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Everything posted by Mal

  1. So, I got a room in a house with two other dudes named Bryan and Brian. Haven't seen Brian yet but the Y Dude seems nice enough. He was with his mom though so who knows how he is alone. Now to prepare for the move next week and yeah. If I have stories for you guys, I shall share!
  2. If its an American thing, I will proceed to burn down all colleges
  3. I say, it has been a while since I stuck around in any one place to post over 1000 posts. I'll admit though, I do post a bit excessively at times. ;)

    1. fuchikoma


      Go for broke! Take it over 9000!

      (...and I wanna see more than one word per post! ;) )

  4. I understand why Herobrine will never be added but BLAH! I challenged them to doing something scary for Halloween 2011! And with that I shall add in another BROKEN GAME update. Kind of sad how Mojang is associated with that trait.
  5. SLO. Hopefully I get a place rented tomorrow. Pomona is too close to LA. -hiss- Sort of serious
  6. Persona... maybe its time for me to get into the series. P4 being on the Vita sure will help...
  7. If you can stay on it, good! if not, welcome to the club.
  8. Had some vegetarian Vietnamese food not too long ago. I was pleasantly surprised then again I am used to eating tofu products. There is a sort of "What you expect, what you get" shock/mismatch going on. It helps to see the "meat" as just tofu. It will make the texture of them easy to deal with.
  9. So, sprinting now will be unlimited but it will drain your food bar. Not sure how quickly but yeah, not quickly enough to overcome a row of stacks of food! (I hope that won't be possible) Also: http://twitter.com/#!/jeb_/status/108812676288884736 I would say the 9th so everyone with a free weekend will have a wonderful time of BROKEN GAME. Damn I am pessimistic.
  10. Humboldt... no way that's 6 hours away, more like 10 hours plus. Unless I'm thinking of somewhere else. If you're used to small towns sort of things, it won't be that much different. I'm primarily a city folk, so the difference is pretty big. Now to fry a different fish... textbooks. Everybody love to buy textbooks. We also love to update them every year or two. We gladly fork over hundreds of dollars for textbooks. What I'm looking at right now is getting close to my proposed rent.
  11. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Eh? I thought I had a double post. In short: I always thought of Gawker as a tabloid, thus I never went in there save for once or twice. Sadly Kotaku and my beloved i09 and perhaps Lifehacker are the same. Well, Kotaku for sure. I don't even want to see i09.
  12. Doesn't say much but I am assuming rouge AIs as the main enemies unless its some unknown alien species since I doubt we'll be fighting much, if any, Covenant.
  13. Dirt 3 is a very pretty game but god damn announcers. Shut up. Also it seems I can't rally race if my life depended on it. Must learn the ways...

  14. Yeah... bugs are showing. I am getting sick and tired of Firefox just not being responsive for a few minutes every so often. There is not rhyme or reason to it to freeze.
  15. I don't why I'm doing this but I'm helping to feed a caterpillar (Moth?) my brothers caught. Problem is I don't know what it want to eat.

  16. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    BUT... but... UGH, ITS MAGIC! Only losers play them. Like no way in hell he can make a living on it either! But seriously, he looks like one sly dude. Her lost and his gain. She posted and spread this all through the internet. Someone is bound to pick him up soon.
  17. Well, if the person is paying for both rooms, it doesn't really matter to management since they are getting paid for the rooms. Now on why a person wants two rooms... beats me. Sound like a hoarder in the making. If management doesn't even know that room is empty and they're not getting paid... well. They are really dumb shits,
  18. Dude. I'm going to Cal Poly in the fall. So yeah, if you do happen to get in there, I for sure can help you find a place since god damn, finding a place is a pain in the ass, especially if you live 4 hours away. So yeah, another reason to hate college. Finding a damn place to live. I tend to want to live out of the dorms since I think I will like my freedom a ton more than being so close to campus. Most of these folks who post stuff on Craiglist don't know how to quickly follow up on stuff. If the place is taken after we both agreed to met up at your place, for whoever sake, LET ME KNOW.
  19. You sure they'll be around for long if they keep up their shit? ._.
  20. I think I shouldn't have teared up laughing but I did.
  21. The year is 1985/95 and the community college earth science class get to go to HAWAII to look at the volcano (And to have a good, awesome time.). Now is the year 2011 and the same community college class can't even go pass a bridge toll to look at anything. I just feel that those of us in our 20's are just going to college in such a bad time.
  22. Heheh. Diss magic shrooms and you'll get called names. Yes! I want to see folks rage but seriously, like any other drugs, some people just don't react nicely at all to shrooms. Its the truth, deal with it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChiltonGaines


      So wait, were you saying bad things about them and people got mad, or are you saying that IF people say bad things about them, YOU'LL get mad? And was the reaction part the reaction of people hearing their drugs getting trashed, or the actual phsyical reaction? So confused.

    3. Mal


      I said something along the lines of someone is going to go psycho after having some the shrooms that are growing after Irene. Just making a reference to that one MMA (?) fighter who had some from a friend and went nuts, killing his friend in the process. When police found him, it was like some sort of Satanic ritual. Not saying everyone will be like that but some people took me like that or even argue back that it doesn't happen. Eh. History shows otherwise.

    4. fuchikoma


      No way... Oh wait, here it is:


      That's freakish!

      I'm thinking he must have had some other condition, but then, mind altering drugs have been known to set off episodes in certain people. That's... really atypical!

  23. Mal

    Trade Shows

    So with PAX Prime over and hearing how folks here liking it, I decided to take a look at the prices for the passes. $60 for a three day pass? That is a fair price. I just might plan to go next year since my fall quarter doesn't start until Sept. 19th and PAX happens around this time of the year before my classes starts. So yeah, saving up $60 for the pass and however much for the transportation and hotels (Guessing $300, $500 in total for everything). I might go, I might not go. I'll see how uni kicks my ass and such. I got a year to see. If any of you folks even think you might go next year, post. It doesn't hurt to plan WAAAY ahead.
  24. > DO IT NAO. Is there some secret GS spy somewhere here that will snipe you if they read it or something? Who knows? I personally don't want to get too detailed in fear it might find its way back to my brother...
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