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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. I'm in. I won't be able to update my steam list for a while so whoever gets me don't be discouraged.
  2. "just one more mission" 1 hour later. "Just let me finish off this area" 1 hour later. "I'm gonna talk with all my friends to see if they have something new to say" 1 hour later. "Let me set up some war table and equip new stuff to party" 1 hour later. FFS DAI.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      I'll hide your PS4.

    3. SomTervo


      I'm almost at the stage of 'remove gaming from the house entirely'.


      The writer/director of Spaced once said that the only reason he wrote the show was because he got his Playstation out of the house. A 'black hole of productivity' he says. Goddamn.

    4. Connorrrr


      I'm gonna pick up a copy today... I'm pretty scared of what it's gonna do to my productivity too, I've got uni work to be getting on with...

  3. Birdman Well the reviews weren't lying this was amazing. I don't think they could have chosen a more perfect cast that have dealt with the issues their characters are dealing with. The film does this great thing where, even if it isn't a single take the whole time, it feels like it because it's one camera just walking around. And it's amazing and damn impressive.
  4. Tonight my friends and I will be smashing all night long.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baconrath
    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I'll be getting smashed, too!

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Went to a Smash Bros party. Game is fun, but I don't understand the obsession.

  5. Discussions seems to be that it's somewhere alongside a commentary of how low and disgusting anime has become and how otaku culture negatively affects people. The guy in the story was in a relationship with a real life girl and he broke up with her. Somewhere in his shame he found otaku culture and became a total recluse. He now sits at home, pitying himself, surrounded by his waifus and video games trying to make the pain of missing the girl go away. He tries to escape the fake waifus and the video games to move on with his life, but fails horribly. I think it's also a comment about his perception of the idols as these sex symbols who are overpowering and his realization that real relationship with women is much more satisfying than fantasizing about these girls. He hurt a real girl and regrets it immensely.
  6. thanks Malicious. And yeah it's something all right
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQcz4Ovviz0&list=FLZ_uf7Th9UXmxxxNwj-tHIw&feature=player_detailpage EXTREMELY NSFW due to constant nudity Having said that skip to 1:30. It's fucking mesmerizing. Commentary on unhealthy obsessions and coping mechanisms post-relationship. All with a huge 3 kgs of Evangelion sugar. Keep watching. I promise it isn't just cartoon characters naked this is as anime as it gets. also on a more tame and just as awesome note
  8. somebody posted this in GAF and I think that's the loudest I've laughed in fucking ages
  9. It's playable at 12 AM EST 11 PM Central 9 PM PST It's not just you or the timer. It unlocks at 12 am somewhere but they decided to not be dicks and make it PST where it fucks over everybody else.
  10. It takes a lot to make a stew, when it comes to me and you, and him and her and the baby too, too many cooks it's true! Too many cooks!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vecha


      Better quality. ugh
    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      lol both of those videos. I have the song stuck in my head. Video from AS that has exploded in popularity. watch the whole thing

    4. Mr. GOH!
  11. Somebody in GAF was doing just that GOH. When we all told him how unbalanced that would be as everybody would be ranged his answer was "mages are always OP I want to see if it's viable" lol. I can't argue with an experiment.
  12. There are no healers in DA:I but the knight enchanter class has a spell that doesn't use mana/willpower that heals/revives every party member to full health and then continues to heal people for a certain amount of time. Obviously I'm sure the source will be hard to build up. Probably one of those things like a super that charges up throughout a battle and can be used once or twice, but still it's there. Not to mention the knight enchanter class is badass. What are your party configurations by the way? The way the game works most people will be able to build 1 regular tree and a specialization tree fully. My plans are: Inquisitor: Mage- elemental tree and knight enchanter tree Cassandra: Templar tree and whatever tree is made for tanks Varric: that alchemist tree and the tree for Bianca. Freddie Mercury: The tree focused on barriers/buffs and necromancer tree.
  13. If you're a Spiderman fan watch Parasyte the Maxim. Basically Spiderman meets The Thing, the anime

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I hear you it's painful having to wait week for week for a new episode. Absolutely loving this show.

    3. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      I'm still waiting for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 3 to hit blu-ray. :(

    4. SomTervo


      Sounds great - same boat as FLD though.


      Yet again... The only weekly show I have going is Toast of London. It's always good to have something else staggered to follow.


      Thanks for the recommend!

  14. ?? Not taking pictures you mean? I simply never had the chance haha. Prior years we had enough time to set-up throughout the day and have the 'regulars' of the group of friends take pictures before people arrive. This time we spent the whole day setting up and by the time we were done the guests had arrived so it was rushing to change to costumes and then more arrived. I wanted to take pics. But they also put me on trick or treat duty to help out. If anything the best part of that was the little kids excitedly saying hi and goodbye to me since I was Santa Claus.
  15. Interstellar Certain plot decisions are divisive among the viewers, but I didn't care. It was just a brilliant fucking movie for me and I need to own it. I loved everything about it, besides one minor subplot. Big Hero Six It was solid and decent. The heart-tugging moments didn't hit me as hard though because I've seen it done so many times before that it just really didn't phase me. To be fair though, I watched this after Interstellar which had the mother of all relationships to cry over.
  16. if that's the case then it should be decent enough. I'm watching Interstellar tomorrow with friends but maybe I'll convince 1 or 2 of them to watch Big Hero 6 with me before I leave Sunday
  17. I've heard that the visuals are great but that the story itself isn't anything special. Basically that it's decent.
  18. Realistically if 7 8 9 why wouldn't you go purchase a weapon to protect yourself? or better yet call the cops. Stop being afraid and take some action.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      You're getting weirder.

    3. Waldorf and Statler
    4. Pojodin


      Yeah, but 7 is in his prime and has all the luck. 6 is composite. It can't handle the stress and breaks down under pressure. You really have to factor that into the equation.

  19. I'm not playing other things on it currently. Maybe when ACU is out. But the issue is that I always put my PS4 in rest mode, it's an instinct and I know I'd fuck it up if I turn it on again.
  20. im at the very least hoping that in week/week and a half that the PS4 rest issue is fixed so I can pre-load the game
  21. yeah I did my keep when it opened up a couple of days ago. I even changed the name of the world state to make sure it's mine whenever the game comes out.
  22. Yeah. Party started pretty early. And by the time guests arrived we were already playing beer pong and talking and everything. So no pics lol. My body aches.
  23. witch one is your wife's again?
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