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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. FFFFFFFFFFF that Wii U refurb deal is sold out. Guess I'll go look for ebay or go for the $300 bundle with NSMBU and NSLU

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Wait until the system is $100 on clearance once Nintendo abandons it in late 2015/ early 2016.

    3. TCP


      ^^^^ this guy!

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I think Nintendo got in some more. I was able to add one to my cart. Try it again.

  2. Colombia match in about an hour. I hope you guys will be giving me positive energy. LET'S GO COLOMBIA. FUCK TO THE YEAH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SkyGriever


      Colombia vamos! Cafeteros!!!! (Do they still call themselves that?)

    3. Luftwaffles
    4. Mal


      Holy shit. 60 fps.

  3. That trailer needed less Mako, more Bolin. Seriously I'm tired of Mako fangirl-ism I want more Bolin.
  4. Standing on the edge of the crater, like the prophet once said

  5. I bought an xbox because I got it cheap on Ebay (370 w/ kinect and barely used). It'll be mainly for the exclusives I'd miss out by switching to PS4, but basically most of my gaming will be PS4.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That's really expensive for a decade old device

    3. TCP


      You disgust me.

    4. Waldorf and Statler
  6. Sorry if I haven't been very active. I know you've all noticed. I want you to know it's not you. It's me. Literally. I spend so much time with irl friends and playing/watching shit on my ps4 I barely come here.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Canadians fish be all like "it's aboot time you ate me eh? Maybe with some syrup, but soory if you choke on me"

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Pojodin


      Canadian fish with a side of pancakes.

  7. It is literally... literally post credits
  8. X-Men Days of Future Past Quicksilver made this movie, the actor who plays Tate in AHR really sold it. He was amazing. Godzilla Needed more Bryan Cranston, but I guess Kick-Ass and Godzilla was also nice.
  9. I packed my bags last night pre-flight. 3 hours, 46 minutes AM. And I'm gonna be druuuu-huuuunk as a kite by then. I miss the earth so much I miss my wife.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FredEffinChopin
    3. Pojodin


      Are you saying you make Waldorf and Statler seem like Jekyll & Hyde?

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens
  10. Hello? Is it me you're looking for

  11. Just beat the game. I don't think I'll be doing much besides PvP in NG+ don't feel like beating the game again.
  12. If that NPC doesn't net you sin, then I have no fucking clue what could have gotten me sin because literally an hour before I had paid off the sin of the other dude I had killed. So it had to have been that because the only other thing I did was be a Bell Bro, and that's a covenant. So if it counts as a sin to be automatically sent to defend the bell tower, that'd be bullshit. Also lag is taking away some of the fun in PvP.
  13. 1. All of the co-op baby. I love helping others and the community is there. 2. I've killed 2 NPC's. One because I needed a certain item they drop for my faith build, and doing all of the shit I need to do to get it was too much trouble. The other because there were literally a thousand signs telling me "don't pull this lever" but curiosity killed the Wally and I had to pay the price. Sins go up by soul level. So each NPC killed seems to be my soul level x1000. 3. No I'm far enough I have a bonfire to get me to the dude that pardons sins. But I'd need to farm souls with co-op or something before going to NG+ so I don't carry over with sins and get constantly invaded by say blue bros.
  14. I haven't even completed NG, because I keep farming for souls. But when each sin is costing me 167k and I cannot make those kind of souls easily, that's a hint to GTFO and finish and go to NG+
  15. Good thing you're starting DS1, fantastic game. Personally I would have started with DS2 since the community is strong so there's a lot of chances for co-op and PvP while DS1 has died down quite a bit due to Games for windows live and shit. Assuming you're playing PC of course.
  16. I have Dark Souls 2 addiction. Is there a Dark Souls Ii'holics Anonymous group? This weekend I'll be forced to not play since I'm visiting friends and I'm having regrets lol. This fucking game will ruin me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Who needs love and comfort when you can have video games.... :'''(

    3. toxicitizen


      Wally still hasn't beaten Dark Souls II? Pffft, casual!


      Seriously, though. Yeah, I'm in NG+ and it still has me completely hooked. I actually hesitated before accepting an invitation to go drinking tonight because it meant I wouldn't be able to play until 5 AM like I've been doing all week. And keep in mind, I just came home from my last final of the semester, so I have all damn summer to play it to my heart's content!

    4. Mal
  17. Dark Souls 2 consumed 70% of my weekend. Jesus Christ.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Connorrrr


      Haha I wish that was the case for me! I've been working the night shift over the weekend but I've got a couple of days off to sink time into it now.

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I haven't seen my roommates for three days except when they leave their room to pee or remember to feed themselves.

    4. Pojodin


      I didn't spend that much time on it, but I did play it for a few hours.

  18. Octodad and Trials Fusion within a week. PS4 SAVED

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Child of Light next week!

    2. TCP



  19. I saw Wolf Children. I posted impressions in GAF. It was very good and a close enough tale to something you could see from an anime Disney, if they explored a PG-13 topic. I didn't think it was as amazing as others put, but it was very good.
  20. So I've missed practically every movie I've wanted to watch. Guess I'll have to wait for Captain America and Muppets for blu-ray release.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Can't go to a movie alone. Get over yourself. :P

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Can't have a person in your friends list you don't know every detail about. Get over yourself. OH SHIT IT CAME BACK FULL CIRCLE.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      It's not that I'm really opposed to it, it's just clutter and I don't see a point in having them in there. Just another name I have to scroll past.

  21. OH LAWDY LAWDY I didn't know Trials Fusion was coming to PS4. Console saved until Spiderman and Wolfenstein and Watchdogs.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Web of shadows is only 'best spiderman games' and I quote that for a reason, is because you can hook up with black cat.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      It's best because the combat doesn't suck and is actually kinda fun (but also Tricia Helfer Black Cat, yeah)! It's not so good because of the voice-acting, bugs (ho ho!) and some weird mission design though.

    4. Eleven


      I watched a video about Trials Fusion's back story. Very intriguing, and I'm tempted to buy the game just because of that. But that's probably not a good idea, it's not really my kind of game...

  22. My PS4 is catching dust. Hurry the fuck up Wolfenstein.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I'll be returning the game probably tomorrow. Like I said PP is nice but weekly release was not a good idea for people like me who dont find much replay value in the game. And I mean that as in I don't care for evil side.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      The weekly release of PT is designed to discourage people from selling their game back. They don't care how people who rent it feel about it.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      that can be said for most developers. But this wouldn't discourage me to sell the game back after buying it. If I had known about it, it would only have meant I bought the game later on with all parts released. The meat of the game is already done, doing these missions wont add more value to the game for me at this point.

  23. The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria I'll do you in the bottom while we're drinking Sangria

    1. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Nachos and lemonheads on my dad's boat. You won't go down cause my dick can float.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      We sail around the world we go port to port, everytime I cum I produce a quart


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Ethan: the appeal on handheld Ethan, is that I don't have to buy a Wii U.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      But I mean I just don't even see the appeal if you're not sitting there in the physical presence of your opponents.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      You can still play with friends and talk via a headset. Sure a large deal of the appeal comes from couch playing against people, but for people who like the game but don't wanna buy a shitty console, this is the best option

  25. Just downloaded Mercenary Kings. Metal Slug+ Borderlands? YES PLZ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      tried my first mission. I suck at this game haha. It's pretty unforgiving though, will definitely have to be a co-op game.

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I like it, and I love the art style. (Pssst... It's Scott Pilgrim)

    4. Pojodin


      Just played it for a few hours with a friend. It was fantastic.

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