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Everything posted by Mal

  1. What I posted is my basic private feelings about the death penalty. People will rarely see it since it is so raw. I can refine it a bit : Yes I think people should die if they knowingly commit heinous crimes but I find the current chemical method rather crude and ineffective... inhumane if you will (Heh). I think the crimes Revan is and for sure that I am thinking about are the worst of the worst. These people knowingly commit murder or great bodily harm. Yes, my definition of what these crimes are will differ from Revan's or anybody else and that is fine. It is no different from our preference of say alcohol type. In any case, if society deem that they should die for their crimes then so be it. We'll do it quickly and guarantee the death. If people want him to be locked up till the end of their days then so be it. While my personal feelings are rather strong it doesn't mean I can't accommodate (reasonable) alternative viewpoints, say yours (GOH). Also doesn't mean I'll feel bad if my views clash*. For example, the innocent people who die under our imperfect system. I can take that truth. It what make me want to improve the system. It would be pretty neat if it was aligned with my views but it is fine if it is under an alternative view. Anyways, about being called a sociopath... shrug? What I think seems reasonable. Feel free to debate me. I'll try my best*. *I have trouble expressing myself so forgive if I give up replying if I feel that I can't express my feelings and view correctly. I feel content with this one.
  2. I'm mixed. Before I begin, I'm talking about the worse that humanity has to offer in the following: Sometimes rotting in a cell is a better thing for them but then you got to wonder why are we housing and feeding them while they just sit. You got to wonder why sometimes they get better food than your kid at school or why they get better medical than say you and me. We can make them do odd jobs during their confinement but those seem more suited for the lower security inmates. At some point, if the person is sentenced to die then that person got to die. I think the chemical nature of how we do things is a bit inefficient. Sometimes there can be shortages which can cause delays. Hell, sometimes the chemicals can screw up which can cause quite a nasty show where sometimes the person can survive. Round two anyone? I think we should go back to the plain old bullet due to a few factors... First off it is just quick and with a bullet or two we can end it with certainty. Secondly, in modern time we have tried to remove the executioner from the guilt. Well, we got the technology to pull it off. We got the capability to make robots that can know exactly what and where to shoot. All there needs to be is the push of a button which an UAV controller can even do (Some of them are blasting away at baddies already so same shit). We can even be nice and knock them out if they request it with that one drug that is used to knock people out before surgery. Considering the amount of procedures that can require it, I don't think there is a shortage of that drug. Meh. I sound pretty cold though I think Revan takes the cake right now. And oh yeah. I think death row costs more in part with the drugs they use. Not like they can be stored forever or require a massive supply.
  3. I just might abandon my plans for the PS4. I need a laptop/tablet for school work. I'm thinking of the Surface 1 or 2.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      I think the T100 coming with the keyboard might seal the deal with me. That cover for the Surface 2 is $130 on top of the base price for the Surface 2. As for the RT and non-RT... I don't think it really matter for what I want to do with it but I haven't looked much into that.

    3. Mal


      Only thing now is to figure out how to install at least Microsoft Excel 2007. That is the latest version where there is an extension that I will have to use for my studies since apparently Excel 2003 doesn't work on Windows 8 and apparently the extension for that is better than for Excel 07.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      PS4 doesn't really get into the groove of next gen games till this upcoming month. We get Thief. Then March has us seeing Infamous Second Son and a possible Watch Dogs.

  4. I lent my copy to my brother since he has no games. SOON.
  5. Oh yeah. 18% drop in their stock. IWAAAAATAAAAA.
  6. Mal


    http://www.beeroftomorrow.com/calories-in-craft-beer/ To be honest, I haven't been looking hard but it is nice to finally get some numbers now. Rough numbers but they kind of fall in the range that I was expecting. ~225 C for 12 oz and ~500 C for a 22oz for the beers I usually drink. Bare minimum is ~150 C. I sometimes leave out the carbs from my dinner and seems like it made sense.
  7. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-17/nintendo-forecasts-net-loss-on-stagnating-sales-of-wii-u-games.html Missed by 6.2 million. So on the mark. I'm going to gloomily bring out the popcorn as heads roll. If I recall, Nintendo's meeting is soon.
  8. To be fair, Ys I and II were remade A LOT of times. Also the other remakes can confuse the hell out of people. With that said, Ys V man. We're still waiting for a remake of that. The battle system of that was odd to say the least. Its not a stretch to call that one Zelda-ish when I think about it. If I recall, Falcom got tons of flak for it. Hell, I didn't play much of it since there isn't a translation out for it so between that and the battle system, I gave up. I should retry since I was burnt out by then. Moving from Origin, Oath and Seven to that was brutal.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D2rTgMKw_8
  10. The SNES era games you could compare to Zelda but only in broad strokes. In general they were the same genre but Ys was/is more action-y than Zelda. The 3D games I cannot say that you can compare to two. Anyways, Ys>Zelda. Adol is more of a badass that Link can only dream of being. God damn Link, get your shit together. While Adol does have a girl back at home waiting (She actually tagged along in one game. The old version to the Vita one) but Adol swooned a lot more ladies than that. Plus he actually ages. He started out at 16 and with Ys 7 I think he is 23. Someday, he'll meet his destiny, something I don't think Link ever will.
  11. I disliked that game but then again I'm kind of old school about Journey to the West so that tinted my view of the game.
  12. Considering I got scared away from Godus because of who's name is attached to it... I'm game for Reus. I don't have much time for it though so if someone wants it more in within say 12-24 hours then I'm willing to part with it.
  13. Mal

    Windows 10

    The strongest OS. Or maybe the most baka. We'll see. It'll be good if Microsoft just settles with 9 for a while.
  14. Since I'm getting a PS4, I just might use the DS4 when the time comes. If I am not happy with the DS4 then I might consider a steam controller. While the 360 controller is nice but it be neat to move on to a wireless controller for the PC. Even then, it'll come down to price and if I am able to test run a steam controller before I buy it. I'm not sure where I could do that though. With that all said, I only got the 360 controller for my PC since all the other alternatives were shit. Now there are two other good (?) alternatives and they're wireless.
  15. Don't know why you should though.
  16. You'll outlive me and I'm okay with that...
  17. I had a colonoscopy. People need to eat but their colon got to be more or less cleared of junk while taking laxatives. Fun times. Nobody tells you about your body screwing up as you get older when you are young. Can I stop being an adult now?
  18. Mal

    Sim City V

    I just read the article since I am on a computer now... Fuck you. Apologies but it rubbed me in a really wrong way.
  19. Any food that you can see through like Jello and gummy bears. Broth was pretty much the only salty thing on the list.
  20. Mal

    Sim City V

    I wonder how pain in the ass is it to mod this game. When the servers are taken offline then it'll be moot to follow what EA/Maxis says. Anyways, if the devs manages to release a sufficiently larger map then maybe it'll be worth to mod it. Offline is one step towards that.
  21. Got back into Don't Starve. Man, Paleolithic life is tough. I need some Neolithic niceties. I need to find some crap so I can make a farm. I need food security before I can do anything major like building multiple camps. Also not like I can import berry bushes since I don't have crap to fertilize with... with that said, the berry bushes will get exhausted soon. Also I refuse to look at the wiki for any new things since last I played, which was almost a year ago. I wonder if animal husbandry is a thing... also I wonder if I can easily murder the birds. Their eggs looks mighty nice.
  22. I have heard of the infamous sugar free version of Haribo gummy bears. Can't say I care to try... but you can't beat the regular Haribo. It kept me going while I was ordered to eat clear foods.
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