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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Uno. Would be interesting, to say the least. Though, my sneezes tend to come in pairs and a few sessions in a row. Either way, I don't think I'll remain a girl for long. So yeah, spoilers.
  2. Can it go on Netflix or one of the movie channels I get yet? I want to watch it but I don't feel like going to a theater (if they even still show it) and/or pirate it.
  3. Orion Dino Hunt is a good drunk game to play. Cheesy music and levels that makes no sense.

  4. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-08-22/hayao-miyazaki-open-to-nausicaa-film-sequel-by-evangelion-anno Say what?
  5. Well, it be nice if some don't glitch out on you... I'm talking to you, you fucking last dalmatian. I know Oggie Boogie didn't hide you.
  6. Once you go black, you can't go back. Also, maybe? I'm scared and I'll be lost and confused.
  7. Its all happening. Since I'm not in a gaming mood, I might tackle a few series at one episode per series a night. Funny how I had these files since 2008/2009 for Saikano and Nodame. Ancient backlog that I never got around to until now. Good thing since Saikano really shows its age. Its production value is far from good but I seem to recall the story is really nice. Seems to have been forgotten so tough call for those who can't overlook the production value. Nodame still holds up well and it is indeed fantastic. Not sure why I couldn't get pass the first 10 minutes in all these years. Haganai so far is good too. Maybe I'm not done with harem anime yet. Bubblegum Crisis is being totally 80's. Lodoss is being fantasy. Also, Sora no Woto might be the anime of the list. (Not to say Nodame isn't great.) Heard too many good things about this one as well and since it is sort of recommended by like minded individuals... I take it to heart. First episode didn't disappoint. Go trumpeter, go. With that said... I might be in for a kicker. Cute girls doing cute things... then sadness...? --- Building my next list to watch. Anybody watched or heard of Otome Youkai Zakuro? I need a wildcard. Looks alright but I haven't heard of it before now. Might be a forgotten gem or a forgettable anime. * Its a long haul list with some short series here and there. I will need to replace the shorter series as time goes on.
  8. I decided to do a new thing with regards to anime... I'm going to watch only an episode a day. With that said, I do have a backlog. I decided to tackle the following: Haganai {13} Bubblegum Crisis (Original) [40+ minutes per episode] {8} Record of Lodoss War (OVA) {13} Sora no Woto {13} Saikano {~15} Nodame Cantabile {23} If i have my way, I might get a few episodes of each done a week. --- Yellow is Levi, Red is Mikasa and Blue is Bert?
  9. https://twitter.com/dinnerbone/status/369887393253699584 I think at this point it is safe to move this thread to the multiplat subforum. I think the PS4 version, in theory, could mirror the PC version.
  10. Number six... A very good reason to not ride on the sidewalk much less side to side. Walking on the sidewalk is fine but once you ride your bike on it, it suddenly is like riding on the Death Star. And yeah, riding against traffic...
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tBufmuhFqQ I don't even fucking know. All I know is add in some growling and its a winner.
  12. Oh right, Crysis 2 made it a hassle to tweak certain aspect of the game like FOV and shit. Its almost unplayable as it sits right now.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deanb


      I'm gonna join in here and go "who made C crouch, and not..you..know..Ctrl." In fact who not only made a basic control scheme error, but managed to not follow the previous game?

    3. Mal


      Its for the running slide you can do. Atill silly though since I don't find myself using it at all. It is pretty neat thing for the enemies to use so I can knock them out as they come in my room.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      There was something else I played recently (maybe Gone Home?) where c was crouch instead of ctrl. What is wrong with you people?!

  13. I was in the process of shutting the hell up about anime for a while but... Ladies and gentlemen. Behold: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-08-16/pokemon/the-origin-tv-anime-to-premiere-in-october Time to dethrone forever 11 Ash (Episode 800 is soon?) with motherfucking Red. The anime will be an adaption of the games and in ways to the manga. Though it is not the manga since it seems this Red chose Charmander as a starter. Wait for the day that Red get Snorlax and company. Wait for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSKxTqDvsas That or don't wait for it since it can turn out to be crap. So yeah... ladies and gentlemen who lived with Pokemon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow... lets hope it be good. --- Kill Me Baby dub. --- Trailer here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Lyi2RSVxqg
  14. If you ever wondered how a flash flood can look like. It also can answer how boulders are found where they are found if you are in a place that never experienced glaciation or there is no nearby source.
  15. Kaze Tachinu trailer. About that earthquake part... it might actually could of be like that. Underground nuclear test footage, 5 MT. A 7.9 earthquake laugh at that.
  16. Odd how it always the case. I think people can understand why someone went with such and such component but when it comes to the case you'll always have shit taste.
  17. But yeah, Hughes. Never forget and never forgive. Now that I think about it, Fullmetal Alchemist manga and the Brotherhood anime (I never finished it though...) are superb. The original anime is good in its own right. Shonen done right. It is also not ridiculously long. Nostalgia time. Good OP and when Roy becomes a badass. Manly tears seared off.
  18. I think I might stick to the manga. Much faster that way. I personally prefer
  19. That is crap. Japan, you had one job: Make me bawl like a little kid again. With a subject like that, you had a perfect chance... I had what-ifs go through my head of a similar scenario and they scare me. Ah... fuck the obsessive market. Yet I am pretty much a low level one... Dropped. Thanks Wally. Also, no. Haven't heard of one. Closest I can think of is Grave of the Fireflies but that is an entirely different beast. And I seriously got to get to Usagi Drop. I've been meaning to for a while. My favorite character is based off someone from that series... In other news, Kaze Tachinu. Its about the guy that made the Zero, the Japanese war plane in WWII. Seems like the dude was like Oppenheimer in going "Oh god, what have I done?" with regards to what they help made since they both were more or less in it for the science and tech of it. I look forward to it. I also look forward to Kaguya-hime no Monogatari. Both Ghibli films fyi.
  20. To be fair, a good looking case (in my eyes) is kind of hard to find on the cheap. I like full towers as well so the price is even steeper for the kinds I like... which are essentially featureless metal boxes that cost more than funky looking cases. Metals man, they be expensive especially when housing computer hardware. And no, fuck Lian Li. Now those prices are insane. Huh, the prices seem to have gone down in the last few years. Keeping my old comment I was typing.
  21. Mal


    Props for the dude being able to handle a raccoon. They got hands man which gives them a whole different kind of power.
  22. http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/think-before-you-stretch Stretch goals, it is a tricky affair for any medium. You can be too loose with it and give out too much or you can be careful with it and be called cheap. I think I much rather developers and such to be careful with them. And here is Project Phoenix that I referred to in a status update. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300298569/project-phoenix-japans-indie-rpg-feat-aaa-talent?ref=home_popular While we're at it, taking a look at the stretch goals... they seem reasonable but I kind of expect some to be there in the vanilla. These guys are just working on this as a side project of sorts so not like they're hurting for a job. On the other hand I like it how they were all lined out at the start so they're not just tacked on. It gives me the sense that they planned it out already so no need to go back to the drawing board which can cause problems.
  23. When you put it that way, then yeah, I get what you are saying. I know a few folks like that. I know a barber who talk crazy talk when it comes to geol- Oh... I wonder what will leak next. Wanna hear about the zircons I'm helping to collect? Anyways, she is quite sane. Just a bit misinformed. For the folks at the church, it is rather hard to see aphids on a ground level plant, let alone a damn tree. Also DailyFail not even once.
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