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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Chances of seeing this shump meet Rocky Pocky in the West: 0% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6zjjUkIMVg

  2. 5770? I just got this in the email today... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5660536&csid=ITD&body=REBATES# $99, after everything.
  3. Man, the North American (Northwest) Pacific coast is in no way prepared for anything like the March 11th earthquake. Looking at Japan having so many issues dealing with all the aftermath... and they're the most prepared for this sort of stuff (Beside nuclear stuff, no one can really prepare for it*). It really have been quite an eventful year when earthquakes are concerned. *Bless those workers at the nuclear plant. As far as I'm concerned, they are heroes to the highest degrees. --- Looking at the USGS earthquake map around Japan is depressing. So many aftershocks. That section of the plate is really moving, creating many earthquakes that for sure will rumble people...
  4. So, after last night, I finally took over the whole of Japan for giggles. Chosokabe Land was the hardest to take down because their armies grew to such large size after being mostly stranded on the island for so long. Not to mention the numerous choke points and long winding roads. One large army could not cut it (Nearly got wiped out until a navy rescue them after their own close defeat), two was alright but it finally required 3 to take it and hold it down. In the end, it was cut down to two largely ineffective armies that somehow winged it. Now about naval battles... How the hell is a Japanese navy without any gunboats can even take down ONE nanban trade ship? One nanban trade ship can rape an entire fleet. Even after ten minutes of firing at it with arrows and shit while taking cover behind surrendered ships, it still won't go down... I only manage to kill about a 100 of their crew and take out 3 of its 10 cannons. It took a second fleet with two Japanese cannon boats to take it down. The other ships are easy enough to take down but that nanban ship... I'm afraid to find out if you can have a couple of them in a fleet... Now, about those land cannons... do I have to convert to Christianity to get them or I just need a city of Christians? I just looked at the requirements and it seem to suggest the latter. I haven't tried it out yet. --- Side note... I'm sort of sad that there is no option for a one on one duel like that of the opening movie. It would of been pretty sweet. lol wall of text in every of my Shogun 2 posts...
  5. Mal

    Hardware Porn

    Its pretty easy to just go on to anywhere and post false reviews. Can't forget about that.
  6. I fight only like 1/5 of my battles when it really needs me to somehow kill the general(s) in order to just win the battle or at least make a good last stand. Those reasons or I just want to fight. Repeated battles, auto resolved or not, can really tire your mind out when you're on the defensive... I spent a good 3-4 years quelling rebellions all over the place because of massive food shortages. So I had to divide up my army and raise new ones. It was terrible, especially dealing with Christian rebels. Thanks the shogun gods that I had no close enemies then... else I would be fucked. Me love all sorts of RTS games. :3 As with FPS, RPG and such...
  7. Should I feel bad that I though that I shouldn't had gave away my daughter to this one clan that was bros with me but they eventually got their asses kicked by another one that was chill with me? I'm treating women as objects. After about 35 hours, though, I finally kicked everyone off the main island as Hojo, after taking shogun. Now I'm just screwing around... routing enemies out of gates to only get greeted by a firing squad of musket men. Then there is the part of me experimenting with naval warfare. Its odd on how you control the ships. Also, when I think RTS, I think Starcraft and Command and Conquer, not this. Its like Civilization but you can fight the battles. Is your castle getting siege by an army twice your size that will cream you if you let AI take over? You can win if you play smart enough. Also, formation and positioning is really important as well. For example, I placed a catapults on both sides of a castle. One of them was useless because it will hit my own castle. So that doomed it to none use. A few side notes for the catapults... its pretty damn sweet to see two groups of catapults being deadly accurate on a general with the first volley. I want cannons now... which brings up this: You won't kick ass if you just use gunpowder weapons. They require a line of sight, unlike arrows and catapults. You got to have a mix. Well, here's to another 35 hours and beyond.
  8. Lets see... my army with the daimyo, youngest and the heir repels an massive invasion force from one clan, killing their daimyo. However, they die fighting another invasion massive force by a clan that managed to come back from the dead when they got sacked by Tokugawa. The middle son was on his way to back them up too... haha... nearly killed the whole family. At the same time having an side army to take the unsecured capital... I should of took that place sooner. :\ My daimyo was a boss. Now I lost all motivation to back the middle son... -sigh-
  9. Hrmm, you'd expect some to stay by your side so they may jockey for a favorable position of power if you win. Hell, if you win and all clans turned on you... there will be tons of fallen and forgotten clans in your wake. Well, need to pour more time into the game.
  10. Mmm, serpentinite clay with good old pulverized asbestos mixed in, drying on my hand. Sure is good after smelling a disel engine for an hour.

