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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119230 They have a newer version with USB 3.0 now... with black interior. Meeeeeh. At least my mobo is up to speed.
  2. Earth Defense Force 2017. Saving the world from giant ants and aliens. Also a red Godzilla. I'm so looking forward to play it once my brother has his turn in it. Then... onto the next game!
  3. Didn't someone on here had some problems with their stock fan a while back? His computer was running but when it played games, it ran unusually hot. Once he replaced it, it was all good. I say get something better than stock so you don't run into problems later.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1iH7x7U7EU
  5. Skyrim release date too. So I would expect dragons to make an appearance then! (Along with a spoof trailer)
  6. I've been using the free version. Its pretty nice to have when you're bored. I really want to try it on a tablet. ... I just realized after taking a closer look at the paid version... I could get a stylus.
  7. 16GB of RAM... Metal, I heard that for most people, 6-8 GB is enough but if you want to go for 16 GB, knock yourself out. You will be multitasking like a boss. 1000W... sure, go ahead and power two computers. If I were you, I would cut down on those two so I can spend the money elsewhere, like the SSD. But yeah, can we trade lives now?
  8. Why does it seem like that I derail topics a lot? Anyways, Thursday, going multiplatform is a fine thing to do. Hell, it makes sense to do so since there seems to be a massive graphic engine war brewing and that there are much money to be made with going multiplatform. Its the "little" things that Crytek has done, as said by the others, that made me say "tainted". I'm sure that Crysis 2 is a good game but Crytek done stuff to hurt my view about them. I'm waiting for their next game to pass final judgement. And no, no pirating Crysis 2 for me. I'm waiting for it to go $30 or below before I get it. I was planning on a first day buy but... yeah. Warning signs went up and I just watched it slide downhill. Its almost like watching a good sport star start getting wobbly. Its almost like the player want to throw the game...
  9. Think if I yell enough that they, Best Buy, will bend over backwards and follow the warrenty even when I don't have the reciept...?

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Yeah. It's worth a try

  10. Thursday, a month or two back, I thought that what Crytek would be doing but after seeing and hearing on what they had done with Crysis 2... I doubt it. Even if they are doing that... I would be very wary on getting even a PC exclusive from them. They stained their hands. If they were going the route of going multiplatform and then doing a PC exclusive, I would think that they would handle Crysis 2 a lot better... @Photoshop thing. Yep. I pirated the hell out of Photoshop when I was making wallpapers and stuff. Do you think that all the folks on those wallpaper making sites and even Deviant Art have legit copies of Photoshop? Hell no. Most were and are poor teenagers. I'm actually surprised on how lax Adobe is with the piracy for all these years. I heard about what Atomsk/Dean said a year or two ago. It make sense. Kids that were like me , in most cases, cannot ever afford Photoshop or anything Adobe. Hell, most can't when they grow up. But for those who can and are interested with anything that can go back to Adobe products... guess what they are getting when they can? But yeah... software is one thing. Games are another.
  11. The most amazing posts EVER on here. Also, if you are not like my cousins and have boxes full of Magic card... you lose at life. I only have two small expansion decks that I got for free from something a while back.
  12. Umm... I think my TV died... I think my 2 year warrenty is still in effect... :\

    1. Mal


      Fuck, I don't have my receipt.

    2. AgamemnonV2


      I have a TV that's almost as old as me and it still works. : \

    3. Mal


      Exactly why I am pissed.

  13. I got bored so I hopped on my old computer, which is now my younger brother's. I realized that I forgot to delete my porn links... then I found a yaoi link in his stuff. Oh my... :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pirandello


      Traps are fine.


      Furries are the end of the world.

    3. McBeeferton


      Better than furries or futas, right?

    4. Mal


      Yes. At least it was not furry porn. I don't want to set my brother on fire. ;_;

  14. Going through my Youtube favorites. Man, many memories in there.

    1. -Dex-


      I know how that's like =3


      (858 favorites)

  16. Mal

    Windows 8

    Well, I do most of my computer stuff on a desktop/laptop at home but... being mobile and portable is pretty awesome. Now about them tablets... not too sure about them. Its trying to do what my phone can do but on a bigger screen. I preferring a physical keyboard will doom its use in the house for me so... eh. It have its uses but its not for me.
  17. Eunuch...? You can work in the palace then!

  18. Hey six, at least you weren't compared to a baby picture.
  19. Why does my work have such a god damn strong fetish for the Sacramento area and beyond lately...? I've been driving that route so many damn times that I can pull 52.5 mpg on m y Prius... well, here's to another 240 miles round trip...

  20. When I read the magnitude of the earthquake and what it done... I HAD to look for the depth of the focus. 8.9 km so... about 5.5 miles deep. Okay, I can give it that people can feel it then and that it can do some damage... considering where it was.
  21. In a few months, when I finally head out to the outside world, I might finally get to know why roommates are to be killed.
  22. I must make an animation for all this spinning!

    1. McBeeferton


      All this spinning reminds me of Transformice.

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