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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/jack-gleeson-ditching-acting-after-game-of-thrones-29781770.html This is quite sad but I can see why.
  2. Why am I driving tens of kilometers in Arma 3? Life servers man... it allows me to relive my life as a courier... while driving 200 kmph down a single lane road. No wonder why I flipped and rolled my SUV when I hit a bump at an weird angle. Oddly, I fucking survived that accident. The fine fellows who came on scene to upright my SUV were amazed on how I got to the position I was in. I should invest some time into some bang bang servers and groups. I also should invest in a better mouse and a flight stick so I can play better and actually fly a damn plane. It might even make flying a helicopter easier. Learning how to accelerate and decelerate to get to the spot I want is a challenge. At least I'm not crashing.
  3. Just go into a holding pattern for now. No reason to go to Best Buy on Black Friday. It'll only end in anger since they for sure will use a ticket system. Unless they implement some wrist band sort of thing or something, the first few people in line will become a horde who will eat up the tickets.
  4. Not much is known about the game like if it will come to the West so no thread yet... Please don't be shit. Please come to the West. Make me BELIEVE.
  5. I forgot to mention that when I went to get my trade in, I had a chance to have a look at a PS4. First thing that came to mind is "Holy shit, it is small". Sure I could just look up the dimensions but to see it in person is another thing entirely. It'll be odd to see a slim version in the future/
  6. I honestly forgot that the PS4 cost less than the X1.

    1. TheFlyingGerbil
    2. Mal


      Looking up the price for the PS4 and the Vita to estimate an potentially bundle of the two.

  7. I was think about it but I decided against it. I want to play some older games and wait for them to go on sale.
  8. Continuing my line of videos that we would never have seen without the web thus it is wonderful. This time got to be a bit somber or frightful. If I recall correctly, the storms that went over IL (The storm pretty much blanketed IL and WI with red warnings) really fast at around 60 mph. Hence why this tornado came on them so fast.
  9. Mal

    Xbox One

    This one seems more like the gears in the motor is having issues. If it does spin the disk, it might spin it rather normally. From what I've read, it doesn't damage the disk or at least in the first few run around.
  10. Spyro would take a whole bunch of therapy and surgery to fix.
  11. Mal

    Xbox One

    Some are going to fail at launch so nothing too interesting here till I got to the sound. Man, is it a scary sound. Its a really bad error to have since now you got a sound bite... what an unfortunate malfunction to have.
  12. Yeah. About 25 episodes. There will be two arcs like TTGL. We're right on schedule for the half way point. Episode 9 will be Gamagori's fight. 10-12 will be the other three. Episode 13 should be Satsuki's fight with a huge reveal about Ryuuko's father, Nudist Beach and Satsuki's mother. Main thing might be Satsuki's mother and life fibers. Satsuki's mother reveal gives me an impression that she is a fashion designer. Considering what wearing a kamui represents... there might be a clash there.
  13. Got it done but didn't get most of the games in since their network is a POS. I might try the online trade system tomorrow if they continue to be slow. I have $25 to make. So yeah, hopefully I'll have about $150 in my PS4 fund in total by tomorrow. I just got to save up some dosh for maybe a Destiny or MGSV bundle.
  14. Regarding the gift card... I sure do hope if I throw in my HDMI cable, I can get the credit since I don't recall having a composite cable for the 360.
  15. Japan reaffirmed their shit tastes. Godoka gonna sweep and train roll Sayaka. Conclusion: Continue to ignore Saimoe.
  16. Mindblowing, no. Fun, yes. I was expecting this: I got this: and And part of what I expected and a load of other stuff. It'll be interesting to see where they take this in the second arc.
  17. Tomorrow episode might be pretty glorious.
  18. Mal

    Your Rig

    Well, chances are he won't need a new PSU in a good long while since I bet he can just reuse that for any newer rig he decides to build.
  19. Arma II and III for Steam. I have Arma II w/o Steam but I wanted it on Steam so I can get the UI and have less pain in installing mods. Having it run some mods with Steam is a nightmare. Also I have cleanse my soul of sin.
  20. https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-games Arma II is on sale for 80% off. Also Arma III is 25% off. I don't see Arma III going much lower than that for a while so if you've been wanting to get into it... have at it. Arma II community is still quite active too so, better now than never to give it a taste.
  21. Backward compatibility console semi- master race. If the PS3 had the old PS2 chip then it would be a true console master race. Anyways. I can see power consumption being reduced. Last I've read it was drawing around 70w while idle and charging the DS4? Some people were complaining about that.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      We should be practicing blowing these things up!

    3. TCP


      You know, to be prepared incase one is ever going to hit us.

    4. Mal


      It could be the brightest one for a long long while.

  22. I don't think none of you care and I really don't either but... Saimoe has quite the Quarterfinals line up this year. Three of the four are from Madoka which is and was expected. They're crazy popular. Today I think we got an upset with Sayaka beating out Mami. MAMI. THE OLEV. Mami is by all accounts way more popular than Sayaka. As surprising it is (to me), that was not why I am commenting about this... Its about the fourth contestant. She is none other than... Best female MC in a long long time. She is up against Sayaka on the 21st. She has quite a uphill battle but if she wins, it'll be a great upset and will prove Saimoe isn't that shitty and that Japan has good tastes.
  23. I made chicken noodle soup but without the noodle since I replaced that with lentils and rice. I failed to realize that with the amount of rice I put in made it into very much like a congee. Congee can easily burn if you are not careful of how high you put your burner. Since I didn't realized I made congee, I didn't pay much heed to the heat since I was trying to reboil it after adding in some water to dilute it a bit... then I proceeded to sit on the computer for 10-20 minutes. Luckily for me, I know how to deal with burnt out bottom of congee. You do not stir up the bottom. After a taste test, I got to say... the slight burnt taste kind of helps with the flavor. If this was plain white congee, it would of ruined it. Thus my week-long dinner was saved by chicken flavor.
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