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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. I'LL SHOW YOU, WALLY. I'LL HAVE THE COOLEST TOWN AND BE THE MOST AWESOME MAYOR AND THEN YOU'LL BE ALL "OH I SHOULDA BEEN NICER TO LIL'P, SHE HAS ALL THE COOL STUFF" THAT'LL TEACH YOU! c: But yeah I'd like to see your town, too. I have a lion with glasses livin' next door to me.
  2. But I have peaches!
  3. My friend code is 2380-3353-3746 if anyone wants to add me! My town is brand spanking new so I don't have anything to offer just yet.
  4. Today was... magical. Reserved my PS4 with my stock of Best Buy gift cards I've saved since last year. I only owe $97 when I pick it up. And with my birthday cash I got a 3DS. And... GIMME YOUR FRIEND CODES!!!
  5. I haven't posted anything in a while. Here's a robot girl.
  6. I've been stuck on the horse mask, myself. Works pretty well when you're being chased and for when the gun-toters are patrolling. This game can be rather frustrating. If I weren't graded on each level it wouldn't bug me so much, but dammit, the highest grade I've managed to get was a B+ and that was just a fluke.
  7. Ha! I love Tiny Tina's shift code invitation cards.

  8. Have they said anything about the PS4 being backwards compatible? There were so many PS3 games I missed out on...
  9. Received an early birthday present: Skullgirls Beta. I'm practicing for local matches if anyone else has the game. Also, reserving a PS4 on Wednesday...
  10. You know that you're out of it when you try to tap your phone with a Nintendo DS pen to answer it...

    1. TheRevanchist


      Or used a real pen on the DS.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      silly pirate phones work by heat

  11. Happy Birthday, Luftwaffles!

  12. Happy Birthday, Cowboy Poet~

    1. WTF


      Yeah happy birthday TCP and Luft (does luft even come here much these days?)

  13. Fuck you, Resetti.
  14. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spicyhorse/ozombie American McGee is probably going to be making a new game series, based off of Wizard of Oz. Looks pretty snazzy.
  15. Now all my friends have the new Animal Crossing, and they're inviting me to play, too... I must resist... I must--
  16. I'm sorry for your loss....
  17. Although I am crying on the inside because I do not have a 3DS for the new one.
  18. Hotline Miami A friend showed this to me and I've gotten addicted since. It's essentially like Manhunt, only it's faster paced and from an 8-bit top point of view. It's got a pretty catchy soundtrack, too.
  19. Slowly but surely, I think some game developers are getting the idea.
  20. I was a little wary of posting in this thread, but I just want to put a bit of input for it. I might not be the right person to have input on this because I'm not exactly a 'feminist'. To me, in the end -- it's just a game. I grew up playing video games since I was six. I particularly enjoyed fighting games, and I always picked the girls. I didn't care how scantly clad they were dressed, I was just happy to have a girl to pick from. When Pokemon finally included a female protagonist to choose from I was screaming at my parents that I needed the game BADLY. As I got older I did start to see a pattern in the giant boob jiggling, the sexy voices, and the lack of armor, but honestly I was never really bothered by it. There were always other games that had female characters I adored to make up for any cutout damsels in distress or a super sexy bikini babe if I got tired of seeing it. There have been instances where I've come across another female player complaining about how over sexualized armor is in a game. They've made points about how unrealistic the female body is, or how anyone in real life would die right away from wearing armor that only just barely covered the naughty bits. And how this just adds on to the whole social trend of women needing to be these barbie dolls for men to pay any attention to them. I've been compelled to ask them why it bothers them so much. I haven't been able to get a straight answer other than the fact they think it's sexist. I think part of it is just female insecurities--the whole fact that we're built to try and live up to a standard of beauty, body shape, boob sizes, flat bellies and so on. And to some girls, well, maybe having to deal with super sexy women while you're playing a game is just a further reminder of that. I can see that point of view. I've seen some characters and I've thought 'Holy crap I could never wear that string bikini with a cape like that'. Do I think it's worth making a big deal out of? No, not really. This has always been an element in video games. It's also a very common element in media too. It's just the way our society is. If I were to REALLY worry about sexism I would focus on things like Ambercrombie and Fitch saying they won't go past size 10 for women because fat chicks aren't cool enough to shop at their store. THAT is more along the lines of sexism to me than some boobs in a video game. There's so much variety in female characters in games now, and a lot of them don't even need to show a lot of skin to be an enjoyable character. I'm happy with that, and I am still seeing more improvement on it as new games are being released. There's always gonna be that bubbly ditz in the short skirt or the mysterious femme fatale in a skinsuit. Some gamers enjoy that. I don't think they should get rid of it completely just to suit the needs of the sexism issues, it kills the enjoyment for whatever gamers are into that. Besides. If I'm gonna have to stare at a virtual ass all day, I want that ass to be hot.
  21. I love Animal Crossing, I'm addicted to these kind of games. Especially since they're great for passing time casually. When I played Wild World, I learned that I seemed to get all the dickish animals living with me. I HATE YOU, YOU NEVER WRITE TO ME. OH HEY THERE. I'M JUST GONNA TAKE YOUR MONEY...YOU DON'T MIND DO YOU? OH IS THAT A NEW SHIRT? IT LOOKS TERRIBLE ON YOU. But all in all, it was an enjoyable, cute game. I want a 3DS so I can get some new releases of my favorite series, but I have money stashed away for when the PS4 hits the market... It's such a shame, this one looks like a lot of fun. Also you might like:
  22. Trying to find a cheap copy of Rule of Rose, and it's proving to be a challenging feat.
  23. June 2nd can't come soon enough...

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I am actually a Venture Bros fan just forgot when exactly they were coming back. If you had said "Robo Shiva" I would have gotten the idea

    3. CorgiShinobi
    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I look forward to causing another status war, let's all do this again sometime ♥

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