Bit a balls-up.
  8. Have to disagree there. Granted I never played on anything above Normal on Dimensions, I found it to pretty fair and reasonable. Story mode was fairly straightforward but some of the challenges were hard. I think if they went on par with DOA3's difficulty, it'd be fine. DOA4's final boss was, IMO, brutal especially for the slower, heavier characters.
  9. I think 3 seemed more difficult towards the end only because Genra would spam projectiles and getting close to him was a bitch plus he used a weapon. It felt overall more balanced though, the AI didn't seem to read your inputs so much. Speaking of bosses, I wonder who the antagonist of 5 will be. I have a few ideas, based on the ending of Dimensions.
  10. DOA4 did take the difficulty and ramp it up way too many notches and then a few more for good measure. Thankfully Dimensions brought it back into line so that normal provides a fair challenge and the demo for 5 seems around that standard. AI will still grab and hold but with a lot less frequency. Alpha-152 was good fun to play as in Dimensions, I will say.
  11. That has always been a decent thing about DOA, the interactive stages and they've really pushed the boat out with 5. Related, I understand they've nerfed the power-blows a bit so they're only executable when you have less than 50% health, I believe. It was rather easy in the demo to combo/throw the opponent, knock them down and then charge a power blow to hit for a ton of damage.
  12. So, yeah, anyone else excited for this? Or are we all so jaded we can't look beyond anything with some jiggle and assume it's not worth looking at? In all seriousness, I am seriously very excited, especially after having access to and played the Alpha demos to death the past few months. And from what I can understand there's been some serious tweaking graphically and technically to the game since then. Return of the 4-point hold instead of 3, remodelled characters, frame and move tweaks. I will go on record as saying DOA has always been my fighter or choice. In terms of fluidity and precision, IMO, it beats all others. So to finally get the 5th release is very exciting. EDIT: Nope, it appears I still don't know how to embed a video. Fuck it.
  13. And those that are privately owned are sinking faster than a lead stone. http://www.guardian....lue?INTCMP=SRCH I would guess that 47% figure is those claiming any form of government benefit/assistance, a huge portion of that being pensions. Something good wage-slaves always seem to forget or purposely factor out of their rage. "Boo, let's kill all handouts! Except pensions, I worked for that!". EDIT: NVM, reading the above. Still, point stands.
  14. I knew I made the right choice...
  15. Funny that PCT's have the gall to not only charge the patient but so so after being heavily subsidised by the Gov. Bit like the utility companies. And British Rail. Hmm, seems like the private sector can't do without the big, bad government after all.
  16. I can't say I've been watching this thread too heavily, only watching the last few pages or so but some of the double-speak, misdirection and outright ignorance, willful or otherwise, is simply breath-taking. Or rather, would be, were such qualities so neatly defined by the right wing. Anyone who spouts that Government does nothing for them/their family/whoever is full of shit. Born in a fucking manger, were you? Never went to school? Drove on those road or walked on those streets? From the fucking moment each of us were born, we've been cradled by the State and to suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best and outright deceptive at worst. Believe me, I know the Civil Service is far from perfect; I work for a public utility company that's contracted to a UK Gov. agency. They can pull some pretty sick maneuvers and whatnot but I'd trust them more than my lot in the private sector, who's only priority is the bottom line. I could tell you some horror stories but it's more than my job's worth. I really don't get this idea that anyone who has the supposed temerity to receive any form of benefit should be locked up in their houses (preferably groggy shitpits, according to the right) and never have any form of life or fun. Ever. "Omg, you're on disability but you went out the house the other day! You fraud!". Guys, it's called quality of life. I'd rather there were thousands of people playing the system than 1 person die in misery because someone decided £60 a week (!) was too much to give someone down on their luck. I'm not a religious man (hell, I'm atheist) but isn't the term 'But for the grace of God go I?'. For all those who sit in their Ivory towers and look down upon the rest, could do well to remember we're all 3 paychecks away from destitution. It's very easy criticise gov schemes to which we don't benefit.
  17. Cool. I've got some spare time this weekend so I'll give it a fiddle.
  18. I bought that one not too long ago, and I really like it. I don't think I've used the upscaling feature yet. Interesting, you might be able to help me. Do you bother with the dynamic equalizer? I left it on after the speaker setup but I found it heavily muted the fronts and centre and amped the rears so much I could barely hear any speech in games. Turned it off and everything seems more equal but all the speaks have gone quieter. It's weird.
  19. http://www.uk.onkyo.com/en/products/tx-nr609-35517.html A nice upgrade from the old Yahama model. The upscaling is nice, makes Sonic Colours look very smooth and crisp.
  20. If you catch a Mankey and Pikachu before Brock, not only have you a fairly balanced team early on but can take on the first few gyms with ease and get the godly Charizard.
  21. Well, I've had my replacement Vita for a few days and all seems well. Re-setting up and getting the content off the old card was surprisingly painless so that was nice.
  22. Journey on PSN. Get it. Don't ask, don't argue, just get it. Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FMW


      I argue! I shall NOT buy Journey!


      ...because I don't own a Playstation. I'd be first in line otherwise :(

    3. SomTervo


      I'm hopefully gonna be writing a cheeky wee PXoD review of it soon. Strong stuff, indeed

    4. WTF


      Journey is great. That is all. for now anyway :)

  23. Well I don't know about anyone else but my Vita appears to be knackered already. The rear camera just absolutely refuses to work. Have seen the odd thread online hear and there without any solution except for an exchange which looks like what I'll be doing. Not impressed at all.
  24. Words cannot describe my seething hatred for those puzzles. I generally hate puzzles in my RPG's at the best of times but I ended up just guessing my way through the first of those. Awful, awful idea. Oh and I downloaded the Serah beachware dlc quick as lightning. Well worth the pound-fifty.
  25. I've got the wifi model, an 8 and 16gb sticks, Wipeout 2048, Virtua Tennis 4 and Escape Plan so far. Wipeout is excellent, as expected. VT4 was only bought as part of a bundle and so far Escape Plan has been a bit of a disappointment. Will prob pick up SSDD in the near future. Feel free to add.
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