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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. I would go and buy the junkiest P.O.S. car I can find that can still run, and go find a really snooty rich neighborhood, park like an asshole, accidentally bang my door on their BMW's and take a sharpie to their 'my child is an honor student'. Then I'd fender-bender people driving like douches and texting/blue toothing. And when they get out of their car to threaten a lawsuit I'll slap them across the face with a wad of cash to pay for any damages, get back in my P.O.S. car and loudly blare music down their residential streets at 2 AM. I would also buy houses across the street from all the people who done me wrong and install giant mirrors on my roof, so that every morning when the sun shines down they are forced to blind up their windows and scream "DAMN YOU LITTLE PIRATE!!!"
  2. Little Pirate


    Good for Google~! Really, though, if a church wants to have so much influence on our government they need to start paying taxes like the rest of us. And even then, it's no one's business who gets married to who. I'm glad some big-name company is finally aiding the cause for equal rights.
  3. Having a fever in summer REALLY sucks. Guhhhh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I wish I were sick. I could call sick to work.

    3. TheRevanchist
    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Nah, it's fine, Cowboy. Just step a little closer and I'll cough and hack on your face, that should do the trick.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm6kDmcxOCw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xfgncDju18 Digital music is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  5. I think my worst case scenario was back when I was still with my parents and we all shared one computer. Needless to say certain family members weren't too smart about what sites they visited and one day we got a super virus. This thing was NASTY. It would disable all anti-viruses from running, would block you from the registry editor completely, as well as task manager, and upon start up would automatically load the internet and open a bunch of spam sites. Even running in safe mode was a nightmare, it still managed to get access to the internet and demanded that we pay for its antivirus software. I tried to sneak-install antivirus and malware remover programs through a USB transfer and it would actually stop the .exe processes in its track, and when you tried to reinstall it, the program would just vanish completely. It was a NIGHTMARE. I think my parents still have the computer but it was rendered completely useless for the internet because the program still runs wild. I hope my own computer never has to experience such a thing.
  6. I got a little black 2 month old kitten for an early birthday surprise. Named her Nell and she's just a little bundle of affection.
  7. I'm in the mood for a creepy internet game. Anyone have any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strangelove


      Chatroulette.com is pretty creepy.

    3. TheRevanchist


      These might not work for females.


      Do a google search for a big name celebrity and click on the most spammy looking link. So dangerous!

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Cross-reference people between OK Cupid and Facebook and mention things they mention on one network but not the one you are contacting them on.

  8. Speaking of Netflix, Dee, I found a pretty decent yoga instructor. It's great for getting your abs in particular. The other Crunch videos aren't so great in my opinion, but they also haved dance and even some kickboxing videos.
  9. @BigDan There's plenty of ways to get exercise without spending money. If you have Netflix there's a ton of good videos you can dig through and figure which one suits you best. If you like running, getting up early in the morning and sticking to safe streets is your best bet. I had to really kick myself to get out of bed at 5:30 to get a jog at 6 AM in. Sometimes it's hard to push yourself to do it, but in the end it's the best thing for you. You could also see if there are nearby parks that have tracks or outdoor equipment and drive down there. Cemetary lots also make great (and safe) jogging areas. Treadmills can be ridiculously expensive. A gym I guess will make you feel like you HAVE to go down there because you're paying a monthly fee. And my friend's Wii was rather mean when I first started. It's a picky little machine. I was estatic the day it told me I was normal. It's a good feeling.
  10. On Disc 3 of FFIX. I forgot just how cheesy this one was. It's still fun to play, just the characters are a little too goofy (save for Vivi really).
  11. I have a guilty pleasure of finding my old CD-Rom games from when I was a kid and replaying them. And not like actual video games... more like Disney interactive storybooks and the old Arthur read-a-longs. Also this weird math game with a skunk and a bear.
  12. Heeee~. So happy to see more people posting in here. And to answer your question I mainly use Sai Paint and Photoshop along with my very old and beat up tablet. I don't have much for schooling (aside from high school art class) in arts so I'm mostly self taught. I try to paste good tutorials for photoshop in here when I find them, so if you come across any feel free to post them in here! Great job Kau and Strangelove, keep it up!
  13. COLORS~! The person below me can drink four beers through straws in one sitting.
  14. Excel I think you've had the same avatar since I've gotten here. You need more variety in your forum-life.
  15. Yay more drawing people in my posse~! And he has a Shounen Bat avatar, too. I took a moment to check your website, love the cyborg/robot in particular. Do you draw stuff for a living?
  16. -Mug -Two shoulder buttons to escape battle- The person below me replaces me in battle.
  18. Ohhhhh, did someone say mashups? This is one of my favorites:
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