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Everything posted by Mal

  1. After a week in a desert, green is so beautiful. Also Infinite soon.

  2. Mal

    Day Z

    Is anybody even remotely still interested in this...?
  3. Mal


    Honestly... I've been bad at all of them. Well, maybe not at X but yeah...
  4. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=casoilresource.apps.soilweb&hl=en Soilweb. Get to know your local soils damn it! Also report back to me. It be cool to know what you guys live around.
  5. I want to cuddle with him. Also if you guys don't realize by now... I am drunk. And I really don't have an Asian Glow. Maybe? And yes, I do like to drink...
  6. I guess its the reason why Sony developed the "play as you download" thing for the PS4. Hardware seems to lag behind software so makes sense.
  7. Mal

    Xbox One

    All kidding asides... I can't be the only one that worries about the consoles if Microsoft eats shit and dies, right?
  8. Mal

    Wii U

    Owners... So if you guys don't know yet, I have very little expectations for this console since it seems so much like a Gen 7.5. Maybe I am being too harsh to it... any redeeming factors besides the tablet?
  9. Isn't there a threat of too many big players in one team? Kind of like a sports team with too many big named stars.
  10. If this sucks, I will for sure wear off pre-ordering. Also preloading is up on Steam. Not like it matters for me...
  11. Mal


  12. Mal


    Got to love that the head of the department doesn't give the grad students much freedom. I know that we're not a research institution but holy fuck. The grad students can pour and apply their own damn chemicals. Also how about ordering parts that they need to complete their thesis? The faculty advisor got to order the part. In truth currently everything got to be supervised or go through a faculty advisor. The advisors are not always available. Come on... how about some trust over here? I as an undergrad can go out camping out in the field by myself for my senior project but grad students cant be trusted with higher leveled stuff? So yeah, administrative bullshit. I'm not a grad student so not like I could or is my place to complain to the department head (Who I know somewhat).
  13. Mal


    That must be brutal, more so than football (US).
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg-QNVm28zk The swarm of moe anime openings make this stand the hell out.
  15. If I was beat after a weekend camping field trip... how will I fair on a week long? Find out next week on Sunny Malico!

    1. deanb


      I'm gonna take a stab in the dark n say the first day is going to be rough.

    2. Mal


      Nah. I think... and that was a nice laugh. Blocked! Boo...

  16. Mal

    Xbox One

    Expect the worst so you can be pleasantly surprised. If the worst comes to pass... laugh because they did something so retarded that it blows the mind.
  17. So, can someone explain to me how dream team-like the dev team is? I've been hearing that for a game such as this, there are no better people.
  18. I'm going on a week long field trip tomorrow. The sink is filled with dishes, dishes are low and the dishwasher is still not emptied. I shall test my roommates to see how far they go. Worst come worst, I'll have a really long cleaning night on Friday... on that note, I'm dumbfounded on how many cups a person can go through in a day. One of my roommates is like the Signs girl or something. So yeah, I'm going to see how they function without me around since I do take care of 95% (Scientifically proven by Stats and PHYSICS) of the cleaning.
  19. Mal

    Xbox One

    I'm PC/Console(s) now and I intend to keep it that way. If everybody but Sony goes multiplat, I would really look at what Sony got to offer. I could go just PC for a while (3+ years) and see what happens. Also I don't have to play every game that interest me. Also for the sake of competition, please don't suck (that) much 720. We don't need Sony to get haughty again.
  20. I guess Isaac and Miria isn't for everyone...
  21. Well I just marathon most of Kotoura-san. I'm just waiting for the last episode to roll out next week. I don't think this show is that popular so I don't think it'll have a second season but I for sure like it (I did just marathon it and I hope for a second season). I like the changes in mood and I generally like all the characters. To show case how radically the mood can change (Something that confused me but I tend to like it). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9X26wVeN5g Also there are ecchi scenes from perverted thoughts, mostly. Though, its pretty damn tame when compared to some stuff out there today (One reason I like Girls und Panzer so much). I would recommend this show for sure. It does take place in high school so there is that but its no more than Haruhi. And now this: WaS:
  22. Mal

    Xbox One

    As someone who plays on both... Why? In the present, mainly exclusives since I do also have a PC that can murder my PS3 and 360 combined (If they somehow worked together...I think). The novelty of owning multiple/all consoles has worn off quite a bit. For the 720, I don't think Halo can even save it if these rumors are true. Again, it'll come down to the revealing next month.
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