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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP


    Cyclops never got his due in the films. X3 was the worst. It'd be the same thing if one of the Avengers sequels killed Captain America off screen. If you're not interested in Cyclops as a character I suggest checking out the new Uncanny X-Men series.
  2. I still think Amazing Spiderman is the best of the bunch, and this trailer got me even more excited for the sequel. I see a lot of people online saying there's too many villains but it's important to note that Rhino is just in the beginning and how the Osbornes factor isn't know yet. "Amazing Spider-Man 2" is a silly title, I would have called it Spectacular Spider-Man or Sensational Spider-Man. Then they could name the third or fourth film Ultimate Spider-Man and have Peter Parker die in the end, with the next film featuring Miles Morales. God, why am I not a film executive?
  3. Maybe .... IF YOU'RE A LITTLE KID! Seriously though, I'd only ever local co-op with my girlfriend but she sucks at video games. To the point that when we tried to play New Super Mario Bros Wii coop, it just resulted in me yelling at her. So for me, portability + cheaper price beats local coop.
  4. 2/3rds the price + portability > local coop.
  5. ........ Well, clearly I've been bested. I'll see myself out.
  6. ...Waaah???? Also: I don't use a grip, cause I'm not a little girl. However, to be fair, I've never tried grips.
  7. Playing the Aveline DLC on PS4. It's on Rhode Island and you're basically trying to save a girl and recruit her for the assassins. You're playing, obviously as Aveline but the guards still shout to her exactly as they did to Edward, even calling her "him", which was a strange oversight. It's pretty obvious this was a level cut from AC3, given that it's with Aveline but it could just as well be Connor.
  8. Nope, best on Vita now that those levels have been patched in. Same content, better touch screen, 20 dollars less.
  9. That commercial is great! "Hey mom, we need to upgrade our Wii so we can play a rehash of a 3DS game, a remake of a GameCube game, and another game that's out for every other platform!!" Jesus! And at this point hoping for GameCube level of success for the Wii U is being VERY optimistic.
  10. Oh! Do my Johnny Boker, Come rock and roll me over. Do! My Johnny Boker do!

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Oh, do my Johnny Boker, the skipper is a rover. Do my Johnny Boker, do!

  11. I thought AC4 looked the most different, it looks awful on Xbone.
  12. Fellowship of the PS4: we've chosen well. Allow The Verge to explain.
  13. Yeah a solid C+. Disappointing cause there's definite potential for a really good game there. Maybe with a sequel... It's indie night, I just beat Flower. Man, dem feelings!
  14. Contrast on PS4. Some really cool and solid ideas, but sometimes some of the platforming was a little frustrating. Still no idea what that ending was about.
  15. Today my boy Strangelove becomes an old man. Happy birthday, Strangelove!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mal


      You taught me how to live da bomb since you are da bomb.


      @Atomsk, we don't have no gangsters like Al Capone and his ilk. Sadness.

    3. Waldorf and Statler
    4. Pojodin


      Happy Birthday!

  16. This. So much this. I'd be so much more inclined to buy PS2 Classics if I could play them on Vita. Vice City!
  17. Welcome to the Vitabrotherhood. Prepare for a bevy of underrated games!
  18. Better than Zombie U? Ha! HA! HA! No but for realsies, I've asked for it for Christmas.
  19. That moment when you realize Luftwaffles is a legit cool person. I saw them play later this summer, what a performance! The crowd was pretty "meh" (lots of hipsters pretending to be too cool) but Jason and co gave it their all. I wish I had stuck around to meet him, but I was in a rush to catch a train so I figured "next time".
  20. We should all get matching PS4 tattoos like the cast of Fellowship of the Ring.
  21. Took me a minute to remember that reference. But, yes.
  22. It's my understanding that he steals powers from other conduits, so the first one you steal is smoke, and then neon (we saw him stealing neon in a trailer awhile ago.. I'd dig it up but I'm mad lazy, yo) and supposedly there's other powers too. And yeah, these days it's probably a good idea to just assume any voice you hear in a game is Troy Baker. The dude is everywhere. Second Son is kind of cool because if you look at his face and at Delson's face, it's totally his likeness.
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