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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    Not too sure where to put this but... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-15/cal-poly-brings-back-freshman-pledging-after-lobbying.html Greek Life and alcohol are some big topics with my university and for other universities as well. I feel that you really can't stop people from drinking. Combine that with the mystification of alcohol to teens and you get the stuff that went and are going down. I honestly believe it kind of points all the way back to the 21 legal age to drink and alcohol being so taboo... until you are 21 that is. So no, nothing that my or any group of university can do will affect underage drinking. Our society got to demystify it. /getsoffsoapbox Also me getting into alcohol is perhaps the worst financial thing I have done to myself. So kiddies, be careful of your wallets. If I can pay for at least two rent with utilities, internet and TV OR at least 1/10 of my student loans with the amount I've spent on alcohol... yeah, it is kind of bad. At least with games and my computer I can reuse and replay. Alcohol adds nothing but a beer belly. So respect it, understand it and beware of it. So happy that I'm not genetically prone to alcoholism...
  2. The thing about Mako is she contrasts so much with her surroundings. She doesn't make sense. Even Ryuko doesn't quite know what to make of her. I think that is why she has such a following and has some theories about her. She personally won me over with this: Episode 3 tomorrow and by what I've heard, this is an important episode. Things might speed up from here. Gotta go fast. --- Edit: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-10-16/jojo-bizarre-adventure-part-3-anime-confirmed More Jojo. More fabulousness.
  3. This will so bite them in the ass in 2014. Heavens forbid that any of the future Republican presidential candidates when with this in 2016. Nobody is going to forget this. Especially the campaigners.
  4. Okay then, welcome to the Long Night my friend. DVD/Bluray due maybe 9 months down the line. So far, Kill la Kill has been great fun. Yes, I think the fanservice is overkill but it makes it up with other stuff... like Mako. The wonder of the universe.
  5. Keep doing it and they'll see what will happen in November 2014. If any of the Republicans are in the swing states or districts and they voted for this, they might be in a world of hurt. Hell, even the ones that voted against the shutdown are going to get burned by association. Which is sad and kind of scary since it seems those who voted against it are, from what I've read, being demonized/shunned by the party. The Republican party (Or the more radical elements) could potentially have Tea Party affiliates lined up to take the dissenters spots. No bueno. Honestly, when the Tea Party first came on scene, I was sort of okay with them. Then their faces start to twitch and I got worried. Now I see them as insanely toxic. Take home message: Radical not even once. Hopefully once Obama term out, we can get rid of the filth that is the Tea Party. They're destabilizing the already somewhat unsteady political system. As a person who likes balance (Even if I don't agree with certain policies, it should be free to evolve and adapt with our changing country so we won't be too liberal or too conservative), they're terrible.
  6. Dayman forever. Nightman can suck it. Mami is best mugeca. Also this might interest you: http://madokamagicausa.com/rebellion/ If not, you can wait like me... which is suffering. Like Nightman.
  7. This delay is good. At this point I really don't care when games come out (Unless its really unreasonable). More time to amass munnay for an upgrade or complete PC overhaul.
  8. I should of gotten my Mossberg 500 over the summer... with that said, I'm guessing people are genuinely nervous. Close enough. We need a Link.
  9. When a song has a story with it, it becomes pretty magical. Combine it with the vocalist from Blind Guardian and the guitarist of Iced Earth... you 'll be hard pressed to get anything better than this.
  10. Now that is what I would call a weird dream. Good on you on protecting that smile but how does that even work? Did you see in anime form? Were you in anime form? Now where is my dream with
  11. So I'm watching a stream of Wind Waker HD... I never played it but these guys: are giving me PTSD flashbacks of childhood nightmares. Nope. And maybe I should get a bit hyped for A Link Between Worlds... it would be the first Zelda game I've played since Twilight Princess, which I never beat because I don't seem to get how to cross that jump to the final dungeon... stupid, I know.
  12. This week is Earth Science Week so ya'll better do something earth science-y.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      What TheRevanchist is trying to say is that, to celebrate Earth Science Week, he's planting evidence.

