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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The last fight can be such a joke. If you played Infinite, then you'll know why if you use the thing.
  2. If it gets to RROD level, Sony would be insane not to do what Microsoft did and auto extended the warranty. If I recall, it went from 1 year to two since I had to send one of my 360s in after the one year but before the two. Wasn't RROD related though.
  3. So, what are all the errors that can occur? There is a red line, blue line, blue blinking light and what else? Maybe I added a false extra. Most errors seem to be a warning or a fixable error. So so far, not bad. Yes, there are some bricked consoles but it doesn't seem to be that large of an amount considering it seems like one million units got sold in 24 hours. This is just in NA. When the time comes, it'll be interesting to see the one year figure on bricked units though. If there are problems, I can see Sony stepping up with plans and solutions. So I feel safe with a purchase. Now if people go through a few PS4s... maybe not.
  4. I finally picked up Saga Vol. 2. This is going to be good.
  5. God damn it Kyle, why isn't The Stick of Truth released yet!?
  6. Aww, I was going to horde the cards I find too. Makes sense though since PS+ does provide free games and some other stuff.
  7. Could be Sir Francis Drake or someone Drake betrayed. If they go this route, I feel it would be a nice "reboot" of sorts. It could get me into the PS4, especially so if the slight hope of MGSV and FFVX coming to the PC are sqaushed. Not to mention Kingdom Hearts 3 will eventually show up. Four games with my kind of scheduel is a good start for about the first year.
  8. Okay BoA. I like that you are protecting me from fraud but it is becoming a bit excessive.

  9. Mal

    Cube World

    Wait five years. This dude is a near perfectionist so when he ports it over, it'll break and it'll take him quite a while to fix it all. Wollay is kind of odd but I can abide by it since not like I don't have a bunch of other games to play.
  10. Mal

    Cube World

    https://picroma.com/blog/post/10 Update is incoming soon-ish.
  11. Seems like they like to just provide the concept arts for animes. You really cannot miss their artstyle AKA Noodle People.
  12. staySICK, be happy the VCR is long dead. No idea why me and my older brother put spoons and forks into them when we were little. I think we might have cheated death a few times if there is a chance to get shocked...
  13. Seems like a NeoGaf guy did it too. Niggas, what the fuck are you guys doing? Anyways, it seems like there could be a problem with some of the units' HDMI ports. We'll see. At least its not burning down houses... yet.
  14. Maybe you are right. Bones might save anime after Trigger. Two prophets. Actually, Bones has in ways preserve the goodness in anime. While the story is kind of weak... go look up Sword of the Stranger.
  15. 17 guests... guys, we have too many ghosts in here.

  16. You can get the condense milk in a squeeze bottle. I honestly only started to see them in the last year or two. I find that the Mexican brand(s) flow better. Trader Joe's one is also decent and I find that one to be cheaper. I recall using one from Target or some regular grocery store. That one was hard to get flowing.
  17. Yeah, that is what my friend said is one of the better way to go and it does get rid of the chaff. Stove top method requires the beans to be tossed and the chaff blow out. If not, that shit gonna burn. Coffee ruined.
  18. Which is why Vietnamese coffee is so bomb.
  19. Next season in Jan. Along with some other decent looking stuff. Sailor Moon is comng and I hope it fairs better than Slayers did. Space Dandy and Robot Girls Z are my go to series next season. I personally want another healing anime... or Mushishi season 2 but I guess I can dream on. Dowman Sayman's stuff could use an adaption too...
  20. Winter is coming and with that means anime binges. I'm reshuffling my list. I didn't finish Bubblegum Crisis, Lodoss, Hagani and Nodame. Out of the four, Hagani is out. While the art is nice and Yozora is luv but I don't think I can do it. The rest are going to the backburner... watch as I go. New contenders... Aria, Kiniro Mosaic, Strike Witches and Spice and Wolf. Kiniro is the wild card and I'm favorable towards it after a preview. I might dump Strike Witches since a preview was not to my liking. God, the fanservice is strong. HOW MANY CUNT SHOTS DO I NEED!? With that said... I'm slowly going through Slayers and Magic Ray Earth. For MRE... they're in eighth grade? Right... --- For the current season, Kill la Kill. It might lack overall depth but it is great fun. Needless to say, I'm loving the fabulousness of it all. Hrmmmmm~ Also the OST is great. It'll save Christmas.
  21. So, I am moving up on the snobbery. I roast my own coffee now. My friend taught me how to do it on the stove, which is more or less what they do in Panama. It is just on a smaller scale. I can't get a as even roast as my friend can but I like it that way. You can get characteristics from two or more roast levels at once. If I recall correctly, first crack and you're in the light and with the second crack you'll be in the dark roast. I like it more towards the light to medium. And I have reign in my daily coffee consumption. At the very least I spread it much more out. Also I started to go with straight black coffee. With no sugar, I actually can last much better. No crashes.
  22. Ah. I got caught by an ambush where splicers lay out a valuable item out while they hide in PLAIN SIGHT right by said item. Sander Cohen would be proud.
  23. BoA's Fraud Prevention program cockblocked the Humble Store. I guess no Euro Truck Simulator 2 or Prison Architect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Barclays wouldn't let me buy Batman on GFW years back. Turns out due to XBL cancellations MS is a blacklisted retailer.

    3. Mal


      For whatever reason, BoA is pretty jumpy and this time I finally got a confirmation on why. My billing address changed to my current temporary address. I had a feeling since this is not the first time it had happened and where I decided to not go through with the purchase.

    4. Mal


      Actually, I did approve it but I'll see if it actually goes through before contacting the Humble folks. If I get charged and I don't have the games then I'll go asking.

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