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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I say just do some weights now. More muscle mass means you can potentially burn off more calories/energy. I wouldn't even worry too much about your weight since if you get a better fat:muscle ratio, then you're doing good. Me personally... I'm surprised that I held at below 190 lbs all this time during my 30+ days of no bike exercise. Watching what you eat can do wonders even if you're not dieting. I'm pretty much going off the ball park for two-three eggs a day worth of protein/fats and the rest can be fair game. At the very least, what I eat for the week all evens out at the end. So... I eat what I want. Nice, thick menudo for a few days? BRING IT. I should also hit the gym for the weights. Or do abdominal exercises for not to lose the tummy per say (It would get rid about 5-10 lbs...) but to strengthen those muscles so it can hold back a semi tummy. I wonder what can I knock out in a 6 weeks for my NYC visit to my folks there. At bare minimum I don't look like a malnourished kid anymore with thin arms and legs with a bulging tummy. That was an odd time.
  2. My body didn't take to kindly to being told to do a 10 minute bike sprint at 7 in the morning after being off the bike for over a month.
  3. Maybe. Its my late night dicking around sessions. It is pretty nice to purge the Soviet AI that get caught in a loop... not to mention that I'm not afraid to jump into the commander spot if it is not taken and that one or two arty is all we need to advance or hold. I just got to learn to force respawn on crucial moments. Again though... 0.08 is way lower than I imagined. Another odd thing is that even if time runs out for the attackers and they run out of tickets... me being a defender would lose. Not sure what is going on.
  4. If you read the article, supposedly it sounds it in such a way that it sets up vortices inside that prevent the carbonation from leaving solution. Either way, its doing the chilling in the way I expected it to. There is no way around using cold water since it is the best and most cheap thing we got to chill stuff with. The only thing new is that is that it spins and agitates the liquid inside the bottle or can. It is really the only additional step to my way of wrapping a damp-ish towel around the bottle or can and putting it in the freezer. Since my freezer is already running and tap water is pretty cheap... there is not real need for it at home. For the store... maybe. Do my entire 6 or more pack of beer because you bastards aren't putting the kind I want in the fridge and I may be game.
  5. It's over. Microsoft is finished. Though 900p is kind of odd.
  6. Fact: Typing of the Dead is the best way to learn typing.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I see your Typing of the Dead and raise you Mario Teaches Typing.

    2. Mal


      Our generations, yes. I learned math from Mario. the zombie loving folks... TotD is just wonderful.

  7. 1080p master race or get expelled.
  8. I... don't know how and cannot explain this. This is by far the worst W:L stats I have ever had. Don't care for K:D since all that matters is winning the match. I know I do go solo and shit as commander A LOT but that seemed like it was going 50/50... I should pick up a few more servers to play on. The one for RS at least have a good amount of people most of the time so it all balances out... now that I think about it, RS is currently sitting at 17 games won and lost each. I think part of my game stats moved over to RO2?
  9. Mumford and Sons is a solid band for sure but I got to agree with the critics... after a bit all of their songs will sound the same. I would say even more so than say the metal bands I listen to like Sabaton. They're wonderful for those moments though. Just because this is a special week.
  10. Aiming down the sights in Doom? Heresy.
  11. GATATATA CHUCHU. I like you my train loving brethren. I hope you love your station very much. Now all aboard the welcome train. Nothing is going to stop this train. GATATATA CHUCHU. I LOVE MY STATION.
  12. Might not be a game though...
  13. Kill la Kill volume one is up for preorder. Japan slightly redeemed themselves of their shit taste and thus If I wasn't broke and knew how to preorder from Japan... which would cost about $70... I would get it. I lost my way. Shamfrul dispray. While I am on KlK... This sort of shit should be sparse and hopefully will be fixed come bluray time. In other news... in 2014, Robot Girl Z may be my guilty pleasure. The teaser that came out not too long ago was alright and then we have this girl...
  14. Without the web, I couldn't have seen this footage. This is easily one of the best one I've seen.
  15. You know those hard ass Asian teachers that you and I fear? I may be one in the making.

  16. Menudo. First time making it. I've been making this more or less the whole day. A labor of love since I love menudo. Most of it is downtime while I let it simmer. The only accidental change I did was adding a whole lot more pepper than called for which made it super red. This will be intense by tomorrow as the rest of the ba4tch soak up the flavor overnight...
  17. Grading exams is actually kind of hard... at least in the beginning. "Is this fair/reasonable?" crosses my mind a lot. How would you guys feel if I took points off if you drew the thing I wanted but you didn't label it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. Baconrath


      gotta be tougher that woodpecker lips to be a teacher

    4. Mal


      The world map with names is right on the page too... so what the hell happened to South America? Africa? One or both could be missing from the cross section.

  18. I gave making the hack microscope a shot. The price of this really depends on a few things. First off is do you have the tools and accessories? If not then include that in the price. Second is if Home Depot and the like will cut plexiglass or the wood to the sizes you need. If they don't then well... you'll have to include those tools into the price. For the laser, I suggest going to a dollar store since chances are they'll have the $1 ones. I think the 2in1 lasers w/ flashlight might have a smaller lens so be aware of that. A larger lens will be easier to work with since your viewing area will be larger. You can use a .7" or so thick wood of any type, just be aware that you'll have less wood to work with. The smallest plexiglass you might get can be 8"x10" so there is no reason to cut the plexiglass down to 7"x10" then get it into two pieces (7"x7" and 7"x3"). Just do 8" instead of 7". Its just far easier to cut wood than plexiglass. As for assembly... it was straight forward for even a novice like myself. I really got to learn to look straight down onto what I am drilling into so it can be perfectly aligned. Thankfully you can mirror the wood base if you screw up once. For the spade bit part, be sure to time yourself so your bolts can be even. I made mines a but uneven and that is a slight inconvenience. Anyways... Results: http://imgur.com/a/SOBVS#0 It has a quarter, hair, skin and the little bugs I've shown before for comparison. Overall: Nice little project that you can hammer together in about an hour max. The lens is really the only hard part. I think the one with the "Gr" is the best one. Even with a 10x mag hand lens, you can hardly see the black dots. If you know the size of the dot then you can figure out just how times it got magnified.
  19. So, I just found out about Attack on Titan: Before the Fall. Its a prequel of sorts. Mainly light novels but there is a manga adaptation. Check it out for some more SnK fix. And yes, it is canon since the author seems to behind the story while another dude draws.
  21. I'm doing this. I'm all for home hacks. I personally combine my hand lens and my phone together to get stuff like: Those little guys in the last photo are about 1.5 mm long.
  22. Mal


    For company...? Maybe Sierra Nevada Pale Ale which you can get it for about $1 per bottle (24 pack). Sam Adams variety pack might work too. Of course, if money isn't much of an issue you can get the more expensive stuff. There is also this: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/style_pairings/19 and I do have a book (Tasting Beer). In general, delicate beer with delicate food, strong beers with strong food. Also don't forget about contrast.
  23. While it is pretty regular, it is kind of cool to zap a 2.9 billion year old zircon. Little zircon, what was your path that brought you to me?

  24. A good deal of people are waiting for Pupa, including me. Just the promo image is intriguing enough. I haven't seen the teaser. I think I'll not so to remain surprised. Also, MJ, anime only. The thing is with KlK, this might be something that would be far more enjoyable if enjoyed while it is coming out. If you manage to drop anything, I suggest picking it up. Its a nice ride and while the fandom can be cancerous at time, they're a generally fun bunch. Now this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/225692543/References.html References for Kill la Kill so far.
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