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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    World Politics

    Russian. She's their attorney general who apparently handled some nasty buggers before (Russian mafia and junk). Not sure of which parts since I don't know how the Russian justice system works. Female Putin in the making...
  2. Mal

    World Politics

    So Crimea incident (Russia by extension and I think she has been around for a while but Crimea just shed light onto her?) gave something to the world that doesn't give a shit that Putin is pulling such a bullshit land grab... Natalia. This shit should be illegal. The attorney general can't be this cute. The denizens of the internet has taken noticed as well.
  3. I need to play Peace Walker. The background info dropped some bombs onto me and I am left wishing I knew these characters a bit more than I do.

    1. Strangelove


      No you don't. We'll maybe you might. PW has the opposite problem GZ does - it's bloated as hell. You could easily spend 30 hours on it. It sounds good on paper, but it's not. The story is lacking as well.

    2. Mal


      The problem I have right now is that I don't know most of these people. The only one I know besides Snake is Kaz.

  4. Someday... it'll all come out on PC. For now however.. this will have to do.
  5. PS3 download is only 1.8 GB. So yeah, this will be short. Edit: On my way to rescue the princess, I went to become sniper alley and drove an IFV where I murdered everybody in the base, along with their ghosts because they all failed to realize chucking a grenade on my position would end me. Well, until the end of the standoff that is. Hopefully hard will be hard. Overall... looking at the side-ops... this shit is VR Mission, Big Boss style. There is a fifth side ops that isn't unlocked so I think that one might have some more juicy info. On the face of it, nice game but the content is lacking for sure. Do I regret purchasing it? No. I'm gonna tear the missions a new one since there seems to be a bunch of nooks and crannies that I haven't touched yet. Phantom Pain should be really good if they bump up the size of the map to what we all think it is. Ground Zeroes, Ground Works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T--JS16uSV8 Oh yeah, tossing people into the ocean is great fun...
  6. Kaijus stand no chance. I'm debating on if I should keep it or gift it to my mom since she loves Hello Kitty. Main thing is that it'll be stored away somewhere while I would display it nice and proud that Hello Kitty will protect me while I'm in Northridge. Kaiju go home! Additionally... I love the series so I got the first four light novels as support for the author. Besides, I could read the translations online.
  7. Next thing you tell me is that visual mods are bad... well, okay, some of them are quite bad with Skyrim housing some of the worst. With regards to physical products, I can't say I understand why people make their own covers since at this point, who gives a damn? Are you telling me that people have the case displayed with the flat side facing out? I can somewhat understand the spine since at times they don't all line up but yeesh... What do you have to say about official, fan-made products? These kinds are made by fans and get voted by fans. They usually turn out pretty good. A similar concept is found on sites like TeeFury and such. As for cosplay. Why does it bother you that much? They made the costumes. They dealt with all the problems of production. Anyways, since you mentioned Hello Kitty... best crossover. Do not deny it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKyRSq1frFs
  8. Most comics are quite terrible on the layout so they tend to drop twists a tad bit early. They appear on the same page or on the next page (Side by side). Visual novels get around that by dictating the pacing while including music for impact. If done correctly, you can have quite an amazing time.
  9. So, how do you guys feel that the show is very likely going to overtake the books?
  10. I'll be the noble sacrifice so I may let you all know just how long it takes me on Tuesday.
  11. 336 pages. Book one of six. The dude written up to the third book on about the Tang dynasty while 4-6 is by other people. These folks seems to write these books with non-specialists in mind, so like me, but should be solid in rigor that a historians can look at it and go "Yeah, that is a good book.". Lets say I am tired of the sensationalist and dumb-down history books you can commonly find. So I go directly to the actual researchers/historians. I hope this guy nails it. I already am studying geologic history so I want to informally study human history. Besides, it is really fun (and sobering) to gather hints of geologic and overall environmental impacts the people in the past has dealt with.
  12. Seems like I have $89 saved up for my retirement. Thank you California.

    1. deanb


      Hah. Pension.

    2. Mal


      I won't be seeing any of it. At best, I'll see it in 40-50 years.

    3. Baconrath


      retirement time capsule :V

  13. I'm just going to walk in expecting MGSV: The Demo with one hour of gameplay and one hour of cutscenes. $20 for the download PS3 version makes this doable if I enjoy my time and get compelled to replay the game multiple times. If I can do that with South Park, then surely I can do it with Ground Zero... besides, its Big Boss.
  14. Mal

    Site Speed

    Sir Bowes, I hope you know what this means. Automatic emails them.
  15. Bulk Rename Utility, where were you all my life? Renaming hundreds of similar files at once is amazing.

    1. deanb


      And then you cock up the RegEx.

    2. Mal


      EH... I only really have to deal with Replace, Remove and Add. When the hundreds of files have the same naming convention, its pretty sweet.

  16. http://sumire-uesaka-parallax-view.tumblr.com/ Epilepsy warning but its pretty cool.
  17. Mal

    Site Speed

    Everything has been fine for the last few days. Here hoping it stays this way.
  18. Fucking shit. I forgot about the the UAE or someplace releasing MGSV:PP early. Fucking spoilers man. Mind bleach please.

  19. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    Cat of a different kind.
  20. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Park-Avenue-116th-Street-Fire-Collapse-Explosion-249730131.html Well, that is kind of close to my family over there... can I not have exploding neighborhoods being near myself (San Bruno pipeline) or my family (San Bruno pipeline and now this)? Thanks...
  21. Would 35 GB of textures be real life?
  22. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-03-11-why-the-pc-version-of-titanfall-is-a-48gb-install Umm, okay. I'll accept it.
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