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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubSTSICa7y8
  2. Not 100% sure this will work with my guitar or not, but gonna see if it's any good or not.
  3. Was hanging around on a paint chatroom. Some person had a challenge to 'add a badass accessory to my character'. So I gave it a shot.
  4. Can't wait to pick this game up, it's been too long since I've been on a good MMORPG ,and it really helps that I don't have to pay for it monthly.
  5. The gaming industry doesn't want me to see the sunlight this year.
  6. Would totally buy either a Mordin or Thane or Kal'Reeger if these got made.
  7. My parents found my guitar while cleaning out their basement, so rather than sell it at a garage sale I'm going to go pick it up and give guitar another try. Gonna psyche myself up with some Joan Jetts~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Oh it's just my old Bently that I had when I was in high school. I have two others that are nicer but I'd prefer to not mess with those until I'm well into good practice.

    3. MasterDex


      Go for it! I've got an acoustic here that I've just given up on but it always nags me. I should pick it up but I don't!

    4. TCP


      Learn chords. Don't worry about riffs/scales/licks/lead/anything like that till after. Learn your C, Am, D, G, E, Em, A, F, etc. It shouldn't take you more than a month or so of practice to get decent with strumming, and then you'll be able to play 99.9% of songs. Then go on and learn your basic scales, bar chords, etc.

  8. Just sketching for the sake of practice
  9. I still want to play the Fatal Frame series. I know RE is pretty high on people's list but personally I have to favor Silent Hill a bit more. Now if we include PC games in that list I have a very long list of disturbing, creepy, and most likely now-banned games that are pretty freakin' awesome.
  10. New episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObGDjW7VtRA&hd=1
  11. YeahboughtthegameIgottagoplaynowtalktoyoulaterBYE
  12. There weren't really any scenes in any of the SH games that freaked me out, but there was one monster that when I first ran into it, it made me panic. In SH4 when you're in the prison tower, I saw one of these come charging at me and I jumped.
  13. Anymore when I mention Pyramid Head to people they just think the Silent Hill movie, which honestly does no justice to the game-version. Like Kenshi kind of said, I liked him more as an unsettling character that just appears out of nowhere. SH2 did play a lot more on the town itself being the hellish entity, not the cult summoning demons and whatnot. On a random note, has anyone played the Shattered Memories Silent Hill? Personally, I wasn't expecting it to be an exploration-type of game, so I was a bit disappointed by that. But the fact that the choices you make during the game effects the atmosphere was kind of a cool twist.
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