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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlkPcY3kdrs
  2. Went and saw Woman in Black. It was okay, but it kinda dragged itself on and the 'scary' parts were just 'BOO!' moments. But otherwise it kept my interest and it was kinda cool to see Daniel Radcliffe doing something other than Harry Potter.
  3. Not yet, still got some Cousin It going.
  4. Can't wait to get home from work, husband and I are going to dress up as zombies and go to Zombie Burger for Valentine's Day.
  5. Wonderful~ What program do you use? I've been pretty much using photoshop and Sai, but I'm not really familiar with a lot of the tools so I usually just improvise.
  6. Skyrim is very addicting. Be prepared to kiss your social activity goodbye when you start.
  7. Actually I think that the original designer got the outfit look from Jill from Resident Evil, but we're making alternate colors.
  8. Not drawings, but rather snapshots of new outfit designs that a couple people and I are working on for an avatar chat program -- Secret Agent / Stealth suit kind of thing
  9. When someone calls someone else a knob, are they calling them an asshole?
  10. Did someone say Berserk~? I am too anxious for the new anime. It's gonna follow the manga much more closely. So instead of just starting with Griffith and Guts battles through the ages then dumping Eclipse on you out of nowhere, they're going to actually get into the whole Behilit thing to start. Puck finally makes an appearance, too.
  11. I don't even think this whole gay marriage thing would be an issue if people learned to just mind their own business. Unless this person is directly related to you or has a direct impact on your life, you shouldn't be telling them who they can or can't marry. It's a personal decision between two people and their family/friends. And don't go into the whole 'sanctity of marriage' thing because I have yet to see anything running campaigns or propositions against divorce.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEPSd5vho7Y
  13. I don't think I've ever been covered in as many dead spiders, dust, cobwebs, and wall pieces as I have today. Baths are a holy thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Funny story Atomsk--when I first moved in we agreed to do a bunch of repair work to lower our rent. In the basement we found some foam-sealed holes in the wall and they had crack pipes shoved in them.

    3. MasterDex


      FREE CRACK! But seriously, as I read your comment, I was expecting a journey deep beneath the ground filled with unknown horrors and deep, echoing growls.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Then how does the water stay in them?

  14. Seeing Big Mac talk so much blew my mind.
  15. I'm really disappointed in the people in my town. There has been so much hate flooding towards the gays around here as of late. Just last week someone posted a threat on the local gay club's door. My aunts are gay, but they still attend church--so gays are hated and now they can't practice and follow the same religion? So much hypocrisy I can't even fully comprehend it. RGH.
  16. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/02/07/nj_teachers_union_boss_with_500k_salary_tells_poor_lifes_not_always_fair.html Someone should hack his bank account, steal all his money and leave a note that says "Life's Not Fair"
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cH-yA8U2XgI#!
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