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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. I like the art style, would have loved if they showed more about it, but I guess we'll have to wait a bit.
  2. After playing Wildlands, I'm curious to see what they'll do with Far Cry, Wildlands had a ton of potential, but Ubi still can't get side activities right IMO, I've already maxed out rebel help and there's still a ton of missions left, which don't give any kind of useful reward if you've already unlocked all rebel support skills, would be cool if they gave you supplies or something. The new AC could be cool, but Black Flag ruined that franchise for me, no game after has been able to match it. Still, the setting sounds interesting though, so I'll keep an eye on it.
  3. Happy birthday Dean! \m/ \m/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Happy birthday, Supreme Leader!

    3. deanb
    4. Mal


      Your birthday today also marks the end of PS3 production. Happy birthday you shit admin. /s

      Seriously though, happy birthday dude.

  4. I gave up hope for any new Metroid game, this way, if they announce something cool it'll be fucking awesome, if it ends up being a new Federation Force then whatever, I won't care. I'm hoping for a release date confirmation for Darksiders 3, and maybe some new From Software game. Also, though this is extremely unlikely, it would be awesome if XSEED announced a release of Fate/Extra CCC, could be digital only, or whatever, don't care as long as it gets an English release.
  5. It had some really ool ideas, shame about how things went down.
  6. It was late at night, it was the best I could do at the time. I've read good things about their previous games, but I'll pass on them, they're not the kind of stuff I'm looking to play right now.
  7. In case you were curious about how metal vocalists can do what they do without damaging their vocal chords/throat: I already sort of knew about this (false vocal chords are mentioned pretty much every time the subject of death metal vocals comes up ) but this is the first time I see an actual scientific study on the matter. Related, this is what happens when you teach a neural network to come up with its own band names: http://www.metalinjection.net/latest-news/heres-what-happens-when-a-machine-learns-metal-band-names-and-then-makes-up-its-own My favourites are: Inbumblious ChaosWorge le Plague Inhum the Thorg Dragonsulla and Steelgosh Black Clonic Sky Sespesstion Sanicilevus \m/ \m/
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