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Commander Shepard

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Everything posted by Commander Shepard

  1. We said men, not itsy bitsy teeny tiny babies. Cry some more. Also, adding Heavy Weapons Guy.
  2. No saves, no checkpoints, no continues. Final destination. You die in the game, your adventure ends and you must start a new one. I'm sure we can all remember early PC/NES/whatever games, though now replaying them on emulators, I state save so often, especially out of fear of dying.
  3. X-Men Arcade and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade games. They become the greatest games ever when you have a full team to fight your way through the game, with the Simpsons Arcade game being a closer runner-up.
  4. It's not red enough, and I'm not entirely sure as to what game it is, or if it's official, or even if it's based on a TV series.
  5. Pish posh, is that all the fury you can muster? Time to bust out the S.C.A.T. Any my face when I win this war.
  6. Whenever I have to write things done, I have to turn the paper almost completely sideways to write. If I can't turn the paper, like signing electronically, I position myself so the writer is sideways.
  7. In ye olde times, I'd buy friends Vidja games for birthdays only. Nowadays, with Steam, I find it's more easy to gift someone a game, especially when Steam has sales and group sales for games, so I can buy a four pack of a game and gift them to friends so we can play together / talk about them. Steam also helps me saving in shipping costs and allows them to instantly receive the game and download at their own leisure. (Also, nowadays, all my friends play PC games, so I don't have to ever worry about console games, which makes it even easier.)
  8. TS2 reprazent Hellz yeah. So many arcade modes/levels, designing multiplayer levels, and so on.
  9. For manly Final Fantasy characters, Cloud-lovers aside, I must submit Jecht. I'd add in Auron, but since he's more of a badass than manly, I'm not sure to include him. As well as Sabin from from FFVI, as the dude can suplex a ghost train.
  10. I beg to differ, I counter with: Box art of the box art on the box art. As well as: I always hold my Coach's hand tenderly.
  11. Today is just a Rush kind of day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu9Ycq64Gy4
  12. Ah, the days back when in most games there was no real save feature, and instead with either had to restart the game from the beginning when we powered the console down, or had to copy down passwords of varying characters, lengths, and whatnot. So many notebooks and the "Game Notes" sections in the back of game manuals full of top secret codes to final levels/bosses.
  13. No one mentions the TimeSplitters series?!
  14. Galileo Figaro Magnificooooooo-oh-oh-oh-oh!
  15. Finishing play a game. Open menu, save the game. Close game, "Do you want to save?" Save again. Out of paranoia.
  16. Been there, done that. Twice. Don't look at me like I'm insane. :Looks at you like you're insane for the hell of it:
  17. One that really surprises me is that fact that Big Boss hasn't been brought up yet.
  19. Body's aching all the time Goodbye, everybody
  20. Duke Nukem does not even have to be named because of his manliness. It's like pointing out the manly elephant in the room. Also, B.J. Blazkowicz. Kills nazis, super-nazis, Hitler, Super Hitler, and RoboHitler.
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