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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. My university had classes. I think it's due to the fact that we just got back to classes like a week ago and they didn't want to give us time off.
  2. Well I hope it IS like Fallout 3 meets Borderlands with zombies, because that would mean it's an open world with plenty to explore and lots of weapons available in the game.
  3. I've been playing Infinite Undiscovery. The melodrama is extremely lulzy

    1. MasterDex


      I got bored of it very early on. Let me know if it turns out to be a good game.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      It was actually decent. But you've got to learn to laugh at the bad voice acting

  4. You're all right in my book, either ways it needs to be a famous person/character. I wish I could convince Kotaku's Darth Vader to come here. That would be b-a
  5. The only college ass-hattery I had was when I emailed my teacher after the semester ended and in a very polite email asked her how bad I did in the final since it dropped me a letter grade from what I had. I had been writing with Mrs. and Mr all over the place so accidentally wrote "Mrs [last name]" She replied with what was basically her calling me an idiot and telling me to respect her and to never call her miss again. I tried to make it better and said that the Doctor totally slipped my mind due to the other emails, but I've never been able to understand why it was such a big deal. I get it, you have a phD and you're proud. No need to insult me as I wasn't insulting you.
  6. hahaha needed a description for the pic and everybody was calling me fancy with the vest so what better name for it.
  7. I want to have a nemesis but satan in Kotaku never posts.
  8. recent pic of me after I came back from partying early today [1 am-ish]
  9. In that case I agree with you. But I've learned to lower my standards when it comes to Obsidian. Fallout New Vegas may have been fun but I felt that Fallout 3 was better. They just a have a knack for making sequels to established western rpg's so when they had a chance to make a brand new IP it didn't surprise me that it had its share of fuck-ups
  10. ........ I liked Alpha Protocol.
  11. I don't ever have a reason to insult the editors. I've stated my disappointment, and even got a response from Joel explaining his side and telling me there wasn't much he could do about it, but I can't go out there and stick my foot up their cyber asses since so many depend on my shitty Jesus humor. LIKE 3 PEOPLE! HOW COULD I EVER LET THEM DOWN?
  12. So has the topic of whether a certain someone is still throughout the next game been discussed yet?
  13. I've done that, and while it wasn't awkward, it was frustrating because I've got one of the most nagging sisters on the planet. My sister is a clean freak, and always nags at me to clean shit up or throw away the trash. She thinks she doesn't have to do any of this stuff because she unfreezes the food our mom made for us. But I still prefer her. I had a roommate for a semester that always had people over and they were loud as hell. It was a pain in the ass. Plus he was dirty as hell. I may not be a clean freak but I still desire the apartment in general to be somewhat clean.
  14. I'm rooming with my older sis. There is nothing like rooming with family as you never feel awkward in your own house.
  15. Doc's got my protection. He fed me certain green delicacies while we were with a goat, while in a b- you get the idea.
  16. The main flaw with XIII is actually that Frocobo wasn't the main character.
  17. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks "why the long face?" The horse says "My wife just left me"

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yantelope


      Two atoms walk into a bar. One says to the other "I lost an electron!" The other says "are you sure?" The first says "Yeah, I'm positive".

    3. madbassman39


      A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender "Do you have helicopter flavored chips?" the bartender replies "No, we only have plain."

    4. Yantelope


      A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender says "doesn't that bother you?" The pirate says "Arrrr, it's drivin' me nuts!"

  18. I beat the last boss in what is probably the cheapest way possible
  19. I had never played the game when it was on the original xbox, so once I finished this I was super hyped for the sequel. But from what I've seen on a preview, it seems they're taking away the aliens/cartoonish quality of this one in favor of more human-level technology. Hopefully that was just a preview of what the game might be and not an actual plan for it.
  20. It depends what you had invested in. You chose wisely for a useful aug. The same way I got lucky in the third and fourth boss because I had bought the electric-resisting skin [though at that point you have the majority of augs really] I was too focused on getting enough batteries and getting my hacking level up to get the cloak at that point so I had to beat him with a pistol that had no upgrades whatsoever, no items that gave me life besides 1 or 2 painkillers, and whatever I could find in the two rooms.
  21. I think that the first and third boss are the hardest in the game depending on the situation. The first one is definitely the one I had to retry the most times, mainly because he's way too early in the game and nobody has enough augs to fight him correctly. Especially if you're doing the sneaky approach to the game as I was, and I wasn't carrying powerful guns at the time so I had to make him kill himself basically. If I can give a suggestion that really helps out with the second, third and fourth boss battles it would be to Trust me it really helps.
  22. Yeah somebody had warned me that if I was ever offered said offer, to refuse it. To not spoil it further, they told me it was for the best.
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