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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. I've been cooking a lot more lately. I made myself a real nice breakfast sandwich this morning. Mmmmmm.
  2. Thank you MaliciousH for Don't Starve! I can't wait to play it~. I'll definitely post on how the game is because I remember some of you were curious about it.
  3. Yeah, thanks, weather. I'm only walking from the bus stops in severe blizzards tonight. :T

    1. Saturnine Tenshi
    2. Mal


      I always think of those times as a game. LP, you are to cross enemy territory undetected under the cover of the blizzard. Remember your CQC training.

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I survived, but holy shit are people in my town STUUUUPID. Who drives in a blinding blizzard going 45mph and without their headlights on? I hope Darwin takes effect tonight.

  4. All these new games for the 3DS that I want... but the 3DS makes me so dizzy when I look at it. DAMMIT NINTENDO.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I usually have the slider 3/4 of the way. It depends on the game, and what style of 3D it uses (depth or pop-out).

    3. Baconrath
    4. TheMightyEthan


      I was really tempted by the $150 3DS + Super Mario 3D Land Black Friday bundle, but then I started looking and realized Super Mario 3D Land is literally the only 3DS game I'm interested in. And Ocarina of Time, but I already have that on the 64 and the Gamecube, so I don't figure I need it again.

  5. DAT BASS Hehe, I dunno why but I particularly love this scene.
  6. The only game left in the series that I haven't played yet (the arcade one not included). Might have to just order it online because none of the pre-owned game stores seem to have a copy.
  7. Girl did not come with the shirt, but the shirt is still pretty awesome.
  8. Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028185578 Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028185578/wishlist I guess if you're not sure what to get me that isn't on my steam wishlist, I am looking to get the PC version of Minecraft (even though I'm not sure if anyone plays it anymore...), or you could gift me some XBOX360 points so I can pick out a game for myself, or you can simply gift me money on Paypal. As far as my steam wishlist, I've got my eyes set on The Walking Dead episodes. Honestly I will be happy with anything I receive, I would just feel badly if I was gifted a game I won't play. I've tried to stick to affordable games for my steam list, so that's probably your best bet. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  9. Sophisticated scarecrow? I kinda drew out of blue and ended up making this.
  10. It's December and I have my windows wide open to let in the sunshine and fresh, warm air inside. But global warming is a myth in my country. :|

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      There's no water going to farmers because there's no water Revan. Either we deplete the aquifers under Southern California and risk some pretty bad subsidence there (already happening), or we truck it in from elsewhere and hell, California doesn't even have the money to pretend to make their schools affordable.

    3. TheRevanchist


      True. The problem is only going to get worse, because the delta system needs a complete overhaul, along with the levee systems. Once the delta system breaks, all of CA is fucked, and trucks may be the only way to get water. The invasive specie of smelt will die anyway. CA has lots of water problems. :(

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Desalination + giant pipelines = problem solved. That's long term though, obviously.

  11. I was gonna hold out until Christmas but I don't think I can make it. I need a new MP3 player really badly. Any suggestions? I'm looking for something under $100 but will also not constantly malfunction on me. A decent battery life would be nice, too. I'm not worried about apps or anything, I just want to listen to music.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deanb


      I've had the Sansas and they've been pretty good. Last was a Fuze, should be under $100. My little sister has it now.

    3. madbassman39


      My zune HD has been the best thing ever. I know it will be hard to get at that price, or at all. Best player out there.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      You don't have a smartphone you can use? But yeah, if not, Sansa clip is the best by far. Awesome price and sound, you can install rockbox on it, you can add a 32gb microSD if you need to.

  12. Silent Hill: Homecoming. I liked it, really. A lot more than Downpour, which really disappointed me. The monsters in this one had more interesting designs. They weren't really all that symbolic, but they were pretty freaky. At times I thought that they were really trying TOO hard to be freaky... For example, one of the bosses you fight just looks like a cheesy Human Centipede knockoff. But overall, it had a nice creepy atmosphere, had monsters that made you panic when you see them, and the visuals were nice. The voice acting is one the worst flaws of this game, though. The actors sound like they just got out of bed and this is some random side job they just picked up for extra cash. Overall, it felt like an 'okay' addition to the series. I kind of wish Silent Hill would go back to its monsters being symbolic for the characters and not just 'people just want to see some f*cked up sh*t, let's make it as weird looking as we can.'.
  13. Well I had meant stuff, but ideals and dreams could go here, too. Wouldn't mind having this dress, but I don't know where I'd where it...
  14. We have a stuff you bought thread, but how about a thread for stuff we WISH we could buy? For example, how awesome would it be to have a nice aquarium like this: Or a fully working real Pip Boy
  15. I've been considering getting this game for a while, but I'm afraid I will never see the light of day if I do... I tend to get very addicted to any kind of game that involves making things....
  16. I had about three bucks left on my steam wallet, and I saw Cave Story was a little over $2 so I nabbed it.
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