    1. Mal


      Well, it could be talc... :P

    2. Gigawings


      I can hear your lungs screaming from here.

  11. http://www.shakeout.org/ Most likely not the link you saw but it will pretty much give you the same info. Bay Area got about 67% possibility for a 6.7 or higher in the next 30 years while So Cal has had any major ones coming from San Andreas for a very long time (150-300 years).
  12. So, if I buy this on Amazon, I should be able to link it up on Steam, correct? Also, is the limited edition worth the $10 more? Ninjas... hrmm...
  13. Well, what the article says is true. In theory, if you were in a gang/organization like the Yakuza, you only turn criminal on your rivals and... people that owe you money but to other folks, you treat them like human beings. Of course, there are folks in there that blatantly disregard the rules and tradition in place so yeah. Give them a bad name besides the fact that they are violent. Also, dean and to anybody. The San Andreas is due for two major earthquakes. One in the LA region near Palmdale and another in the SF Bay Area near Hayward along the locked Hayward fault. The main trunk of the SF portion of the San Andreas blew over back in 1906 so, it should be pretty quiet for many decades or even centuries to come but... it is locked into place. So folks in California, get ready to rumble at any time. For sure in any 20 years old lifetime. So be sure to pack enough stuff to eat and such for a week. 72 hours is just way too short as seen in Katrina and Japan.
  14. Hrmm, buy SHogun 2 on Amazon so I use my $20 credit... damn you Goh for infecting me.

  15. I love me airport jobs... one at a time but three at a time, late at night and they're all at least an hour late? Sure bro. ;_;

    1. Pirandello


      No pressure, eh?

    2. Mal


      Yeah, no pressure at all. Just got home. :P

      Count them hours!

  16. Looks like the folks in Japan have made their own Minecraft wiki. http://www26.atwiki.jp/minecraft/ When will we see crazy Japanese Minecraft creations...? ------------ http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/03/18/a-howl-minecraft-vid-shows-pet-wolves/#more-54347 WOLVES.
  17. R, don't remind me that people can make it happen. Dumb, stupid, powerful people.
  18. The reactors themselves held up really well. Its all the other things like the pumps and engines that failed.* Not to say that we don't need new reactors. Imagine how much better they could of done if they were 40 years newer. :\ Man, I have enough of the nuclear talk. I'm going to put my bets on them securing it. I have faith in them. When it ends in a success or, heaven forbid, a failure, then I'll come back to talk more about nuclear stuff. Folks in Japan, fight on. *Its like how old cars survives crashes but the person and stuff inside not.
  19. I finally gotten around to watch Howl's Moving Castle. Late, I know. I've listen to the soundtrack for a long time before this and man, the soundtrack sound so much better when you have watched the movie. I have to say that Sophie is one of the most interesting leads from the Ghibli's films I have seen.
  20. I'll get this game when its a tad bit cheaper. Doing a final college saving run. :\
  21. I could read it on my phone. So no excuses on it being too long... Good read. I will wait on part 2. Its fun to see how realistc tactics work in games.
  22. I heard that the valley of Hell is lovely this time o year as well.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      The mixed reaction at the end got me cracking up!

    3. rainetemplar


      That was too adorable!

    4. ZTF


      Looks like that baby is having an epiphany about the nature of existence.

  23. Nothing, misread and stuff.
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