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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. Just beat the third boss. I felt so smug when
  2. The regenerating health won't bother me. I only truly lose health in battle. This just means I won't have to spam the healing spell while walking.
  3. I honestly don't know how I've been able to make it this long without getting the "knock two guys out at once" aug. I was trying to be stealthy, but I screwed over in one portion. Too late now.
  4. I call it Deus Ex because I'm lazy and can't write Deus Ex HR.
  5. I'll post pic sometime tomorrow after classes.
  6. Deus Ex just reached its first "fuck this I'm done"point

    1. excel_excel


      one of the bosses!?

    2. P4: Gritty Reboot
    3. Vargras


      Maybe if you tell us what part it is, we could HELP YOOOOOOU.

  7. My child I see you've followed me. Like a good man.
  8. I had no problem with Nuts and Bolts. It was a fun game. I'm talking about a proper platforming Banjo, which I had always liked over Mario 64
  9. Megaman Legends 3 Banjo Kazooie 3 Killer Instinct 3 Prince of Persia [2008] sequel Peggle 2: Electric Boogaloo All of them would sell horribly [except peggle], but by god would they be fun
  10. Have you ever removed Gamestop competitors' pamphlets/coupons from inside the game cases because "fuck them that's why"?
  11. Fright Night was pretty good. Especially when the movie gets all badass.
  12. I've been catching up with Doctor Who. I still need to enter the Matt Smith Doctor Who. I'm really liking David Tennant's Doctor Who, is Matt Smith any good?
  13. Are you implying that my friend the Nigerian Prince is not gonna give me the money with the huge interest rate? Highly unlikely, he promised that he would.
  14. I feel that when Skyrim comes out, my friends will go completely ignored for a whole weekend. I don't think I've been this excited over something since my good friend Judas asked me if I wanted to take a stroll in the night.
  15. I would go back and do the new game+ for Bastion, but unfortunately I beat it in a different 360 [with my account] so the save didn't carry over. And I'm not about to start from zero anytime soon. Great game though, the music and voice acting was awe-inspiring.
  16. I'm a sucker for romances, and Final Fantasy VIII had the best. It also had a huge advantage over X because the character didn't look like Sora, and didn't have awful voice acting [as in none at all]. XIII is not as bad as people make it seem, I still enjoyed it enough to beat it. Best in the series? Not by far. Worst in the series? I remind you of X-2. Actually, XIII-2 is about to come out I'll keep judgement until then
  17. I am loving the game, but sometimes the guards seem just as bad as Splinter Cell guards. Hey was the light in that room turned on earlier? There is only one possible explanation, Sam Fisher! Sound the alarm! I get that the AI can't be stupid, but if I'm standing like 2 blocks behind you and you hear a sound, it doesn't automatically mean you should sound the god damn alarm. For the most part the game doesn't do this often and I've been able to sneak past the majority of the game. I already know I'm not getting the "never get caught" or the "never kill someone" achievement since I made one irreversible mistake for the both of them at some point and starting a new game for those achievements is not worth it. Also I am glad I didn't take a certain thing that's offered to you as I've read it only makes matters worse in a later area.
  18. If one can be banned for a phrase that is universally used and is being read in the wrong context then I would hate to be british and have a desire to smoke a pack of fags.
  19. Punky, I love you as much as the next guy, but I remember what you wrote to get that perma ban. The words might not have been the best choice to use, my Lord. All i said was "there's so much dick I can suck to afford video games" or something of the sort. That doesn't warrant a perma-ban according to the commenting guidelines, only a temp-ban.
  20. If anybody wants to add me, I'm Tunnel Snake. I can't promise that I'll be available to play anything online as I'm usually on single player games. But if you ever want to play some Reach I'm your man.
  21. I don't personally have anything against Kotaku at the moment. I got perma-banned the first time from a mistake [i assume] and the de-starring of this account was due to me not taking walls of text seriously. I'll let you know when I get banned how much I hate them and what I would sexually do to the editor's mother. Admittedly they took the PC article way too seriously with some commenters. I know people like MasterDex didn't deserve it, while others were asking for it. Not that I agree with the de-starring and banning of people for anything other than being offensive and/or trolling, but I read some responses and some were borderline insulting.
  22. Attention New Members. It's sunday tomorrow time to go to church

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnny


      I've never heard of you, Mr. Christ. Who are you?

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Was PunkyChipsAhoy. Then I was reborn as an unfunny mofo.

    4. Battra92


      The hurricane was so bad I couldn't go to church this morning. It's too bad as I wanted to check out the church near us (instead of driving a half hour to my finance's church)


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