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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. I... wish I had read this sooner... Added you now, though. Might come in handy next time we play something.
  2. Just ordered this game from Play.com, should arrive some time next week. So, is anyone starting a thread over at Event Planning or what?
  3. Dare I ask... You don't happen to play on the European servers, do you?
  4. I think it tries to match you up against peers, but doesn't always succeed... As we witnessed last night.
  5. Should we let D-K host? Hahahaha. Awww...
  6. For what it's worth, you didn't miss ANYTHING last night...
  7. I'll be on all night, fo' sho'. Because I don't have a life.
  8. The sniper dude is DaveStrife, btw. Just thought I'd throw that little piece of trivia out there.
  9. I'll be right there. Let me finish this thing first. PART I
  10. I'll be on later tonight, between 8-9 GMT.
  11. I'm sorry, Rita. You told me your real name in confidence, I shouldn't have thrown it out in public like that. Now Gregg is making fun of you and it's all my fault.
  12. Hm, okay, Raine is out of the clan then. Played some good fun matches last night. The first few games were played by an All-Dutch TAY team consisting of Raine, D-K and myself, which was quite funny. I learned that Raine's real name is Rita, which surprised me. D-K had never played multiplayer before, which was reflected in his score. I think the fact that he was, eh, under the influence didn't help either. Best moment of the evening was when I saw a little grenade icon in the corner of the screen with nothing but Raine's name next to it. This time I had a headset, so I was unable to hide just how hard I was laughing. I have screenshots, will upload later.
  13. Yeah, I prefer making assumptions.
  14. I don't keep track of who lives where! I just figured Kenshi was in the US or something. Anyways, we're usually on around 19:00/20:00 GMT. The Dutchies are usually a bit earlier than everyone else.
  15. You need to specify what time zone you're in, because I have no idea what time that would be for me.
  16. Yeah, you damn Yanks! Stop rubbing it in! So inconsiderate...
  17. Not a huge turnout last night, but I still had fun. Anyone playing this weekend?
  18. As usual, I'll be in chat and on PSN.
  19. See, I tried looking for something like that, but the one on Wikipedia was all wrong. (It said the Netherlands was GMT 0.) Dean, could you add Foe's pic to the OP, please? Cheers.
  20. I'd be up for some KZ2 some time, but I just rushed through the Story when it came out and never touched it again. I didn't have internet at the time, so I couldn't take it online if I wanted. Anyway, on topic: I'll probably be on a bit later than usual tonight, since today's Tuesday which means I'm going to the gym. *flexes non-existent muscles*
  21. Ha, we just completely randomly ran into NoHardFeelings15. He was on our team, too. Had a good Deathmatch (50-49). I had the last kill by shooting a riot shielder in the back.
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