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slithy toves

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Everything posted by slithy toves

  1. xiii's combat system was innovative and i think a direct response to how much ppl bitched about xii's. personally i liked xii's and i think a bit of a mix of the two, or at the very least the opportunity to change characters during battle in xiii's, would have made xiii's infinitely better. the ability to only really control one character / summon one character's eidolon was what really made that battle system low on my list. i could appreciate what they were trying to do with it but felt the execution was lacking a bit. don't worry, there are a fair amount of ppl on this board who don't hate xiii so we won't all try to lynch you you should try the older ones too. not as pretty (altho you could try for like the psp or ds remakes) but certainly solid story and gameplaywise. IV and VI certainly come to mind as must plays.
  2. what about like games they totes should have made but didn't? like a phantasy star v.
  3. wow. i could see my parking lot this morning. it is no longer completely covered in a few inches of ice. sweet.

  4. how did you know?!?! i'm so clumsy the person below me is getting MVC3
  5. this papu fella seems like a real punny guy
  6. that is sadly true. i've been to shows, gatherings, openings and whatnots but no conventions. the person below me kisses their mother with that mouth.
  7. quite incorrect, pikachu won over my heart the moment i laid eyes on him and he uttered his first "pika pika" the person below me is cold right now
  8. yeah, i never have a flow problem cos half of my fun writing is knowing i'm going to go back and polish it. i actually totally lose focus once i imbibe and become focused on p much just imbibing more. other recreational drugs, however, are just fine by me.
  9. i don't think all the alcoholic writers necessarily wrote while drunk tho, then again i'm sure some of them were better when they were. takes all kinds. i can't focus on anything at all when i'm really drunk besides shiny things and yelling "whoo!" so i'm prolly not the best judge of such things. also, i can never avoid taking a dig at dan. it's physically impossible for me to pass it up. i've tried, and the fingers they just typa-typa-type.
  10. so many new peoples! hello to you all.
  11. i generally write on paper, tho if i'm at work i might hop off of my PPT for a minute and type something down if i've got a quick idea. then when i type them out fully it gives me a nice opportunity to smooth out any rough edges or elaborate on something i may have gotten down hastily in order to not lose it. i usually have a vague idea of things that i want to happen that are usually based upon something about the characters that pop into my head and then i just go w/ it. if i'm having a good day tons of things pop into my skull and i can write them on a separate bit of paper and then go back to the actual writing part. if i'm having a bad day i say "well that doesn't make any fucking sense slithy you moron" and then i throw the paper out and then i usually regret it in a few weeks or months, or sometimes even years, when i figure out how i could have worked it into the story anyway or used it somewhere else and i can't remember it anymore. somehow, despite throwing away more things than i ever wanted to, i still do it. all the time.
  12. so restless today. eff all this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      yeah, it's fine. i'm just super antsy. i start doing stuff and then don't feel like doing it anymore and then do something else and don't feel like doing it anymore either... argh.

    3. TheForgetfulBrain


      I haaaaate that feeling, sliths. I wish I had a cure-all recommendation, but usually I just have to wait till the next day. :{

    4. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      yeah, for being so restless i ended up being surprisingly productive so... i guess it worked out in the end? just.. annoying. ugh.

  13. you should bring me some coffee. cos it's really hard to find in new england. all we have are dunkin donutses and starbucks.
  14. i'm both a coffee and tea fan. i prefer my coffee black and i can get pretty picky but if i need a jolt of caffeine i'll really drink whatever. if i'm doing espresso i like a cappuccino light on the milk and big on the foam. when i was traveling this summer for work the hotel served seattle's best coffee, which isn't very present in new england, and that was like the best coffee i've ever had. i woke up early to read and get my own carafe before my coworkers came down.
  15. absolutely. it's what i do everyday the person below me drinks inferior beers
  16. this! i'd like to play it but i'm not getting a 360 for it. oh, yeah, and graces... maybe? i'd rather play vesperia first and i have a huge backlog so probably not high on my list unless i find it somewhere in my travels for a steal.
  17. i do enjoy conspiracy theories! the person below me sits on their ass all day playing videogames and reading comic books
  18. false, i just had one last week! the person below me hates their job
  19. final fantasy tactics i've quite literally been playing that game ever since i got it in 1998
  20. i use firefox, i don't have any problems with it and i've got it all so customized for me at this point i probs wouldn't switch to any other browser unless i did start having problems w/ it. i also have to use IE for some applications at work so i usually already have two different browsers open for when or if something doesn't work in one i'll try it on the other etc. if i didn't have to use IE for work stuff tho i'd probs have another browser as my secondary.
  21. CABIN FEVER. staying home in yr pjs all day is so much nicer when it isn't necessity. man, am i hard to please.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      This is like my day every day.

    3. Battra92


      As a child my mother would NEVER allow us to go around all day in Pajamas. We had to shower and put on our "daytime" clothes. Even now when I have a day off at home I am showered and dressed as if I'm going to be out.

    4. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      yeah, i'm kinda the exact opposite. i've been known to go around in pajama pants if i'm feeling just right.

  22. i'm w/ you dee. i didn't get acne until i was in my mid-20s and it stayed for a few years before it started to go away again.
  23. in massachusetts it's been like that since i was about 17 or 18, and i'm p old. that's like more than 10 years. mebbe texas was just a late adopter to the trend.
  24. i used to smoke. i quit about 4 or 5 years ago, but i still totes get cravings all the time. i quit by cutting down and then only smoking when i drank which resulted in brutal hangovers and my eventually just quitting altogether. i would totes still do it if it didn't make me feel so crappy. it really was a satisfying habit.
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