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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. Nell loves her box fort
  2. I've played all the way through every Sam and Max game, except that last episode of Devil's Playhouse. This series never gets old for me, and I've always loved point and click adventure games. Hope they're getting another series soon.
  3. Marshall has more than one Doppleganger....
  4. First day on the catering job and I got to see President Obama. On the way home I stopped at the mall and ended up winning a free makeover. Today was quite a day.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. deanb


      Iowa per chance cos I've seen a photo..

    3. deanb



    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      You definitely had a better day than Atomsk88.

  5. I'll finally be joining the Sanctum server tonight at midnight. I'm still torn between making an elementalist or a ranger. I've never had any problems doing ranger classes in other games so I might go with that one for familiarity, but elementalists look pretty darned cool. Not to mention the magic users can get the skimpy outfits.
  6. -Slowpoke.jpg- Friend was nice enough to give me her XBOXLive points since she had no use for them. Went ahead and finally got Dawnstar DLC. Though I know for sure that tomorrow I'm getting my copy of Guild Wars 2 and you probably won't hear from me for ages.
  7. Thanks you jerks. I actually ended up having nightmares about spiders. I'm not even normally freaked out by them. But I had dreams about millions of spiders, all of them the size of basketballs, living in a church.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I implied it was a hickey. Y'all should feel bad for the REST OF YOUR LIVES!! Or until you eat or sleep or do something else.

    3. FMW


      That's not very nice. Here, watch this instead of their horrid things. Much more comforting:

    4. Little Pirate
  8. 3 more days and I can finally play GW2. I don't think I can wait that long. My only option left is to freeze myself for 3 days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnny


      Login server down. SO SURPRISE.

    3. madbassman39


      You would think that they would have it fixed after all the stress tests, but the servers going down on pre-release, thats a lot of people!

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Eh. I wanted to play the game, but not only is it coming out RIGHT when my new college semester starts, it's coming out when I have other games to play as well.

  9. @Hot Heart Actually, no, I haven't. I went ahead and googled it and it looks just as intriguing. As soon as I'm finished reading through Wormwood I'll give that one a read.
  10. Woke up with a spider bite on my NECK. I got little vampires in my house, and I'm sleeping in the car tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      No, that's called being a sugar baby. In this case, you'd just have many, many sugar daddies.


      Too many pheromones and you'll be getting your leg humped by small, furry woodland creatures.

    3. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Is it being a sugar baby when it's kinda-sorta mind control though?

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I've never really been clear on the difference between a prostitute and a sugar baby, to be honest. It seems like one is just more long-term.


      Also, I would argue that sex is also a form of mind control, so it still works.

  11. I got a pal who's a comic junkie and he let me borrow this issue. I'm into creepy stuff, and I really loved this art style. Has a lot of mix of sci-fi and generic horror, and the jokes are pretty good. I recommend this one for those with a dark sense of humor.
  12. Happy Birthday!

    1. Connorrrr


      Thanks! I didn't actually see this until today, hah.

  13. Finally got through Downpour. The boss was kind of disappointing, it was mostly just beating off the same monsters about 20 times then pressing A rapidly. Overall, this game out of the series was so-so... I guess it's hard to top the first few, but the lack of diversity in monsters, especially since all of them were humanoid, was probably my biggest disappoint. The mind-fuck was still pretty heavy in place, the graphics are pretty awesome, but there's a lot of things lacking. Silent Hill is supposed to change up into a hellish state every now and then, but really, all that happened was you got knocked into some random running sequence from a red-blackhole. The puzzles were aggravating, especially since they were glitched. Overall, I'd give this a 4/10. Still has its eerieness, graphics are good... but the plot, side characters, side quests, and the fact I only beat on psycho-looking people rather than monsters makes me think I'm playing a completely different horror game than playing Silent Hill. I should try and find a cheap copy of Origins since I haven't played that one yet, and Homecoming I never got through, either.
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