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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. First time attempting an explosion.
  2. A fortune cookie from work. It's message made me realize that there are a few things in life that can be taught by video games.
  3. Still having a bit of trouble getting The Walking Dead to work on my computer. I went ahead and got the first episode for XBOX. I played through a small portion of it, and so far I'm captivated. They really put a lot of dedication into the character's personalities.
  4. Real excited for the big steampunk party tonight--I hope I can get my camera working for good pictures!

    1. TCP


      I'll be there dressed as Aeris.


    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I bet you can rock that pink dress like no other.

    3. TCP


      My hair bow is practically dripping of sexy.

  5. This guy makes some great custom video game music.
  6. Just bought the mechromancer pack for Borderlands 2, can't wait to play as this lil' missy.
  7. Yeah I'm down for some BL2, too. I only have it for Steam, though.
  8. Been doing a lot of Borderlands 2, found out that the voice actor for Tiny Tina is Ash from HAWP series, so that made my day.
  9. Yesterday it was 56 degrees, and today it's 10 and snowing. The weather here is more bipolar than Cybil.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      two days ago it was 35 with windchills of 29, today it's 70. Ours is as bipolar as my mother in law

  10. Pokemon Black 2. Dammit, I'm such a sucker for these games no matter how repetitive they get. So far, there's no new Pokemon, but new areas, new mini games... And they're bringing first and second generation back, even early on in the game. Kind of cool to have a Marril again, and a Koffing, but.... I don't know how much longer they can milk this franchise. They're gonna start running out of ideas here pretty soon.
  11. I'm glad I've got more hours at work, but working 9 days straight with no day off makes me wonder if my boss is taking advantage of me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      My hours are never the same, I work in such a crazy atmosphere. Apparently the reason I got so many daysis that we're losing two people.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Let me tell you something. A boss relies on his best employees in a time of need.

    4. Vecha


      I wish my job would let me work 9 days in a row. :( I barely get 10 hours a week. I'm lucky with 20.(not bitter against you..but it made a me sad panda).

  12. Looks like I figured out why my lines are so damn erratic, my tablet wasn't installed properly. I went ahead and installed a new driver and suddenly my pressure sensors are back, and my lines are definitely looking crisper, now. I can't wait to get some real nifty things done. But for now, here's a pony.
  13. Happy Birthday, P4 and MetalCaveman!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      Ya, Happy Birthday P4 and MetalCaveman! ^o^

    3. Vecha


      Happy Happy Joy Joy P4 and MetalCaveman!

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Yeah, Happy Birthday, you dudes!

  14. At least he's doing something to them.... I've had roommates in the past who would just dump their dishes in the sink, still full of food, where it would fester. Not to mention the potatoes that managed to breed itself into three generations on the top of the fridge. My suggestion would be to just wash your own dishes for a while and leave his alone for him to do. And if he confronts you about THAT, then maybe consider the pros and cons of that person being your roommate.
  15. I am buying from Best Buy because I have collected a total of $360 in gift cards over the holidays, so pretty much I'm looking into whatever they have to offer. Long story short, I'm moving out and I want something I can hook up to a TV so I can watch shows, too. As far as the games I hope to play, I mainly want to stick to TF2 and Guild Wars 2. I'm trying not to exceed $600 if I can avoid it.
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