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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. I need to find a hot nerdy lady friend. Where should I look?

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    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Curse closet nerds. I don't HAVE to marry a nerdy girl, but it'd be awesome if I could find that took care of herself.

    3. Luftwaffles
    4. TheRevanchist


      How come no one mention church? Should be a natural fit.

  2. I was clicking on it all WHY ISN'T IT LOADING! LOAD DAMN YOU! And then I realized it.
  3. I haven't changed like at all hahahaha. Maybe the haircut is different but this is the pic you're talking about this is just a longer version of my hairstyle. GIVE IT TIME REVANCHIST! GIVE IT TIME! DON'T LEAVE ME.
  4. it's not. I bought this with the waldo costume for this Halloween.
  5. Here's me post-halloween party. As you can tell I have not changed my Waldo shirt, and the glasses and hat got lost in my drunken state. It's a good thing I only drink like once a semester, I feel like crap.
  6. I too love Vice City more than anything else. But I love everything 80's. From the articles of big websites that I read, the majority that I've seen have put Vice City as either their favorite one, or their second favorite one. For its time, the game was just fun. GTA III defined how GTA games are now made [Chinatown Wars not included] but the silent protagonist works for certain games, not this one. GTA San Andreas tried too hard to add all this different stuff. I didn't enjoy the main character or his story. It's all personal opinion of course. Seeing how they all practically have the same aggregated score [this is taking into account the 'error' that one was the first, and nostalgia is involved] it depends on what you like.
  7. I was guilty of the cheap thief trick in the fighters guild where you could get that heavy armor WAY early in the game by lockpicking. LIKE A BAUSS.
  8. pretty much. As for the certain other who did that one thing, the voice actor said that if demand was high enough he'd come back. And demand has been pretty damn high. So....
  9. Batman Arkham City Spoiler: Batman fights bad guys

    1. RockyRan



  10. That's all you had to say. I love you now. Arby N the Chief is awesome.
  11. See if Mass Effect was this impossibly hard game, I would consider some of the extra help. To be fair I've never beaten the game in the hardest mode, but the second to hardest. ME2 kept saying how hard it'd be to keep all members alive, but I did it super easy. Like a BAUSS
  12. Remember that this is a universe where something such as the Lazarus Pit exists.
  13. Was GTA4 developed primarily on the 360 though?
  14. Gigawings is a he? I thought it was a she. And GunFlame I agree on the star system. It's not necessary. As long as people pay attention to me it's all good. ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  15. It wasn't fully explained, but from conversations and radio signals, not to mention talking with Quincy Sharp it was pretty much revealed.in a simplistic yet satisfactory manner. That's how he brought him in. And as for repercussions, did both of you miss
  16. I was really hoping it'd be in Vice City. I love Vice City and its 80s music.
  17. Yeah. The good thing of ports between the 360 and PC is that, from what I hear, it's easier than getting a Kangaroo to box with you.
  18. I was never too big on dlc for games. Unless the DLC came out before I beat the game, I never bother with it. ME3 will have the canon ending of Lair of the Shadow Broker included, so I already know what happens.
  19. Take out the papers and the cash! Or you don't get no spending cash! If you don't scrub that kitchen floor! You ain't gonna rock'n'roll no mo'!

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler



      also... yakety yak! yakety yak!

    2. TheRevanchist


      You are the ayatollah of rock n rolla!

  20. I don't have to worry since I'm one of the two here buying it on the 360. Sure it won't be as pretty and won't have mods. But HORSE ARMOR DLC. FUCK YA.
  21. I have the biggest super-hero mancrush on Dick Grayson. So All I have to say is YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
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