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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Talking about that one time he took StarCraft to space, plus how he became an astronaut and other cool stuff. \m/ \m/
  2. What about Fate/Extella? Not exclusive as it's available on PC and PS4/Vita, but the Switch version includes all DLC plus an exclusive outfit for Nero.
  3. I think it's pretty good, much more polished and consistent than Exit Wounds, and I liked that one too, so there's that.
  4. Bringing this thread back from the dead to post this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-08-23-brink-is-now-free-on-steam Brink is now free to play.
  5. It's hard to say, since old favourites have either disappeared, stopped making games I care about or fucked up hardcore at some point in time. Though current ones I would say are From Software, I like the Souls series, even if 3 has been disappointing so far, loved the hell out of Bloodborne and the Armored Core series is really fun. I would also include Marvelous/Honey Parade games, since I love the Senran Kagura series, and Fate/Extella is pretty fucking cool. \m/ \m/ Techland made Dying Light, so there's that, and 4A games is also there because the Metro series is fucking awesome. \m/ \m/
  6. Hearing Devin talk about anything is always fun, but when he gets into his creative process and just creativity in general it's fucking awesome, love it.
  7. https://www.engadget.com/2017/08/08/Ohio-state-genetic-device-breakthrough-organ-tissue-repair/ A chip that can "inject" genetic code into skin cells, converting from one type to another, it's already been used to restore a mouse leg, and apparently also helped a mouse that had suffered a stroke, pretty cool stuff. \m/ \m/
  8. I wonder if it isn't popular over here, or if it's just the city where I live, every store here seems to have a bunch of them lying around, the problem is I can't afford one right now.
  9. The enitre series is pretty cool, shame the movie itself isn't doing well.
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