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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. $70 monocle! Count me in! http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/06/22/eve-online-now-sells-70-monocles/
  2. Looks like the patch hits Monday. I can't wait to check it out.
  3. So Gabe goes from saying the PS3 is worthless to making it his favorite console to saying he likes the Wii U. I don't take him too seriously.
  4. Yeah, but this is the fad element that dies very quickly and you're left with pet rocks and pogs. If you want a sustainable base of loyal customers you need more than just Dance Central and Fruit Ninja.
  5. Sometimes it's the subtle things that make a difference.
  6. SSR notice the reflection off the panel. Tesselation is usually not hard to see but I can't see it on the first pic. On the bricks it's easy to see though. POM gives the dirt texture some depth through shadows. SSDO makes the shadows more complex and the lighting a little more dynamic.
  7. DX11 patch was up and died quick. Looks pretty. Subtle but pretty.
  8. Yeah, Kinect might have worked as a $30 add-on for some voice and video integration. As a $150 "new console launch" it's kind of a joke. The irony of it is that the XBL camera was supposed to do some of this stuff already and it was abandoned quick.
  9. What really did cause the failure of the Gamecube? I thought it was mainly just the PS2 having better games and DVD playback. Gamecube had comprable graphics, some of the games looked really good, but the first party support was staggeringly weak from Nintendo and 3rd party support never fully kicked in like they did for the xbox and PS2. Honestly I think the Wii should have failed and only didn't because it became a fad, a virus as Cliffy B called it. Lightning rarely strikes twice and I don't see the Wii U sharing the same fad success that its predecessor had.
  10. Yeah, forcing every single first party game to include some sort of Kinect gimmick isn't helping things either. It just makes the $150 novelty seem even more out of place.
  11. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Destructoid/~3/P6I3xuvT2g8/molyneux-kinect-has-some-problems-lol-on-rails-lol--204251.phtml He's right about something for once. Motion control sucks because there's no way to navigate the game world.
  12. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2011-06-21-miyamoto-wii-u-may-not-be-more-powerful-than-current-gen So it's looking pretty much set in stone that the Wii U will be about the same as the PS3 or Xbox. I'm struggling to see any way I'm going to go out and get a Wii U.
  13. Yeah, the Macromechanics only seem to count for games that are so large in scale that they can't give perfect attention to every detail. My friend and I were discussing the graphical disparity in LA Noire's models. Some things in that game look awesome and some things look like leftovers from last generation. Because the game is so huge though they can't bother to render the whole world in explicit detail so some stuff just looks better than other stuff. I suppose that gameplay suffers the same fate. If you've got 15 different types of things to do, like in Red Dead Redemption, you can't expect them all to play as tight as something like Halo where all you do is shoot but the shooting is wonderful. I suppose there's a middle ground too. Mass Effect has decent shooting and a story around it. I feel the 2nd game was a real jump because the shooting felt almost as good as Gears of War or other dedicated 3rd person shooters but it still had the macro story and other RPG elements too it.
  14. Yantelope


    You're still making about $0.25BTC/week and that's like $5. I'm not making a ton more than that but since I leave my computer idle anyway it's worth it. If nothing else you're getting the money you spend on electricity back. I turned the aggressive flag down from 7 to 2 so my card only operates at about 80% and it keeps it running cooler.
  15. Yantelope


    .65 bitcoins = $10 amazon card for now.
  16. So basically FarCry 1 2 and 3 will all have been made by completely different people. Awesome.
  17. Yantelope


    Yeah, apparently ATI is the only way to go. Performance on Nvidia GPUs is a fraction for for this application. No idea why.
  18. My thoughts on the NFL: "...both sides are staring each other down like two assholes fighting over the last Maybach in a Mercedes dealership because they literally can't figure out how to split up the hundreds of millions they're making. " http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/6649101/dizzying-highs-terrifying-lows
  19. Yantelope


  20. Yantelope


    Just got my first $10 amazon gift card. Woot!
  21. Yantelope


    Saw that about the trojan. Also, just figured out you can run a script to keep your file from going idle. Pretty helpful. taskkill /F /IM phoenix.exe /T ping -n 1 -w 5000 start /d C:\phoenix-1.47 start_bitcoinpool.bat ping -n 1 -w 295000 start /d C:\ looper_bitcoinpool.bat exit basically it just restarts the program and then restarts the loop after 5 minutes. I increased the time to 30 minutes though.
  22. I usually tried to use the dirt buggy to go offroading and it outruns the jeeps pretty good.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hMrY8jysdg&feature=player_embedded
  24. <--- sole gamer who likes GFWL.
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