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Mr. GOH!

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Everything posted by Mr. GOH!

  1. I'm down to play anything. Any suggestions HotHeart?
  2. Pyre, which I am enjoying quite a bit so far. Persona 5 for the ps4. I have no self control
  3. I'm up for anything. I think I'll be free earlier in the day on Saturday, from around 2 pm UK time to 9 pm UK time. (9 am to 4pm NYC time). The DLC I own are: Superfight, Scythe, Battle for SOuls, Darkest Night, Mistfall, Three Cheers for Master, Tiny Epic [whatever], Wizard's Academy and Cosmic Encounter. These were just ones I got for cheap during various sales, although I've heard good things about cosmic encounter. Edit: I am now free Saturday until 5pm UK time or 1 pm NYC time. Sunday I am free after 5 pm UK time.
  4. Wimpy sammies with store-bought bread do not need to be cut. But when you use real bread, like hoagies or rolls or bagels, you just cut straight across (and into the hoagie or roll, so you have a place to put the meat and stuff).
  5. I'm not into CAH or Secret Hitler over TTS. I'm fine with fiddliness in board games on TTS; I think things were slow mostly because Dean and I were utter Scythe and TTS n00bs. I would like to play Scythe again at some point, too.
  6. I was playing Half Life 1, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment, Deus Ex, and Diablo 2. Since these are considered classics of their genres, I think they mostly hold up.
  7. Scythe it is! I will read up on the rules, too.
  8. Now what should we play? I'm down to buy any of the modules, if need be.
  9. Excellent. I'm actually free after 8pm your time; forgot you're an hour earlier than the Continent. @Hot Heart you in?
  10. Why didn't anybody tell me Pyre is an RPG?!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TCP


      Can't be any worse than Transistor right??

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I first caught wind of it a few months ago, but it sure didn't seem like an RPG. 

  11. My Sunday just got booked, too. I am free after 9 p.m. British time Saturday, though.
  12. He's a jerk in it. But he's not a main character and he's fine.
  13. Dunkirk. Best war movie since Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now. Beautifully constructed and shot. Tense as hell.
  14. I'd be happy with a Lockjaw-only show.
  15. In other news, The Inhumans TV show still looks fucking awful.
  16. I do not like Ed Sheeran or his music, but he was perfectly fine as a Lannister soldier.
  17. How does it stack up to Tropico or other simulation games? I've played maybe half an our of Anno games in total, but I love simulation and management games moreso if they're sci fi.
  18. It's almost as if Arya were the bad guy at that campfire.
  19. I "bought" Jotun while it was free on Steam.
  20. The War for the Planet of the Apes. It's half Western, half war movie and it's ultimately about the futility of revenge and violence. The apes are great to watch and the actors' performances shine through the CGI ape costumes. It's kinda ridiculous how good the recent Planet of the Apes movies have been. It's not perfect, but it is a fitting conclusion to the trilogy, even if it wallows in sentimentalism at the end.
  21. Speaking of which, I'm free all day Sunday for TTS madness!
  22. Since when are video games frivolous? Or is your definition of "frivolous" just "not related to board games?"
  23. I backed this and it was funded. Might be the riskiest funded Kickstarter I've ever backed, but considering that the campaign was for extras and not to fund the main game, I'm not too worried. Looks like it's in the vein of the other recent isometric RPGs, except this one will use Pathfinder rules (read as: rules that are very very very similar to DnD 3.5 rules, but with a lot of fixes).
  24. My new ranking of the MCU films: Elite: Spider-Man: Homecoming Guardians of the Galaxy 1 Captain America: the First Avenger Good: The Avengers Iron Man Captain America: The Winter Soldier Okay (fun but deeply flawed): Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Doctor Strange Captain America: Civil War Ant-Man Bad: Iron Man 3 Thor: the Dark World Avengers: Age of Ultron Garbage: Thor Iron Man 2
  25. Spider-Man: Homecoming. I did not expect it to be as good as it was in addition to featuring the best on-screen portrayal of Spider-Man. The story was coherent, character-driven, and interesting, the stakes were appropriate for the character, and Spider-Man was seamlessly integrated into the larger MCU without being overshadowed. I'm not a huge fan of his new suit's many gadgets and his AI assistant; I hope they're toned down in the sequels. I thought it was pretty interesting that Peter's motivation was not grounded in his uncle's death but in his hero-worship of the Avengers, which is a very big change from the previous Spidey movies. The Peter-as-a-student stuff was very good and grounded and I am glad we didn't get yet another iteration of Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane Watson. I liked the new characters and the riffs on old ones. Ned was fantastic and a great "chair guy"; I hope he shows up in the sequels. I also like that Flash was a preppy nerd (a nascent techbro, if you will) rather than a jock. I also liked the new "MJ" (not Mary Jane Watson, according to Feige - although she is obviously Peter's long-term love interest) being sort of a chillaxed activist nerd type rather than a popular kid who wants to be an actress. I saw the twist coming 80 miles away, but the reveal was good and the subsequent scenes were great, although there is a plot hole in the immediate aftermath. The humor was good and every character, even the side characters, felt well-developed, although This version of the Vulture and the other Spider-Man villains were pretty great. I'd go so far to say that Toomes had the clearest and most logical motivation of any Marvel movie villain to date. He's not as fun as Loki, true, but I hope he's involved in future Spider-Man stories, even just as a side character. I also liked his crew, especially the dumb and ineffectual first Shocker; I think being dumb and ineffectual is sort of a Shocker tradition.
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