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slithy toves

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Everything posted by slithy toves

  1. one of my favorite books. i actually like orwell's prose, but i can see where some people might find it bare bones or ungainly. if you read orwell's other works, however, there is a simple kind of elegance to it all and i think you'll find the style he wrote 1984 in was quite deliberately bare bonsed.
  2. today is going by too quickly. i need more time. if someone could just hold the clock for an hour to two i'd appreciate it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hatch


      do what little pete did and bike into the next time zone.

    3. Enervation
    4. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      presentation finished, barely. hatch, i appreciate the pete and pete reference (who wouldn't) but i don't think i could finish any work while pedaling.

  3. slithy toves


    not me dystopia but beautiful all the same
  4. #3 on slithy's favorite albums ever to this day
  5. i keep on listening to dystopia does anyone who knows them know why all their videos show hot chicks on youtube? i mean dino was hot but ... dunno man... confused
  6. i would like both vivi and beatrix. i think they should just make a mass animation of dissidia and let us pick our own characters ... win/win?
  7. as much as laguna was the best thing that happened to ffviii he's no fuckin' balthier. edit: i'm like using similar but incorrect words a lot today. fixed to be less confusing
  8. aaah battra, someday you'll be out of honeymoon stage anywho i'm apparently stuck at home by myself tonight cos mr. toves' brother needs him for stuff so vodka, beers and anime it is.
  9. well, yes, and shadow has that badass dog. honestly locke wasn't well thought out on my part, it was more like i liked locke's character so i'd like to see him do some stuff... not that he'd be good in duodecim. which balthier would damnit. stupid vaan.
  10. yeah, i suppose there really isn't anything to steal in dissidia. but he'd be quick and i'm sure amusing.
  11. i was thinking locke but i will take a celes as well.
  12. i hate working at home when it's busy. they get more work out of me somehow and they still complain that i can't do this all the time? jerkbottoms. the lot of them.

  13. not enough balthier and too much vaan for me.
  14. watched open hearts. 'twas ok. probs not something i would have normally put into my queue unless i was feeling like super girly but the performances were good. mm is impressive as always, paprika steen was fantastic and nikolaj lie kaas is quickly becoming my second favorite danish actor. the music was godawful. just unspeakably terrible, and not even like in a cute and funny way like in adam's apples just completely and unspeakably bad.
  15. yes, facial hair. it must be a sign nomura is maturing
  16. this is true. i think ppl think it looks sexier. which it does.
  17. i didn't find xiii to be that much of a letdown. i thought it could have been better, but i didn't think it was an inherently bad game.
  18. covered in blood; can't get home. fed up completely, hops a train.
  19. maybe. maybe that's what the dashing stranger is all about. they have opposing focuses but they're in wuv.
  20. yeah, there are still fal cie around on gran pulse.
  21. and when your optional bosses are so much harder than your game boss (ruby weapon i'm looking at you) it really makes more sense to be able to finish the game while it's still a challenge and then go around in epilogue mode and do all the other stuff.
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