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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. BTW, were you guys able to hear me clearly (Dutch accent notwithstanding)? I have trouble hearing some of you (especially Dean). I turned my mic volume in the XMB from 3 to 4 (out of 5). I didn't turn it all the way up because I didn't want to broadcast my breathing to everyone.
  2. Ah yeah, I guess our Plunder matches went pretty well (I don't think the TAY crew has ever been beaten in a game of Plunder, actually). But I did a few deathmatches with the others, and I sucked so hard. Even when I didn't do too bad, Raine, Hottie and Heartless always put my k/d ratios to shame... But like I said, when it comes to Plunder, we're pretty much unbeatable.
  3. Aww, and I almost thought you people didn't care about my little thread. We'll do it Raine's way, then. I'll just regularly post what we have so far, so people can pick up the story from there. Give me some time to write the first part, though. I'm so busy playing Uncharted 2 with you people... :/
  4. Yeah, that was my first match of the evening. It was all downhill from there...
  5. You guys want to see something cool?
  6. Oooh, you thought he was in the other team? I was wondering why you typed that out for him. XD
  7. I'm still laughing at Hottie's stupid ass joke.
  8. If anyone's wondering: Dean moved our USB headset discussion over here: http://board.pressxordie.com/index.php?/topic/571-ps3-headsets/page__view__findpost__p__28173
  9. Oh, I saw a Bluetooth ear piece for just €15, though: http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B001R5CS0W/ref=s9_simh_gw_p63_d5_i1?pf_rd_m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=1THMZ34ZCR7GKEFTV973&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=463375193&pf_rd_i=301128 I don't know if it's any good, but it gets 4 out of 5 stars from customer reviews.
  10. Uncharted 2?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      LIES. does hatch play video games?

    3. Showmeyomoves!


      Hatch, get Uncharted 2 and play with me, SmoovesC2!

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      That is not your name. Stop being a liar, liar.

  11. It seems like something Sony could easily fix with a system update... Isn't Bluetooth a Sony technology, though? That would explain it. :/
  12. Try this. Thanks, but I tried that and it doesn't work. The Audio Device Settings actually explicitly says: "Sets the audio input and output devices for voice/video chat and other communication features." (Emphasis mine.) I found a thread on the GameSpot forums. Apparently it can't be done with USB devices, only Bluetooth. Bah... Guess my roommate will just have to live with gunfire and explosions coming from the living room.
  13. Hm. If anyone figures out how to output the game audio through a USB headset, please let me know. The 4chan explanation only refers to Bluetooth devices, it seems...
  14. Woo-hoo! I got my headset! Who wants to hear me curse and scream when I'm losing (or scream and curse when I'm winning)? *edit* I almost stabbed myself in the dick trying to open the packaging... Let's do this nice and slow.
  15. Really? It wasn't the huge lightsaber beam that gave it away? Hot Heart: 26 points Yantelope: 22 points Mister Jack: 9 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points RadiantViper: 6 points FLD: 5 points staySICK: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points SeniorPuffyPants: 3 points jimmuhpage: 3 points Nexus: 3 points D-K: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Cyber Rat: 1 point Derpy: 1 point Aikage: 1 point Next picture coming up.
  16. People ARE playing today/tonight, right? 8:00 PM GMT?
  17. I wasn't wrong, so whatever point you're trying to make (assuming you have one) is moot. I'll concede that "angsty" would have worked too. "Emo" is the totally hip word to use, though. If it bothers you, just rest assured that it will probably be removed from everyone's daily vocabulary in about 3 years. Yup. Get used to it.
  18. The new-and-improved Lizard in the comics is pretty messed up, though. Spoilers for recent Amazing Spider-Man issues:
  19. Exactly. R&B is now used to describe any black pop music, but I don't hear anyone whining about it. Also, like T-Next said: He looks emo, no matter how you slice it. I'm very sorry if my use of "emo" as a negative offended you, Nihil Faiblesse.
  20. Nex had it right. I'm pretty sure it's from the original Katamari. Hot Heart: 25 points Yantelope: 22 points Mister Jack: 9 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points RadiantViper: 6 points FLD: 5 points staySICK: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points SeniorPuffyPants: 3 points jimmuhpage: 3 points Nexus: 3 points D-K: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Cyber Rat: 1 point Derpy: 1 point Aikage: 1 point I'll post the next pic...
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