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Everything posted by Mal


  2. Pikachu burger? Shocking.
  3. Mal

    Android Phones

    The one it came with. I'm a bit lazy to switch but I can. Any suggestions?
  4. Graves of the Fireflies...?
  5. Mal

    Android Phones

    So, today it looks like Sprint updated Froyo for the Epic. Hopefully they fixed the stupid browser crashes. I swear, 1/4 of the time I reopen my browser, it crashes.
  6. Kill... Jill? She whipped the Nemesis', imo the most fear inducing tyrant, ass. Eh, lets see how they rape my horror filled childhood again. Sure it could be a great game but... eh.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lycAYessDNo Wire-fu? Drunken fist? Hell yeah!
  8. From the Newsfeed. I don't know folks... I just don't know what to think.
  9. So, I'm watching a NOVA documentary about this atm. Its pretty interesting. Many place has seawalls, some place has 30ft ones. Should beat 30ft tsunami, right? Nope. If you recall the fact that Japan is about 8 feet closer to North America, it also subsided the land a few feet too. So your 30ft wall is now 25ft. You're screwed. Well, interesting watch so far. Seeing footage I haven't seen before. Some that I have seen still strikes me, especially the one of the wide view of the shoreline as the waves comes in. I don't think I will ever forget that. -- So, it has some late fear mongering. The section of plate boundary off Tokyo, a city of MANY millions, is the one right under the one in Sendai. Bad times when that blows... then of course Cascadia.
  10. Sure. Let the Japanese get one step closer to build radiation proof Gundams. So... how do the nuclear thing going down in Japan effect your views on nuclear power...?
  11. Chat works fine with 3G. Oh well, not like I pop into chat too often anyways. It just nice to have options when you're stuck waiting somewhere for a few hours.
  12. Umfk, I think I mixed it up with brands before with my RAMs. Hell, I didn't even look at the timing for both... worked fine. I could of been lucky with the timing though. I don't think, note "think", brand matters as long they are the same. Sort of like how you can Crossfire/SLi different brands but the same card.
  13. I don't know if anybody suggested this yet or if it even on you guys end but it would be cool if we can pop into chat without going to the full version on mobile devices.
  14. You know... after what Crytek pulled, I'm a bit nervous about BF3 but yay. April 17th. :3
  15. That is... pretty damn sweet. Hrmm. Maybe next time.
  16. Is... is there a resemblance...!? Geez, must of scored while I slept... well, he does have the cockiness that I secretly have. :'D
  17. Doodle doodle, I don't have a poodle. Enjoy. It has been a long time since I done anything with ze tablet. This is all after me doodling on and off all day yesterday. Good job folks for getting me to do that.
  18. I got bored so here's a picture of me just a moment ago. Yes, messy bed. --- Holy shit, its huge. So yeah, don't I seem malicious?
  19. I finally got started with Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. Like what I'm seeing so far. It got a nice attitude and style. Its not your moe moe animu. --- Also, just now I spoiled Bleach for myself. All I am thinking right now is... when will Ichigo fight God next?
  20. http://www.thelovecraftsman.com/2011/03/6-ways-to-turn-cthulhu-into-emoticon.html I don't know... maybe they are talking about... I don't know.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmKEuBqFlL0 If you want a creepy background music as you rant or whatever... you got one. ANIMU TOOOOO. :3 --- Play this song to get all the ladies.
  22. /|\(;,;)/|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyber Rat
    3. Mal


      Do you have an idea what sort of similes I posted?

    4. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      No, I do not know that is a Cthulhu emote which I countered with a Kirby emote on purpose.

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