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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Soul Sacrifice + Dragon's Dogma is killer. Plus two free games for the PS4 launch? Oh hell yeah!
  2. Yes, yes I know that, we've talked about that in this thread, what I'm wondering is how is he interacting with the 11th Doctor, unless he's just crossing his own time stream. I guess that's the easy way about it.
  3. Synopsis was released today: Still no idea where the 10th + Rose and John Hurt's Doctors are coming from. ....UNLESS.... could the alternate dimension that Rose and clone 10th live in have it's own Doctor? Was this ever stated one way or another? Maybe that Doctor never regenerated past John Hurt. Or um.. I don't know.
  4. Yeah that's it! Good to note, didn't even think of audio, and I didn't know that can't handle HD. I want to get a PC next year so it might be best to get one with an HDMI out. Steam Machine perhaps?!?!
  5. NOOB QUESTION: I have a TV with both HDMI inputs and a traditional PC input. Does the PC input have any advantages over the HDMI inputs?
  6. Just held a PS4 game for the first time. It was a special moment.
  7. So 60 dollars + 30 dollar prologue = 90 dollars. That's OK I suppose, Skyrim ended up being over 100 dollars but that had well over 100 hours of game play... If they can make something like that, then sure, but if Ground Zeroes can be beat in an hour and the Phantom Pain in 10 hours, that's not enough, IMHO.
  8. YOU SUCK ON IT! Ground Zeroes will be 20 dollars for PS3/last gen and 30 on PS4/Xbone, releasing Spring 2014! Source.
  9. That's a dungeon.. level 7 or 8 I recall.
  10. TCP


    Yeah I've seen little kids come around at 4 or 5 before, and that's fine with me, but when it's 13 year old kids, I don't know, I think it's kind of rude to go out before 6pm.
  11. TCP


    What time do kids start trick or treating in your areas? We had kids starting at 5:15 which is obnoxiously early. I don't ever remember my mom letting us out before 6pm and I don't really think I've seen kids in the neighbourhood we were in the last few years going out before 6pm, unless they were really little kids, which is totally understandable. But these goddamn little bastards were knocking on our door before Sarah was home from work, and all through dinner. Also: I hate children.
  12. Easily solution: just be a hipster like me and purchase your music on vinyl!
  13. How about an Archer game by Telltale Games?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. staySICK



    3. deanb


      "First of all it's Y Y Zed, and no it's impossible"

    4. TCP


      Hey, GOH!, I just saw a Dr. GOH! posting on Gawker. Any relation?!?

  14. For the Vita. I think I beat it too? Anyways, fantastic game. Lovely visuals and sound. There's definitely some secrets in there that I haven't figured out yet.
  15. Would you rather have Fallout 4 first or Elder Scrolls 6?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Well, according to wikipedia they were also behind Dungeon Siege III. I haven't played that but I remember it not being well-received at all. Alpha Protocol seems to get a lot of love on the internet, though. And AP can be kind of enjoyable if you can get past the serious lack of polish (but that is one gigantic if).

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I couldn't. I got about an hour in and just couldn't do it anymore.

    4. toxicitizen


      Yeah, I did the same thing when it first came out. I'm glad I've since revisited it and powered through the first few hours because it does get better. But I really can't blame you for dropping it.

  16. TCP

    Xbox One

    The Hives. The third best of the "The" bands from the early 2000s. 1. The White Stripes 2. The Strokes 3. The Hives 4. The Vines 5. The Killers
  17. Yeah they said as much in the press release. I was hoping this would be the direction they'd go in.
  18. TCP


    They could fix a lot of the continuity problems with this time traveling in DoFP. Maybe Beast went furry earlier than depicted in X2 because of umm... wibbly wobbly timey wimey? Also: agreed that a Marvel produced Xmen movie would be great, but we won't ever get that. I do still believe that Sony and Marvel will work out a deal to get Spiderman in Avengers 2 or 3 somehow. Those worlds could easily combine. Put a couple subtle Battle of New York or SHIELD references in Amazing Spiderman 2 and have Nick Fury pop up for the greatest ever post credit scene. As for the Xmen though, well I think the Inhumans are going to fill that role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  19. TCP


    Ok, I am officially hyped.
  20. Almost picked one up for myself as well but EB Games only had them in black and I want my second controller to be red or blue so I shall wait another 18 days.
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