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slithy toves

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Everything posted by slithy toves

  1. so i had to take inbound customer calls for like an hour this morning and got surprise free pizza out of the deal. not really worth it, but free pizza and i don't have to talk to customers that aren't mine anymore so ... woot?
  2. oh yeah, once it gets into the 40s/50s i open the windows in my house. i'm sometimes insanely stubborn about shutting them if it gets colder again.
  3. by the middle / end of winter 30F is t-shirt weather. still on track for my snow day tomorrow. totally hoping it pans out.
  4. we're not getting snow until wednesday. if it does snow as much as they say it's going to i'm totes staying home all day wednesday and drinking hot chocolate and playing 3 dot game heroes if we don't get the work from home green light. at this point i'm kind of hoping we don't.
  5. man, weekends don't last long enough. at least i can fake my way through work tomorrow.... and every other day for that matter.

    1. diedan


      My weekend flew by. I guess that's what happens when you spend a lot of it drinking...

    2. hatch


      coincidentally I'm faking my way through unemployment tomorrow

  6. one of the things i :heart: so much about zg is the way he isn't so much stand up but just a funny mofo
  7. also, i love / hate whomever did this http://www.chicagostation.com/dane.htm i share a 10/20 b/day w/ the vigs and of course you all know i mm. so i'm not sure exactly how i feel there, but it's good????
  8. nightey nightey nights nights.

  9. shame, if there was like a "favorite slithy people"s thread very near my new fav mm there would be zach galifianakis. and not to sound hipster but i've loved zg for like EVER, way before thine hangover. he's a funny and irreverent motherfucker and if you haven't seen out cold or zg stand-up DO IT. so, the pusher. there is a significant lack of mm that is sorely felt, but it's a nice movie. kim bodnia does a marvelous job and for a drug movie in general i feel it's totes wonderful and captures the mid 90's drug scene kinda gangbusters. it also makes me wonder why everyone in denmark drinks chocolate milk. so when you watch it, look out for the chocolate milk. it's everywhere.
  10. simon pegg has an autobiography? i'm not intrigued. right now i'm reading a book called in the woods by tana french. 'tis ok so far. she's nice at describing things in ways that are accessible and not like overtly flowery / annoying.
  11. pretty much anything by roald dahl could be seen in the dictionary under a definitive definition of "the shit" "Have you read Matilda?" "Yeah, man, that book is the shit"
  12. wait, have you not watched the hangover yet?
  13. ok, the pusher is arriving tomorrow. i'm pretty excited about this development
  14. i'm eating one of these bestest candy bar ever made
  15. well if there are english subs then hell yes. we can has an import party.
  16. yeah, after seeing the gameplay footage i'm hoping more and more for a US release. i hope atlus doesn't disappoint us.
  17. well, the year is only like 6 days old so it's entirely possible.
  18. besides me apparently. s'ok, i'm totes used to not counting for anything
  19. the u.s. always get the crappiest boxart. i have yet to find a situation where they've changed it where this is not intrinsically true.
  20. pfft, actually working at work is pretty lame

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      this place is my saving grace. if i didn't have something to switch over to every 5 seconds i'd be all over the shiny internets and get no actual work done.

    3. diedan


      Yeah, somehow between this and FB I actually manage to stay productive?

    4. Bouchart


      I had "fun" working on accruals today. Don't recommend it.

  21. it sincerely is an abomination. for shame, hollywood, for shame!
  22. seriously? i'd say his face is pretty recognizable, but then again i like it so meh. could be just me. also, i think i'll forgive clash of the titans. i realized if someone offered me a job where i got to pretend to ride and kill a giant scorpion i'd probs do it even if the rest of the movie / actors were crappy at their jobs. i feel better now that i've completely forgiven this indiscretion.
  23. yessss! it's so brilliant, i don't know why i didn't see it before!
  24. i know, i watched flame and citron and prague back to back and both make you want to give him a cuddle. not the best of luck in either. clash of the titans rare bad movie, but like we all make mistakes? right? right?!?
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