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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Haha, you had to do it in picture too.
  2. Holy... remember when the United States can build stuff that fast? Yeah, me either.1 If it wasn't for the nuclear thing, I like to think Japan would/could rebuild pretty damn fast. As for the nuclear reactors, I heard that they will try to get the generators back online or something kind of fix to end all of this. 1- I'm only half kidding... and this applies to most people nowadays. To be fair, its only a road and that it will take a new pave job later but for now it will work to get from point A to B. "Only" italicized because we all know how long they can take for road improvement projects...
  3. Yeah, chances are that is THE reason why. People have to stop looking at folks back in the past being all muy serio. They're human, they fuck up and like to fuck around like we do.
  4. If I woke up just now at 11:45... that means I woke up at 10:45 in the pre time jump time... good!

    1. toxicitizen


      Ha, good point!

      That means I woke up at 1PM then.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQOvv-ykWqU
  6. Reactor 2 exploded and it seem to have damage the core. Also, there seems to be a fire as well. This is all from what I heard on the radio...
  7. Mal


    OoT but... there's more Wonders to watch!? -glee-
  8. Can someone tell me what is with the Charlie Sheen fetish at the moment?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      It's people WINNING.

      (yeah I don't know much either, celebs I don't tend to bother with)

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      some interview where he trolled everyone with a bunch of obviously planned catch phrases

    4. SomTervo


      Pfft. I'm all up for the Sheen. The interview on the news channel was the closest thing I've seen to Hunter S. Thompson since the guy died.


      Sheen just doesn't care what anyone thinks. He's gone totally wanton. It's awesome, if you ask me. There's nothing fake or planned about it, he seems totes genuinely mad from drug abuse and living extremely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5aSa4tmVNM

  9. All crazies offing themselves? Hrmm... don't know if want. I will personally be listening to this as I eat and drink like Nero.
  10. That's a pretty ingenious design measure. I have to honestly say I wouldn't have ever thought about using seawater as nuclear coolant. Water is a very good heat absorber. Not ideal for nuclear reactors but it works in a pinch like this. As for using sea water, that is the last thing they wanted to use since after all this stuff is over, they most likely will have to scrap all nuclear reactors that was cooled with seawater. Big pluses for them deciding so quickly to use sea water though. Their hearts are in the right place. Also, peteer, thanks for the link. As for helping nominally, I think the bank I go to once a week for my boss has a portion of their history as a Japanese bank. So they'll be running a Red Cross donation thing in all their branches. I think I will give what I can in the next 10+ weeks until I hit Benjamin.
  11. I hope they are right about their assessment. I just dislike the language of "very unlikely" and such. It makes me question how sure they are.
  12. If the reactor chamber is pressure is normalizing... right after the explosion. That doesn't sound good. Also: http://wwitv.com/tv_channels/6810.htm Its live right now for us English speaking folks. So yeah, from what I understand, yesterday was reactor 1. Today is reactor 3.
  13. Mal


    http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/03/11/no-the-supermoon-didnt-cause-the-japanese-earthquake/ Somewhat pushing the misinformation back. Man, just wait till the 2012-ers start shouting. I really do not look forward to next year.
  14. Hollywood science, how I love you... not. Most people already expend half of their daily Cal expendture from using 3% of their brains... 100%... we would be eating like a shrew. Muching on bacon and drinking lard.

  15. I heard the nuclear plant is getting worst. I heard on the radio... it sent a chill down my back. Is it time to pour a billion tons of concrete on it yet?
  16. OMG. Glorious 100 kills now!? I think I will hop on tonight...
  17. This is nerve racking to look at... for me anyways. http://tiny.cc/b5s6k

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Vincent (excellent name BTW), You've got a tough future ahead, look up with confidence and yourself and go out there.

  18. Tuxedo Sam is Japanese, so I'm ahead of the game! Haha! But yeah, of all countries to be hit by a major earthquakes, Japan is one of the few countries that will fair the best. After 1994(95?), I think they have been preparing for something like this but not quite this powerful. Also, I heard the magnitude of the quake might be revise to 9.0. Its on the border between 8.9 and 9.0... so who knows. The nuclear reactors problem is really is worrisome for not only Japan but the whole world. I would like to think the nuclear power to be on the rise, but the Japanese reactors meltdown... eh. Also, I think the aftermath shows why the Japanese are pretty highly regarded internationally when it comes to lawfulness. I have heard no reports of looting or anything like that. Best of luck to them all. I am confident that they got the handle on the situation. --- As a side note, seeing how the tsunami affect the West Coast of the US is pretty damn humbling. If you guys followed the Status Update box last night, I was blown away from my initial naive guess on how much it would affect us over here. It makes me believe how powerful a 9.0+ can be now. I'm glad the actual earthquake wasn't really shallow too... that would of been bad. http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Sausalitos-Tsunami-Impact-117816238.html Then there are the stuff in Crescent City, CA and in Oregon, not to forgot about Santa Cruz as well. Then there are the dude that won the Darwin Award... Also know this: This sort of trans-Pacific tsunami could be far worst as a whole.
  19. Oh wow. It really beat my 1 inch initial guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Some of the reactions seems a bit over blown from what I know from now but its a good practice run, of sorts. Hopefully it gives some people some pause next time this happens.

    3. McBeeferton


      When you said 1 inch, I... I... Well, nevermind.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!



  20. I drove about 350 miles today. Feels tired man...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Enervation


      I'm a bit concerned. An 8.9 earthquake in one of the more densely populated countries? I'm pretty sure there's been a few casualties already...

    3. Mal


      There are bound to be many casualties but I have great confidence in Japan's earthquake preparedness.

    4. TheForgetfulBrain


      One of my good friends is living there now - he's in a coastal area but was on a train at the time and said there's a good tsunami wall where he is. Crazy though.

  21. What the hell is with this rice cooker!? You can't even touch it while it cooking and after its done cooking because its way too hot to handle... I want the old one back... worked great for 11 years. Still does but the pot is pretty worn out... Remember, screw Crown or any other cheap rice cookers. :

  22. Do anyone here play Super Puzzle Fighter II?

    1. toxicitizen


      Well I have it on PS3, but I'm not very good at it and I haven't played in a while.

  23. I thought about going back then but... I could make my own grand slam that tastes better. But I love that commercial. And now this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkWHud5fM0I
  24. Ooo, a witch. Maybe we will see her melt.
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