I can't say I've been watching this thread too heavily, only watching the last few pages or so but some of the double-speak, misdirection and outright ignorance, willful or otherwise, is simply breath-taking. Or rather, would be, were such qualities so neatly defined by the right wing.
Anyone who spouts that Government does nothing for them/their family/whoever is full of shit. Born in a fucking manger, were you? Never went to school? Drove on those road or walked on those streets? From the fucking moment each of us were born, we've been cradled by the State and to suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best and outright deceptive at worst.
Believe me, I know the Civil Service is far from perfect; I work for a public utility company that's contracted to a UK Gov. agency. They can pull some pretty sick maneuvers and whatnot but I'd trust them more than my lot in the private sector, who's only priority is the bottom line. I could tell you some horror stories but it's more than my job's worth.
I really don't get this idea that anyone who has the supposed temerity to receive any form of benefit should be locked up in their houses (preferably groggy shitpits, according to the right) and never have any form of life or fun. Ever. "Omg, you're on disability but you went out the house the other day! You fraud!". Guys, it's called quality of life. I'd rather there were thousands of people playing the system than 1 person die in misery because someone decided £60 a week (!) was too much to give someone down on their luck.
I'm not a religious man (hell, I'm atheist) but isn't the term 'But for the grace of God go I?'. For all those who sit in their Ivory towers and look down upon the rest, could do well to remember we're all 3 paychecks away from destitution. It's very easy criticise gov schemes to which we don't benefit.