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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I NEED to Crossfire my shit when this comes out for true glory. :<
  2. Mal


    I actually don't have any HL2 games and I never quite beat the original HL. I got close but then mutant baby Buddha thing come and ruin my junk.
  3. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Hell, the old site had enough white space to put all prostitution ads in Vegas to shame.
  4. So, snow in San fran sometime this week. Might be just a tiny bit but it might be there, in your face. WAT.

    1. Mal


      So yeah, Brain, get all your heaters and blankets going. Think you would of froze to death all those time ago? This time its for cereal.

  5. Going to try it now. -glee-
  6. Just shoot me a message whenever you are hitting the MP. I never played the 1st or 2nd game so eh... onto the 3rd storyline for me. Rico, please die for Atom and Company.
  7. I'm waiting for my brother's GT5 B Spec to be over then I'll hit the singleplayer first. 30 laps... on a huge track. Going to be a while.
  8. Oh sure, make me feel like an ISA peasant...
  9. Building off what Dean said. What I pirate is also what I might buy. I'm not one of those high volume pirates that download a few games a day. If you log how many games I buy and pirate, it would be very close in number. Believe me Strange, I would love to buy everything I play, heck, I am currently trying to go on a non-pirate streak.* However, sometimes... like a credit card to some young folks. Those pirated copies looks pretty tempting at times. Hell, they come with no credt card debt too. On the issue of how some devs and publishers focusing on PC piracy and seemly ignoring console piracy. It was hell of a lot worst about ten years and before ago. Us console pirates had to shell out some money to some even bigger pirates*. That pretty much sealed the deal on if we were ever going to buy legit at all. Now, it is still very possible to pirate on consoles but its just most people can't be assed to go through the process just like some people can't be assed to build a proper gaming PC. () So as far as console piracy goes... it pretty much won in the devs and publishers eyes. Now its time to go after the easiest target... *Look waaay back for my account of those times.
  10. It can but only on rare occasions (I usually attribute it to myself, say a quick word and move on.) and besides, not like you would be the only one with the input lag so... it all evens out. And yay, my copy is nearby now. It should be heading towards the South City UPS facility then to my house sometime today.
  11. Anime chick, where is she!?

  12. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    That's quite a bad outlook on things... Well, the Olympic mascots as far as I remember has all been pretty crappy... and creepy too. I however, like those eyes. Its all seeing... just like Big Brother... So yeah, "British's tourism industry in the gutter. Even Fish N' Chips can't save the day*." *Maybe. I do love me some fish and chips. Edit: Getting edit ninja'd sure is awesome. Well, besides the history of the place, yeah, I can't think of a reason to go to Britain besides that I know the language. Then again, Britain has some interesting geology... wait. That's history again, geologic history...
  13. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    Its pose to show something like "HEY, look what we got and can do!". Its a major advertisement event. It could draw people in for a few years. So... at the moment, I wonder what are they going to do. I'm half expecting something like this... (However, get saxophone guy in and it will be an instant winner. Not even sure if he even British... ) But seriously, what the article that Dean linked was about how they are trying to draw in tourists. If they do something pretty cool during the Olympics, then maybe they will get a boost in tourism. So Britain... dress to impress next year and do it.
  14. That I did not know. I was reading a comparison of Killzone 2 and 3, and it seems like while it got patched, it is still slightly noticeable. That article was in the Newsfeed but it has since got moved out. How playable was it before the patch?
  15. I never played Killzone 2 so I won't know of it personally but I have heard that it felt more heavier than Killzone 3. At least it doesn't feel exactly weightless like MW2/Blops. Its one of my major reasons why I don't like those two games. Now the first MW... I heart. So yeah, I think Killzone 3 should of gotten it down with the controls. I heard that Killzone 2 heaviness came from input lag and such. And Atom, Helghan is disappointed but also understand your plight.
  16. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    "Britain is the greatest country in the world" Umm... that is fine and all but if you keep thinking like that, you will be knocked off the top. Besides, only us Americans are allowed to say such things! Britain's time has past for many decades. Before they switched up the damn time, which would royally screwed with everybody in and anything related to Britain... spice up the place a bit. Summer Olympics are coming next year. DO SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. I'm not expecting anything as good as the Beijing Olympics or Rio's in 2016 but come on... as of right now, I'm half expecting the opening ceremony to be people drinking tea and eating crumpets...
  17. Prepared to have your minds blown...
  18. I have the 80GB that came with MGS4. Other than some freezing issues here and there... its runs like a BOSS. Though I think I should invest in a Slim. My 80GB is too glorious to die!
  19. You know what really sold me on this game? The feel. From movement to how the guns fire. It all feels heavy but at the right amount. MW2 and BLOPS in comparison feels like nothing has any weight to it. This becomes very apparent when you use any LMG, my weapon of choice. If you storm a room and don't feel like then something isn't quite right. Also, if you are wondering, TF2 doesn't really have the weapon feel either but other factors in the games dissolve that issue.
  20. TAY, don't fail Helghan... don't fail me! Assemble!
  21. So... Killzone 3 tomorrow. I better get my copy in the mail when I come home tomorrow to proceed to kick my brothers off the PS3 for 3+ days straight. HAHAHA... to be an older brother.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      FOR HELGHAN! /has-no-brothers

    3. Johnny


      I was actually the nicer older brother all the while growing up. My little bro was a douche though.

    4. Mal



      Well, I'm nice 95% of the time. I never been really mean, just bossy. :D

  22. The Rock... ;_; Good to see him back into wrestling. Seriously. It was tough to watch him do all those movies.
  23. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    I grinned when I saw Dean's dead Cupid avatar. I haven't switched to any other gaming news site yet but I like the newsfeed on top. Some rather lengthy articles in there... good ones too! NHS could use a bit of a wallpaper/layout change... just the pictures though and maybe the font. Otherwise, not bad. I haven't read any of their articles yet since nothing has caught my eyes just yet.
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