Yeah, I just wonder how you can make any changes to the core gameplay that doesn't ruin the series. If you change it too much it isn't Halo but then again, I'm getting bored with Halo.
I thought there was some form of exodus when Sakagachi left though. Infinity Ward will be another good example. I wonder what the quality of their games will be after the walkout.
<---Forgot he was talking to a graphic designer.
Well, I guess I get the other side of the coin because most of the people I know who deal with Macs make all these claims about how super easy and intuitive it is and how PCs are just to complicated and break all the time.
Megaman X went south after 4 IMO.
Medal of Honor got stale really quick but then again the whole World War II FPS sub-genre got old.
Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, actually pretty much every Activision game ever.
Sadly, Halo is reaching that point for me.
The single year cycle (outside of sports games) is only usually done with two separate development teams which already violates one of his other rules. I am not a fan of the way that COD alternates development teams.
Final Fantasy also kind of violates the rule too just because a lot of the original team has been gone for some time.
I used to be a Nintendo fanboy up until the N64 days but I had to jump ship after the Gamecube destroyed my hopes and dreams. I've become a MS fanboy even though they're evil. I just spend so much time on my Xbox.
I think Apple fanboys are the worst though. If a PC is too hard for you need to go back to school.
Who are you a fanboy of and which fanboys can you not stand?
Yeah, the NASCAR challenges are too sensitive for the poor DS3. It seems like it was made specifically for people with racing wheels. The whole game kind of does.
What's the gist of the thread? I just bought the complete edition for $10 and it's pushing my CPU temps up over 100C.
Also, Singularity was a fun shooter but pretty forgettable.
I got GT5 and was really excited for it but I haven't been able to bring myself to go back and play it some more. I'm just not in the mood lately. I'm a bit turned off by the standard cars vs. premium cars nonsense.