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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I don't get the hype people put in each Sonic game. Especially the Nintendo faithful this time. Lots of 5s and 6s out there.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why can't you just like what they like? Life would be so easy.

    3. CorgiShinobi


      Sonic: Lost World was a Wii U savior? Uh, IMO NO! There was just hype that, after Colors and Generations, Lost World would be good because it resembled certain Galaxy platforming traits.

    4. FMW


      I like Sonic 3 an awful lot. Never thought this would be good though. I didn't even like Colors. Modern Sonic is horrid.

  2. Oh shit really? I will keep that in mind.
  3. Finally got around to playing GTA Online. I liked free roam on RDR just for messing around with friends but I never approached it as a serious game mode. That's because it's kind of annoying when you have a bunch of money and someone with a more powerful gun shoots you on the way to the ATM. Guess I should have been in passive mode . Also, people need to quit leaving their headsets on, and developers need to make it more obvious on how to mute all. Map it to the d-pad or something!
  4. With the next gen starting in just 28 days (hehehehehehehe) what are your wild next-gen predictions?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      You'll never find me! I've only ever been vague about my location in BC!! It's a huge province, good luck FLD!! HAHAHAHAHA

    3. toxicitizen


      How many cowboy poet could there possibly be? Worst case, I'll just follow the smell.

    4. TCP


      Curse my skills in poetry plus my love for a rural life style!

  5. There is the announced single player DLC which could be given a trailer and/or previews any day now..
  6. 29 DAYS! Screw you all, haters!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      "Dear Queen o' England, May we please change a law? Thank you so very much. Your Loving Canadians. XOXO"

    3. TCP


      Dean tried to silence me but then he realized my status posts are the heart and soul of this community.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I'm still delighted that you compared me to the GamesMaster. Also, you miss heard. Dean didn't say "Heart 'n soul". He said "arse hole". :D

  7. Trophy packs are separate so expect a lot of "dings" from Sound Shapes That could end up being the proverbial triple platinum!
  8. Is that a sonic screwdriver poking out of John Hurt's pocket?
  9. Plus with competitive multiplayer!
  10. 30 days!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. toxicitizen


      What's worse than a ban?

    3. deanb


      Time travel apparently.

    4. TCP


      EVERY DAY.


  11. Considering it's free (if you own the PS3 version..) I doubt it, though that would be cool! It'll probably be the same exact game with 1080p/60fps. I hear touch screen controls are being added to the Vita port. I'd bet that's where most of the development went.
  12. Sound Shapes is so good! I don't own Flow but since I'd get it on my PS3/PS4/PSV I'll be downloading it in November.
  13. I challenge you, Ethan!!! Hey if any of you own Flow, Flower, Sound Shapes, or Escape Plan, you'll get the PS4 versions in November as well. Sony really loves some goodwill!
  14. Like the Final Fantasy legacy series?!? Or the upcoming Dragon Quest 1-8 iOS ports?! OR Final Fantasy Type-0?!?!?!?!?!? OR A PORT OF ELDER SCROLLS III: MORROWIND?!??!?!
  15. I was prepared to drop 10 bones. You know, for the trophies. I think the only other Vita game I've spent 40 dollars on was Uncharted. :-/
  16. 40 dollars for the Angry Birds Trilogy Vita port? Hahahaha OK Rovio.
  17. One month from today I'll be unboxing my PS4.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      lol Watchdogs got pushed back to Spring 14

    3. staySICK


      I would be jelly but now that W_D has been postponed the urge to get one has subsided.

    4. TCP


      Never bought the Watch Dogs hype train. It's always important to be cautious with Ubisoft as they're better at hyping games than making games. Considering few people have ever gone hands on with the game, and that GTA V just raised the bar exceptionally high for open world city games, this could be like the release of the original Assassins Creed. We'll see in May, I suppose.

  18. Yeah. Especially when lots of people had preordered the game bundled with the PS4.
  19. BOOKMARKING THIS THEAD. If within the next 8+ years Sony removes a feature from the PS4, I'll be posting a good "I told you so". EDIT: for FDS. We all know Ethan's going to cave and get a PS4 at launch. The man bought a Wii U at launch for crying out loud!
  20. Yeah good point. Ass Creed and Watch Dogs are both open world games, one is a new IP the other is established, so releasing them at the same time could cannibalize their sales.
  22. Yes. The fact that Elder Scrolls Online is being featured in a Sony ad could indicate that the PlayStation platform is a higher priority for Bethesda so when Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 4 come out the ports could be better, the DLC could be earlier, all that jazz. Clearly two guys sword fighting is not Fallout 4, Dean.
  23. IMHO you're usually best to get in early with PlayStation consoles, at least in recent years ...unless price is a big concern for you. The original PS3's had backwards compatibility that was removed not long into the system's lifespan. The Vita has a beautiful OLED screen that's being replaced with a cheaper LCD screen.
  24. I just found the art style to be rather generic and soulless. A Link Between Worlds looks like the same art style.
  25. Why not just get it now and not have to worry about shortages? It's not going to be any cheaper in February.
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