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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 2 This was way better. It also in ways wrapped up the entire Bioshock universe. Kind of weak but that "Ace in the hole".
  2. This Oculus Rift shit storm. Wow.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mal


      Wally, your waifu a shit. You lost your way.


      Seriously though, its like if the entire loathing for Obama and his message of "Change" came crashing down in a instant instead of slowly like it did.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      It's only the biggest disaster. SINCE THE GOD DAMN HOLOCAUST. The list goes:

      - Michael Bay still making movies

      -The Holocaust

      -Facebook bought Oculus Rift

      - Dark Souls II is about graphics

    4. toxicitizen


      Don't forget that Ben Affleck is Batman now!

  3. http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/21cy9n/the_future_of_vr/ Palmer comments on this purchase... From my perspective, the OR was a wonderful tool that wasn't tied to some service or outside company. Sure it may have worked with some companies but it wasn't ever completely tied to anyone. Now it is tied to Facebook which makes me and tons of other people worried. I've been fed with a lot of BS promises in the past to 100% believe that the OR will be unhindered or un-manipulated. On the grand schemes of things however, this might be a good thing for VR. The OR may die or fizzle out but VR may thrive. This may make the concept stick around this time.
  4. http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=gbsl_tit_l-1_0942_68ced032?ie=UTF8&node=8524689011&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_s=left-new-1&pf_rd_r=04A7TD3DA387SEXDD37V&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_p=1740370942 Stick of Truth for about $43. Today only so about 12 more hours I guess?
  5. Only at some parts do I recall bad textures on the PC. Some of the doors are quite bad if even I noted it on my recent playthrough.
  6. FYI, Episode 2 launched today. So far... its pretty good and kind of explains the shit that went down in Episode 1. You will remember how it is to be helpless against a Big Daddy.
  7. Calling Ground Zeroes a paid ad sounds accurate.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I think most people should wait for MGSV to officially come out, it'll have that bundled with it I assure you.

    2. TCP


      If there wasn't such an uproar I'd be inclined to agree with you, Wally. But I think since everyone's upset, if they do bundle the two together it'll cost extra. In my opinion, you're better off waiting a month or two till it's 10 or 15 dollars for next-gen.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, it'll probably be $60 for MGSV and $70 for MGSV+GZ bundle.

  8. This is a cool application for the Oculus. If I could I would pull off virtual field trips and su
  9. Its currently sitting at $15 but I'm not sure if that is the reduced price. Though I could bite on that but if it is reduced even closer to $10 then it would be better.
  10. A Shinkai piece that might not depress the hell out of me? I'll take it. Warm my heart Shinkai. Make me believe that someday I'll cross roads with with someone. Also here's an album regarding how Shinkai and his studio works. The final images are related to Cross Roads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9kA4UZA5kM Gundam Unicorn later this spring.... Gundam Origin slated for next year. Can't wait. There is also another new Gundam series but eh... we'll see how that goes. It's on a separate timeline from anything that has been released so far. What else... oh yeah. This was leaked a while back. So yeah, it is happening. It was dead for a while but it is happening.
  11. Mal


    If its made like a beer with beer ingredients then yeah. I also never heard of Genesee which may be a good thing.
  12. Hard mode with Reflex mode off is pretty sweet. Very limit margin for errors. Not even a small 1 second pause to give you even a slight chance for taking cover. The guards may still be retarded but at least they can see so much better. Edit: Their range is bumped up considerably to what normal people should have...
  13. The good becomes Jesus 2.0 and the stupid becomes mentally retarded.
  14. Mal


    I didn't expect much (Green bottle should be enough to warn me) but god damn this Italian beer is awful. I think I prefer Tsingtao to this even then though the differences between the two aren't much. Hell, I might prefer even Corona and that is perhaps the cheapest made beer possible. Peroni's Nastro Azzurro by the way.
  15. I just love how the internet in general reacts to chopsticks... does it really confound people that much that people uses chopsticks and can use them efficiently? And yes, eating food with ones hand is fine too. I may poke fun at it but you'll see me gladly devour food with my hands.
  16. No, it makes Ethan the worst person here.
  17. We play as Chewie. Edit: I also will buy it eventually. Its way too novel to not to. Speaking of which, I need Tokyo Jungle.
  18. So does this make Ethan the first one here to own all three consoles?
  19. Ugh... don't lose you way. Preorder for way later this year so I can cancel it if I want.
  20. The limited video file playback kind of neutered it, especially with MVK files. Kind of the main reason why I connected my PC to my TV which completely sidesteps the issue. In the future, I might not have the luxury unless I get a dedicated computer for it.
  21. Mal

    Hardware Porn

    http://imgur.com/a/Wb7uX About $18k or something in that ballpark. He just basically threw money at this and still he lit it up like Vegas. Subtle lighting would of been nice though. Parts (I can't be bothered to format it): Yes. Four Titans which is most of the cost.
  22. Peace Walker is what Kojima considered Metal Gear Solid V in spirit. I hate handheld sequels but at least PW is on the PS3 so I will be eventually getting to that. Besides, I want to replay MGS3. I just need a price drop at some point for me to bite. Regarding the tapes, they do help shed light and contrast the past with what happens in Ground Zeroes. Like wow, no wonder Kaz Miller acted like that. So yeah, playing PW isn't needed but might help connect you with some of the characters more. Going back to the red band trailer, I think it is kind of safe to say that Volgin might be back. The outline of that one firey shadow looks way too much like Volgin. Either way, the Phantom Pain will be great. Sadly, I don't think I can manage a PS4 by the time it comes out... which I assume is sometime around this time of year of next year. At the very least, fall of next year which would work out better for me actually...
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