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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I just been walking up to people, groups even, tranquilizing one or two then knock the other person out. Of course... I screw up a few times since I didn't recon the place well enough. So yeah, suicidal stealth tactics. Vents? Blah! I have only been finding them after I knocked everyone out.
  2. There needs to be a second Baccano! TV series... I know there are much more light novel material to be used! Main reason?
  3. Drogo should of had a much longer beard. Think something like Guan Yu's...
  4. Welcome and yeah, I think I will do this again whenever I get a hand on a extra copy of anything, though... I think I will plan it out better next time so that most if not all of the people get to watch live (Sorry for the folks who wanted to watch). I should have recordings of the match but I'm not sure if they are in good shape or not. If I get them all nice and presentable, I'll upload it to Youtube or something. --- I put up the raw recordings on auto-pilot. A whole lot of nothing and me screwing around. Then there is the problem of the last half of the 3rd round and the first half of the fourth not being recorded. If I get around to making them pretty... I'll post them. I think I'll do a holiday stream if I can make time. Maybe even before the Steam sale so folks who win (Maybe 3 max from me) can choose a day to get a game that is on sale or something. IDK, just thinking.
  5. DONE

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mal


      Think back to the surprise gift i gave you a dew weeks ago! That should unsting the sting!

    3. RockyRan
    4. Mal


      Sorry Rocky for jumping the gun on the stream.

  6. I'm testing the stream with other folks but if I get 6 of the people on the stream, I might start.

  7. Actually, who in the Melee thing live in Europe? It be pretty crappy if I started now when its like early morning over there.

    1. Mal


      Because more or less I could start now...

    2. Luftwaffles


      Connor, Dean and Cyber are I believe.

    3. Mal


      Okay. Well, I;m running tests right now. Seeing how bad the game lags and such. Feel free to pile on.

  8. Current lineup. Sporkwaffles - Jigglypuff Connorrr - Starfox Snibbs - Pikachu FLD - Blue Marth Saturnine Tenshi - Falco Cyber Rat - Kirby DukeofPwn - Blue Kirby RockyRan - Green Fox Phallus - Red Link Dean - Mario Hakidia - Dr. Mario VicariousShaner - Mr. Game and Watch If there are balance issues... let me know. I never quite play Melee much. So I know some of you folks know how to better balance this out.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxRMU4_CpJc This song got me to download the first set of episodes...
  10. http://pitforge.com/minecraft-1-8/ With videos of how's 1.8 is currently like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUHrqNDA3co
  11. If that was real then I say, they have something quirky enough to battle zombie mode with...
  12. Mal

    Android Phones

    HTC seems to be one of the better makers of smartphones. And eh. I guess I can get to rooting it and such.
  13. I'm just screwing around with stuff, like figuring out how to speed up rounds if I have too. We can get started whenever the rest of the folks get back to me with their characters. Though, not sure of starting on the weekend with the weekend being pretty inactive. Though, a Sunday night showdown would be sweet.
  14. Hakidia, Connorrr, RockyRan, FLD, Saturnine Tenshi, Cyber Rat and DukeofPwn... please stand up and announce your Melee characters. Connor's advantages is as follow: Vic is co-oping with him. If either wins, Connor will also get the DLC. If he loses... tough luck? Line up so far is this: Sporkwaffles - Jigglypuff Connorrr* RockyRan FLD Saturnine Tenshi Cyber Rat DukeofPwn Snibbs - Pikachu Phallus - Red Link Dean - Mario Hakidia - Lucas VicariousShaner - Mr. Game and Watch Now to catch some snooze and wake up and try to configure the controls correctly so I can set it all up correctly. Oh, also: http://www.livestream.com/sunnymal?t=89320 Enjoy the autopilot. Seal.
  15. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    I'm currently reading a spillover of discussion of Joel's horrible article in RPS and all the fallout from it. Jim for a moment almost sounded like Joel...
  16. Don't remind me of the lost of Posey. It for sure felt things changed once he was out from even I, a causal fan. But hey, today reports I heard is that Giants won (2-1) and A's won I think (12-?).
  17. That guy tried to trade in whole boxes of stuff? He's sure is subtle. What I think most people do is just split the stuff. Like 2-4 copies of each games per person. The rest is history... You know, maybe I shouldn't be talking of these stuff. I might, you know, somehow get my brother fired or worst.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mal


      Same. For a night, you were king of the forums.



    3. Chewblaha


      My nuking is nothing new. It's quite fun when I used to do it.

    4. Chewblaha


      Except then it'd just be 25 threads thrown into the active topics. Filled up the front two pages once. Yehhhh.

  19. Eh, NYC so what did you expect? Let some of the better stuff go to waste? Ho hum... I think I got two issues of GI because... actually, I have no idea. Now that I think of it, they were both under my name or was it one was under me and the other my mom... blah. All I know it happened when my mom and my brother renewed my card or something around the same time. OH. Do you ever get ghost shipments? Whatever reason, it happens a few times. They tried to search it up but no cigar and waiting them out did nothing. I got a few games like this...
  20. Mal

    Android Phones

    Its still under warranty so I need to see if Samsung budges. What I'm experiencing is not right. Just having it sit there and going bonkers on you is no good since I'm afraid something is wrong with the hardware. Also, if I root it, it voids the warranty so yeah.
  21. Well, have you ever raided the field destroy stuff and such? Them posters and cardboard stuff are pretty cool to have... My brother and his coworkers did or do that. Out of sight from the area managers and such, of course. Hell, I got this here wired 360 display controlle- I need to fucking clean this shit. All the lines and crevices are BLACK! Imagine all the hands that touch this... ahem. At least I got Atlas and P-body cutouts... and some other stuff that I would have had to preorder to get... Pre-order on Amazon, get pre-order bonus. Call up brother and get Gamestop pre-order bonus. Fuck yeah. What not so fuck yeah is him blotching my renewal and I end up getting TWO copies of GI. I was afraid I would get three... and that bit of my brother's store getting robbed. Then again, he gave them what they want and not a single fuck was given. Not his problem.
  22. Mal

    Android Phones

    I love my Samsung Epic but... fuck Samsung for taking so damn long to get shit updated. My battery is dying but if I had the Gingerbread update, it should last longer. Another year and a half then I'll be free. And I would root my phone but my Epic has been acting funny. Once it woke me up vibrating while off. Then another time it died on me with the screen fading like ho a Gameboy screen does. So yeah... replacement. Maybe.
  23. Its not much of a secret that people don't win. Hell, didn't McD get caught messing with the Monopoly contests so only close friends of execs win back in the 90's? Won't be surprised if Gamestop did something similar. Edited for grammer. God I'm tired.
  24. Ark, I was and still am more or less invisible. Nothing wrong with that. Personally, its pretty damn good to avoid most of the forums drama that will come about and to tell folks the truth. I had no idea who Dean was before I joined the forums. Hell, I didn't even know shit went down when I was even at Kotaku. So yeah, welcome board! Jebus!
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