    3. TheRevanchist


      The only evidence there will be is that of a butchered tree. A larger, but not huge, branch fell on the trampoline this weekend. The tree is about 30 feet tall, so I need to get some specialized saws to do some pruning way up high. My shoulders are going to hurt.

    4. Pojodin


      You know, I have just the thing for that. Worst case scenario, there's always fire.



  13. So during co-op, Aiden is actively being used while Jodie is going about her stuff? If that is the case, yeah, I can see why it is the ideal way to play the "game". It'll be a lot more fluid for one thing, which going solo lacks. It also drives home that fact that Aiden is Aiden, a separate entity. While watching it streamed (Sure feels like I'm pirating it), for a while I thought it was all Jodie. To be fair, I missed out on about half of the game prior.
  14. Being Team Leader in Red Orchestra 2 is pretty fun. Kind of nice that I can call down arty and recon. Especially nice when I manage to time it till the last minute with my team on the last checkpoint to arty my own checkpoint to deny the enemy said checkpoint..

  15. Oh shit son, new Iced Earth!? I can abide by that though I can't say that I've been keeping track of them... for at least five years or more. Since we are in October... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tfjMlMGwlY
  16. Action Ghostbuster TPS. I want something like that.
  17. For you Ethan for a certain parts near the end whenever. Finish the game and see. Watching a stream of this game is quite something.
  18. Nothing is going to stop grenade spam besides server admin enforcement. COD4 was nice that it is very sit down and play (As FDS said, its gamey). It also got a nice balance between realism and game-y touches. I'm currently Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm, which I would class as something like COD4 (I can sit down and play one match or two, something I feel Arma II/III cannot say), just much more realistic. I also seriously got to play The Last of Us. It seems that as far as story driven games goes, it is really hard to beat.
  19. Indeed. The other 17 chapters pretty much covered 48 hours max. Second season confirmed to span only three or four days... kidding but if they do anything, I would suggest to OVA this portion. Each OVA episode will be over 30 minutes long that will come out every two months. Give it some nice animation and it should be worth the wait. They can even animate the SOL spinoff that comes out inbetween each OVA episode. It will all lead to the second season which will happen after some major cliffhanger that leads to some timeskip or some junk. And now for video juegos Homu time. WE'RE HOMU NOW.
  20. Pretty much. Some people do have legit concerns (Like perhaps ACA will come with some debt increases on the short term) but others... not so much. Honestly, this is not the time to pull this sort of crap. Healthcare reform does need to happen and it is okay if the ACA is not the first and final attempt at it. If we screw up, we can make changes. We can also work out ways to work that reform with reducing our debt and perhaps not ever reaching the ceiling. Again, more changes. But if the government and the world economy crashes, I don't think we'll have a chance at changing anything. I have my beliefs but I can be flexible...
  21. Consoles only... hmm. Man, this generation is making me reaching back towards almost 10 years... while being a busy student... Call of Duty 4 - This game spawned the arcade-y FPS, warped Battlefield and I love it while it lasted. Too me it still the only one that had the right feel without being too arcade-y. Red Dead Redemption - While I never beat it (Hell, I never got to Mexico) but it is magical. For good reason people stil lhold out hope for a PC port. Earth Defense Force 2017 - As a game, you really can't get better than this. So enjoyable. I may or may not change my nominations. I feel like I'm missing some RPGs. It also doesn't help I switched to PC gaming midway in the generation.
  22. They really don't have much to stand on. Isayama pretty much wrote himself into a wall with them. At this point, surprise me with anything with them, kind of like with King Titan.
  23. Yeah but can't say I keep up with GRRM's progress. Anyhow, December release date. I suppose you can pre order it.
  24. -$210 billion in the period from 2012-2021 according the the CBO. Its a contested calculation though and I'm not sure of any new numbers. Also, one week till this game of chicken is decided. Majora's Mask Final Hours will be played the the last day.
  25. For folks who read the novels... GRRM is going to release a novella about The Dance of the Dragons, the Targaryen civil war. -Snip the part about the Blackfyres. Hundred years too early...- The novella will come in a book with other stories call Dangerous Women. It should be fun. 35k words.
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