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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Does chunks load really really slow? If so it seems to be related to how bad Rtar is lagging on our server. He's lagging 30 seconds to a minute plus behind ingame and in chat. Also chunks are loading really slow.
  2. Mal


    I will remember the day when my highschool replaced those POS Macs with Dells. Hell, I think that was the reason I got a Dell a year later when my family was out computer shopping. So yeah, bad highschool experience with Macs doomed them to be hardly considered for purchase from me. Sure they changed but its hard to shake the memory of that era of crap.
  3. I sure hate the "Session Master is not available" BS. I'm not sure if I should even shoot or not but at the same time... sometimes when I do, not all hot register and I die instead...
  4. Oh Chewie... One thing you at least have to give Killzone is that it looks a ton better than whatever CoD they had and will churn out from MW2 onwards. Hell, compare how the MP look. Blops looks like garbage.
  5. Mal


    Can't say I have such good memories using Apple products then again... that was back before 2005 or so. Then there the thing of watching my friends' iPod and stuff dying one after the other. Still kind of funny how they kept on getting it. I swear, some went through five or so. And no, I personally never owned any Apple product. Reasons As we all know, they are usually more expensive than other similar products. Combine it with those bad memories and witnessing some of the shortcomings... it really makes me don't want to get an Apple product. However, I'll say that beginning last year or so, I have taken a slight turn in opinion on how good the products are. The iPad is pretty sweet.
  6. I guess not but it is sure nice to see that version.
  7. Dying with happiness...
  8. Oh my... an original Playstation. A working one at that? I'll post something soon when I clean my room and stuff.
  9. I just beat the campaign and well... did I do what I think I did?
  10. It will have a SP campaign so its all good. I think the trailer was all SP.
  11. You see, I believe The Duke had an ancestor and his name was Teddy... http://sharpwriter.deviantart.com/art/Teddy-Roosevelt-VS-Bigfoot-198525028

  12. Soldiers of Helghan, the end of the week is nigh, are you prepare to fight for Helghan?
  13. I just gave it a spin and well, I'm liking it. However, at the moment, I can't lead my men at anything.
  14. I want to choke a baby because my net is going slow. :

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. toxicitizen


      This just in: The internet is the primary cause of baby chokings in America. More at 11.

    3. TheForgetfulBrain


      MaliciousH, ladies and gentlemen, here with some malicious intent.

    4. Mal


      Somedaaaaay, I reaaally want to have Verizon FIOS... so I can get a rock solid connection...

  15. I never played any of the ES games but this looks sweet. Now Fallout 3 I have played before and it was glorious.
  16. Yeah, don't be like Ashcraft and the other writers who runs with anything remotely related to video games. If you want to voice some flamebait-ish comment, I would suggest a personal blog for that. Just keep your work stuff and personal stuff separate.
  17. Gabe... Newell's nightmare or dream. Depends on how you look at it. Anyways, I like Gabe's voice. Hopes he's not killed off or anything. Same with Lexine. (Yay for Wikis. ) If you are wondering, again, I never beat the first game and only watched them played to completion on streams. This series is really fun being watched played.
  18. Sandbox games always have me screwing around to the point that I NEVER finish the game. However, my playtime on it would make you think otherwise.
  19. Search function mother fucker. Do you use it!? Apparently 99% of folks don't so that adds a million duplicate treads. It gets excessive when its support.
  20. Most stuff you will never watch but man, they have some classics and such. Hell, I even saw some nice foreign ones. I'll check it out soon... or now. Edit: Aww, they differentiate from Student Prime members. Oh well. If I has a paid account, I would use this feature since it got some nice stuff that I want to watch but never got around to it. Hell, it wouldn't even cross my mind to pirate it. So, I would never see it. Maybe I should try out Netflix someday...
  21. After reading the Geohot thread... was it possible to homebrew a PS2 emulator on the PS3? That would of been fantastic if it were true. However, I would think Sony wouldn't be happy about that. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peteer01


      Derail away. :-) My guess is that it wouldn't be perfect...but if you could run whatever unsigned code on the PS3 that you want, it makes sense that the right team of people could probably get an emulator working that could make at least some games playable.

    3. deanb


      I'd say 99.9% impossible. You'd need a very dedicated team. We're 10 years in and the PS2 emulator on PC is only starting to become pretty competent. And that required the advent of multi-core processes and powerful (DX10+) GPUs. Also the Cell is very fiddly. I'm not sure you'd get EMU's for any other console either.

    4. peteer01


      I donno, Dean. You might be right about the PS3 not ever being able to properly emulate a PS2 game...but I'm pretty sure that emulators would spring up for the PS3 relatively quickly after the right teams had access to the right tools. (Not saying there isn't a huge difference between a SNES, Saturn and PS2, but the earlier stuff would definitely see emulators, and the more recent stuff...I think people would certainly give it a good college try.

  22. My MaliciousH account got banned from me saying how a few weeks late Bashcraft was for some sort of news. I forget what kind... I think it was a video... Pretty much a usual ban, I suppose. Fine by me... HOWEVER, apparently Bashcraft didn't like that so he edited my comment to some sort of gibberish. That is not fine by me. It wasn't even in l33t (Been a while...) or anything that I knew but it did say something after a few reads. Though I just went "Huh..." and moved on then made my Azndude account. Ban invasion? Yes sir. inb4 ban from Kotaku... again.
  23. -Sees Peter's wife advice while eating a large plate of noodles at 11:20- Great advice however. I should seriously follow that... some other time. Well from me to you folks... as some professional says, don't be afraid of a bit more of breakfast. Then go with snacks until 6 or so when you should have your dinner. Don't be like me who have dinner at 8-9 PM. If I could, I would switch it to 6-7 PM but its hard to change a whole family's habit. This will give you plenty of time to digest anything before sleeping. Hell, have a snack, before 10PM, if you want. AND I SHOULD REALLY EXERCISE MORE, YOU (ME) POT BELLY PIG. Am I 210 yet?
  24. I wonder what he did has anything to do with how my brother's game data for some games getting wiped after he encountered a hacker in MW2. Heh. Not to say modding and such are bad things but in the console enviroment, regular folks really don't have any damn defense besides the ones put up by the companies themselves.
  25. Oh hey, Samsung network seems to updated their Android to Froyo. FINALLY.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      So I guess its only for the Epic then?

    3. staySICK


      Euro, Vibrant, and Epic have gone froyo so far.

    4. staySICK


      oh hey I just got a response via twitter that the captivate's froyo is coming tomorrow

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