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slithy toves

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Everything posted by slithy toves

  1. there are RPGs w/ epilogue mode. lunar 2 comes to mind. i can't recall any others at the moment, but it's a pretty awesome feature and it doesn't even really take away the possibility for sequels because the epilogue part is usually just right after stuff happened. sequels can be months / years later.
  2. hahaha, i'm anal about the "new" tags too. every time i get something new in a game that has those on the menus i always have to go and open everything to get rid of them. they seriously bother me. @aquaman, i agree that in XIII gran pulse got kind of lame before it should have. i think in XIII-2, though, there is a lot of potential. you have unexplored ruins, new people to settle into old or new towns. i feel like they can successfully have it be the same world and at the same time still new as well. that is, if they do it right. .... that "top only" armor is kind of scary, tbh
  3. i'm actually pretty excited about this. i think they've really set themselves up to fix a lot of the stuff that was kind of annoying about XIII. the ending of the game already sets you up to start making towns in a larger, more flexible environment. there are characters that are already developed but a lot of room, and sensible reasons, to add additional characters. when i finished XIII i actually thought the game would have been better had you had an epilogue type section w/ which to finish all the sidequests w/ because it would have fit w/ the ending perfectly and maybe made it more interesting than just going back and grinding. they better fix the weapon upgrading system, though. that was my main complaint w/ the game. it was just stupid and unnecessarily not even difficult per se but just obnoxious.
  4. a trend sega perplexingly continues to this day....
  5. so, aladdin was best on the genesis also toe jam and earl discuss
  6. uhm, shameless plug for my old band cos this is totes the cd i'm listening to http://www.myspace.com/themcveighs/music/songs/The-McVeighs-Theme-Song-mp3-74135971
  7. yant, didn't we already have a SNES v. GENESIS thread to do this in. isn't this supposed to just be like echo the dolphin and a haunting story and toe jam and earl rock fucking ass? or was i totes missing the ENTIRE point of having two threads? cos if i missed that gee gosh fucking darn am i embarrassed.
  8. back pimple; popped most ferociously hard.
  9. If you read these together, it sounds pretty dirty. At least it does in my mind. :/ oh gosh, not intended! read them either way, tho. i've been known to write wore tripe that peeps thought was better so if you feel they're connected go right on ahead and think it!
  10. brain, xoxoxoxo

    and much love and luck w/ you and yours'/

  11. Reversible cover? Dissidia? What are you talking abou- *walks to shelf, pulls off Dissidia* ...HOLY SHIT. When did that happen? My mind is blown. yr welcome good sir. evil box art = infinitely better.
  12. unbeknownst to her someone was watching. in all fairness he finished last. the table was set, empty again. i like this exercise. i hardly ever write concisely, i've been known to turn like two sentence work emails into 3 paragraphs. it's a challenge.
  13. i think i might actually be kinda productive today. cold pizza was a good start.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Depends on the pizza place. I cannot stand Papa John's the next day. Most independent or local places tend to make pizzas that are fine cold.

    3. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      so this is another massacuhsetts' anomaly?

      i feel so betrayed

    4. Battra92


      Being born in Massachusetts is akin to being born in Vermont. There are just some weird things born into you. In Mass we eat cold pizza. In Vermont they eat pie for breakfast.

  14. only after death did she live. he needed to escape quickly then. empty the house still echoed laughter.
  15. neither did mr. toves. but away he went. just think, you need your power chord anyway.
  16. you should totally do that. revision a and revision b were my favorite bits. i like where you're going with that. i think it would be excellent.
  17. no morning beers for me today, although i have some kitty snuggling on the agenda so i feel like this evens out.

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      I took my friend's cat on a walk today, kitty leash and all.


      It was an experience.

    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      i would fear for my safety if i tried to put a leash on my cat. at the very least i'd walk away w/ a scratch or two.

  18. watch it when you go to racist work on monday. it's a nice little interview.
  19. and i feel like this solves our vr arguments. oh gawd, nwr says "idears"
  20. oh, and dan, when you get back you cheap bastard pusher III, despite lack of mm, is totes the best pusher movie. it makes the most sense to be the way it is. i feel like nwr like realized his style was conducive to what he did there and not the others then. but pusher and pusher II were good attempts. and pusher II showed me more mm ass than i thought i would ever see which = happy slithy.
  21. and, ha, i really thought the first part of the name of the game was all run together, like "3DOT" game heroes, the running together making it essentially "3D" until i just looked at my case. that's a lot of "d"s all run together. the fuck. i will type it correctly from now on ethan, promise!
  22. woke up, half a beer still cold. fuck yeah. weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Battra92


      your poor liver. Oh wait, you;re from Massachusetts. Never mind.

    3. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      yeah, 'round these parts that's officially known as "breakfast"

    4. diedan


      Mmmm morning beer... It's okay, I grew up in Wisconsin.

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