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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I can use both K-M and gamepad just fine... so I don't see why its such a big issue when it comes to this game. That said, its about time to convert my older brother from a console peasant to join the PC master race. DOHOHOHOH (Half kidding. )
  2. When my brother comes over, he can be the PS3 peasant, while I be the PC master race. We will be playing right next to each other. Going to be fun.
  3. Mal


    Got to go with what FDS said. Samsung is a very nice brand but... from what I have seen when I was shopping around, it isn't just $20 more. More like a Benjamin+. Believe me, I want my sweet Samsung TV and monitor but... they cost an arm and a leg. --- Maybe folks like Sick-ie can pull it off if they saved more but, for folks like me, it was an emergency buy. It was already pushing on my available budget as well.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yhb7rTRxkM
  5. Recette, what link? The one in Tali's (Badmin) post? Its a load of bunnies. Dean's post and get allowed in. I keep on forgetting about you needing to be allowed into NV...
  6. Let me try to doodle again and I'll get back to you guys. PROPORTIONS. HOW I HATE YOU.
  7. It could work. Remember those Crimson Heads? With the bulk of T/G-Virus research going underground for so long, I would guess they made a T-Virus that can make a person go Crimson far faster. We seen what they done with the Lickers. They're much bulkier. Who knows what they done with the Hunters, let alone the Tyrants. We also only seen a glimpse of what the G-Virus can do since the stuff we seen were unstable. Besides... Las Plagas has the mind control trait that can unify everything together... so I expect a hybrid. But yeah, need more scary yo.
  8. It sounds alright... but man, they sure love changing the story. And I'm still peeved that they do away with the horror aspect of the games... fuck, my 5 years old cousins can play RE4 and 5 with ease. They NEVER was scared.
  9. What the hell... I just finally saw a political ad that stopped me in my tracks. Its near offensive... not exactly on the part about USA being a slave to China but more of the other stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mal


      2012 is going to be bad. :\

    3. Gigawings


      sigh... I have to say welcome 2012, maybe I should learning about survival, as long it's not from Bear Gyrrl

    4. MasterDex


      Hey now! If you're stuck on a mountain and your only way down is to climb down a sheer cliff-face with no rope while drinking your piss and eating half-formed bird eggs, you'll be sorry you never listened to Bear Grylls!

  10. Well, Chell, I think that is her name, got to finish her conflict with GLaDOS and that is what the main storyline is. The two robots just are icing on the cake...
  11. I don't think you should try to just wing it with just minimal specs. I think you will run into problems for sure when the PSU start to age and you Crossfire it up.
  12. Just finished Kagemusha. It was an interesting watch.
  13. I want to see Columbia come burning down... so they won't make a sequel to setup people for disappointment, and to see the marvelous spectacle.
  14. 5'10 or 5'11" Not too sure.
  15. Yeah, a 6.5 or so. They're only expecting like a 18" one. Nothing too worrying since whatever can get trashed by it is already trashed...
  16. Very American! That is how American do things!
  17. I was around when it happened and I'm still in the dark. All I know is... wtf happened. Can't say I care to know with it being forums drama and all. I avoided them all my internet life.
  18. They be crazy yo.
  19. I <3 the first two Bioshocks. Sure the 2nd one was just more of the same and certainly didn't have such a wow factor to it since you been there before but if you wanted more of the same, you got it. Now Infinite... lordy lordy. I'm with Johnny here, I want to be on a media black out. Its better to be a little bit unsure what you're getting yourself into than being all super hyped up to the point that they will fail to deliver. I know that Infinite has the same folks that made the first, and man does it look good. Tea Baggers going to be on this for sure...
  20. I need to learn to never pull my lower back again. Still feeling the effects today...

    1. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I'm in the same boat. Not fun.

  21. Mal


    I have a ASUS VH232H that I got about a year about when my old one was dying. The ones you chosen are about the same to mines so... its all good. Can't say that the build in speakers are good but it does it job. I actually wonder if it has headphone jacks..................... you made me look. Yes it does. WOW. Can't believe I NEVER checked. I think I'm going to catch up on some Red Dead while my younger brother plays his GT5 next to me on the TV... As for the 3ms difference... eh. It could help? Not sure. If I ever lag, I always assumed that it was my connection, not my monitor.* As for the 1.5" screen difference... its your personal preference. 23" monitor is pretty damn sweet. I think I came from a 20" too. I personally got the 23" since it was what I determined to be the maximum size I can go with my current desk setup. Besides, this monitor should at least have another 2 more years to it lifespan so... yeah. I rather get a bit too big than one too small if i have to live with it for a few years. * Get the $180 one and lets swap then I'll get back to you in one year.
  22. Yes sir, they gone and fuck up now. I'll hold on Crysis 2 until its on sale now. Crytek, you wanted my $60, which I would of been willing to give, but after what I've seen and heard... well. Screw you guys. Redeem yourselves next game and then we'll talk. :< Well, at least I will thank you Crytek for saving me $60.
  23. Fried stinky tofu. Food of master race.
  24. Mal

    Android Phones

    http://www.htc.com/www/product/evo3d/overview.html What the hell?
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