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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Another reason why upgrading to a large drive would be a good idea.
  2. That's a good point, what could the PS4 Slim be? It's already smaller than my PS3 Slim, looks great, and has all the external hardware features you'd want.... I don't want to say it's perfect but............
  3. MJ is right, at least you can on your PS3/Vita. Don't ever buy warranties, on anything. You'll save more money in the long run.
  4. Yep, well if you can get a store to exchange your PS4 for you.
  5. Ok so since I was barely on the computer / iPad this weekend... here's what I got: Then on Saturday I decided I needed Lego Marvel.. checked Target and Future Shop, neither had it. So I tried one of the quieter EB Games in town and they didn't have any either, but the girl working there took a copy that was reserved for one of the staff and gave it to me. Sucks for that guy but good for me. So since this is my first Lego game here's a question: do you get character unlocks ONLY from beating levels or do some characters unlock through doing other things? Also is there any way to choose your characters when you're exploring the open world?
  6. My friends PS4 died on him. He was even more excited then me, went to the midnight launch, and by 24 hours later his PS4 wouldn't boot up. He called Sony, they walked him through some things, nothing helped so they offered to send him a box to ship the PS4 in to get it repaired, which would take a few weeks. Fortunately he called EB Games, and they somehow had some extra PS4s (don't ask me how, when I was there they didn't even get enough to fill their pre-orders) and offered to give him a new one. Which meant he got TWO $10 PSN vouchers.
  7. So it's implied in there that the 10th Doctor and Rose are in fact the 10th and Rose from the past, not from the alternate dimension where they're stuck. Which don't make no sense because THE DOCTOR'S HAIR IS ALL WRONG!
  8. PS3 in March? No thanks! Hurry up on the Vita port, SE!
  9. Has Ubisoft said anything more on that patch that brings AC4 to 1080p on PS4?
  10. So there's someone in the modern day stuff who, when you meet him, is doing "calibrations" to the animus, when you meet him again he describes himself as the "guy doing calibrations", thing is, the voice actor sounds a lot like Garrus from Mass Effect, I can't find any confirmation online that it's him.
  11. Nope they just took money from my card.
  12. Any of you guys want to become REAL NAME FRIENDS?! EDIT: I promise only a little stalking
  13. Mmmmm dualshock 4... baby.... how'd I ever live without you?! OH FUCK IT LOADS THE STORE SO FAST!!
  14. 88 minutes for me!!!!!! I'M FREAKING OUT GUYS! *hyperventilates* *dies*
  15. So jealous of Ethan. Tomorrow morning can't come soon enough. I was tempted for a bit tonight to go to the midnight launch but it's snowing outside, so fuck that. Yeah, I don't understand why Sony just doesn't pay to get a real Nirvana song. If they can't afford it then maybe drop the whole Nirvana thing, it is 20 years later. Amongst the PlayStation faithful, I think general consensus is Second Son is the most anticipated exclusive.
  16. GOH was always Team Pearl Jam.
  17. Remember before The Last of Us came out there was a developer video diary and fans noticed some pirate-style character designs on a monitor in the background? This must be related. I mean there was even a pirate logo on that map. Agree with Strangelove, Infamous... so good.
  18. You switched to Hyperion?! You're breaking my heart Fred!! Nah, I haven't renewed my subscription but I will when the game launches on PS4 in a few months.
  19. I could never stay mad at one of my PS4-bros. 6 hours away from midnight launches in the west coast, 3 on the east. Let's fucking do this!
  20. TCP

    Cube World

    Hurry up and bring it to consoles, Wollay!
  21. The Xbox One looks kind of bland and generic, which is too bad because I always thought the original Xbox 360 looks great. Here's another launch video from Sony. I'm sure Ethan will post it later as well, just like he did with the last one. Jerk.
  22. Oh Moffat you sly devil you!
  23. So um... yeah, anyone who's ever wondered what happened to the 8th Doctor, should watch this now:
  24. In the spring of 2004 I sold my PS2 to purchase a Fender Rumble 100 watt bass guitar combo amp. I was growing out of video games, and getting heavy into music. Since then I've gotten back into gaming (obviously!). Today I sold that very same amp and will use that money to finish paying off my PS4 on Friday morning. It's meant to be!!
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