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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Got a screencap of it? I'm personally not giving them any hits whatsoever.
  2. I just got into Mount and Blade. After 3 times being smashed into dust, I finally got something going. Sure my footing in the beginning was shaky but if you hire enough folks, things get easy enough. Then comes the food and gold problems... well, time to raid the country that my kingdom is at war with. FYI, I am playing vanilla at the moment.
  3. If I recall from BC2, spotting should be the select button. So reach over with your thumb.
  4. Mounting and Blading late into the night... with a quiz I hardly studed for in the afternoon... damn video juegos.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I slept 4 hours on the night woke up at midnight to "study" for a PSY test. Ended up trying out the BF3 Beta, watching Parks & Recreation and I'm listening to music with some "study notes" open right now. Test in 3 hours. I am so screwed :'D

    3. deanb


      Yeah M&B sounds like it could be good fun but I can't get into it.

    4. Mal


      It took me a few tries to finally get M&B down last night but when it clicked, it clicked. Now I'm slowly building up my army after a few close calls of being raped nightly and running out of food and money. Combat is still a bit confusing though.

  5. I am amazed how much more optimized the code is. If you want to see how, go fill a ravine full of TNT and see if you can crash a server. You may get knocked out of the server but it won't crash.
  6. Hey... HEY. Stop talking about Ico and SotC... I got money to save and classes to attend to... must. RESIST.

  7. El Notch is still king. And yeah, Mojang was never good on support service. Still isn't but if the day comes when they do... Mojang can have a beer on me.
  8. @ Hakidia : Well, he just bossed a boss. Also, PS3. Can't do it in any other way. As for that video... XD Broken silly game.
  9. Well, I never imagine seeing myself sorta looking in a DAT ASS image.

  10. Got new speakers. First song I chose to play.
  11. http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2011/09/22/brain-movies/ I am seriously creeped out to the point that I am refusing to believe this.
  12. The Legend is Born: Ip Man Great fights and a more interesting story.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHW_4GfznNc I just found out a very old news concerning Kamelot... Roy Khan, the vocalist, is leaving the band. /deadinside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s89Kh7mMS0 Fabio Lione from Rhapsody is the replacement. I love him in Rhapsody but his style is completely different from Roy's. I'm scared that I will lose two bands that I love.
  14. I think my parents f'd up the dishwasher... then again it was filthy as hell because of so much hardwater buildup. My renter agreement says I shouldn't touch or attempt to fix anything but... I feel like I have to since it was so filthy. PS, the landlord just bought the place so he doesn't really know of the major problem. Suggestions?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      You might try running some lime away or something through it, but other than that I'd just tell the land lord.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens
    3. Mal


      Alrighty. The landlord's son (One of my roommates) saw how filthy it was before my parents cleaned it. So I might be covered.

  15. I just found out about this coming to NA in early 2012. Fuck yeah. Day one for sure. Now about that DS one...
  16. Asking a person you met at orientation to use his shower because the plumbing at my place has gone to shit, literally, got to be the oddest request I ever made.

    1. Enervation


      Hah! My shower don't even work.

  17. Ip Man 2 I liked this ending fight a lot more than the one in Ip Man 1. Main reason was that he didn't take the boxer out directly. Another thing is that it showed a better mix of niceness of a human being on the antagonist side too.
  18. So yeah, I'm scared. I will die FOREVER.
  19. Checking out an anime club from my campus. I'll let you guys know how its like. Underwater Ray Romano!
  20. Mirror's Edge and Mount and Blades Complete Pack. Good college student!
  21. HOLY SHIT, MY COMPUTER HAS INTERNET AGAIN. Now to get my speakers working again. Also, greetings from SLO. :D

    1. TheRevanchist


      To verfify: San Luis Obispo? If so, then you are in one of the greatest places in California!

    2. Mal


      Indeedie. Best small town I've been in. Thursday's Night Farmers Market is the best thing ever. Makes me have a reason to remain sober on Thurs and Friday so I can cook good food and... be the driver.

    3. Pirandello


      :D Food.


      Welcome back!

  22. Going pure mobile internet is tough... almost reminds me of the days without internet. I can actually see myself sleeping befoe midnight like this!

  23. Its past the 11th but it can be talked about so here I go. I have a dislike of bright, perfect weather days that is always on the back of my mind. It came from the times when my grandparents past on and well, 9/11. NYC on that day was beautiful. The sky seemed clear with no chance of doom and gloom. The day was normal, with me a 12 years old going to his second or 3rd day of school. So yeah, boom. Lock down until school got out. The walk home was weird because... it was oddly quiet. Well, I'm tired with moving on the tenth of 9/11. I'll leave you with this... with each passing year, I feel more and more emotional about it. Its really odd.
  24. Moved out from my folks place. This is going to be weird.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      P.S. Pimps don't cry!

    3. GunFlame


      Now you can watch porn in the living room!


    4. Mal


      Yeeeeah! Also, looked like I could of stayed home for an extra two days. Derp.

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